Reneesuire - Draft Intership Plan

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Renee L.


Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Lamar University M.Ed. in Educational Technology Leadership Internship Plan: Field-based Experience Activity (Internship Plan Template) Renee L. Suire
Name of Intern

Cohort Group Date

June 23, 2011

The Field-based Experience component of the Internship Plan is a brief, but specific document indicating your overall approach to the Internship program. The Internship is organized around eight ISTE Technology Facilitator Standards, the 33 Performance Indicators and the 78 Performance Tasks. Using this document, you will identify the field-based activities you will approach and indicate which of the eight ISTE Technology Facilitation standards and 33 Performance Indicators were addressed in each activity. You will provide a brief description of each activity, resource person, and a completion date for each activity. This activity should be completed with and approved by your site mentor. You are to plan at least one activity in each of the 33 Performance Indicators found in the text. If an activity is applicable to more than one performance indicator it must be identified under all applicable tasks. Use this chart to develop your Internship Plan for Part 1 of your Week 5 EDLD 5306 assignment. When you open this file, immediately save it as yourname_Draft Internship Plan, and work on this saved file as you revise and update your plan.

Brief Activity Summary Standard I. Technology Operations and Concepts Assist teachers in the ongoing development of knowledge, skills, and understanding of technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state technology plans. TF- I.A Our district will be implementing a new program that will enable teachers to keep track of grades, attendance, and lesson plans online. It will also allow teachers to create classroom websites. I hope to provide ongoing assistance to teachers with this program. Model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. As an assistant technology coordinator at my school, I will be given the responsibility of creating and organizing technology training and staff development. These training sessions will provide teachers with a better

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Renee Suire

August 31, 2011


Renee Suire

May 31, 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

understanding of the technology tools and concepts provided by our school.

Activity Summary Standard II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences TF-II.A Provide resources and feedback to teachers as they create developmentally appropriate curriculum units that use technology. Each classroom within my school will come equipped with a brand new Smart Board. The software that accompanies each board is an excellent tool that I plan to assist and encourage each teachers use of. Assist teachers as they apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. I plan to keep up-to-date with new technology tools and offer this information to all teachers via email, staff development, newsletters, etc. Model technology integration using resources that reflect content standards. I hope to provide teachers with ideas and inspiration for using technology resources in their daily lessons. TF-II.D Provide teachers with options for management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. I plan to keep faculty members abreast of new technology tools that become avaialbe as well as make them aware of the tools that already exist and will benefit their lessons.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Renee Suire

January 1, 2012


Renee Suire

May, 31 2012


Renee Suire

May 31, 2012

Renee Suire

May 31, 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Provide teachers with a variety of strategies to use to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment and support them as they implement the strategies. Renee Suire I plan to research management strategies for classrom technology and provide teachers with this information. I hope also to aid them in applying the strategies. Assist teachers as they identify and apply instructional design principals associated with the development of technology resources. I hope to show teachers how they will incorporate technology into their lesson objectives, instructional methods, and evaluations. Renee Suire January 1, 2011 October 1, 2011


Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary Standard III. Teaching Learning, and the Curriculum TF-III.A Use methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of technology productivity tools (refer to NETS for Students). I hope to consider the NETS standards when planning all classroom lessons. Use methods and strategies for integrating technology resources that support the needs of diverse learners including adaptive and assistive technology. I plan to utilize technology to reach all learners by adding visual, auditory, kinesthetic, elements to my lessons. I also hope to incorporate small mixed-ability groups work. Use methods and facilitate strategies for teaching problem-solving principles and skills using technology resources. I will incorporate software, such as Kid Pix, Smart Notebook, Eduction City, to help students in problem-solving. Use methods and classroom management strategies for teaching technology concepts and skills in individual, small group, classroom, and/or lab settings. I will create and implement a correct usage policy within my classroom. I will also offer students lessons on cyber ethics when using the internet. Describe and identify curricular methods and strategies that are aligned with district/regional/state/national content and technology standards. I hope to become more familiar with technology standards for Louisiana. I will incorporate strategies into my lessons that match these standards.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Debra Bubenzer, Literacy Coach

May 31, 2012


Debra Bubenzer, Literacy Coach

May 31, 2012


Debra Bubenzer, Literacy Coach

May 31, 2012


Debra Bubenzer, Literacy Coach

May 31, 2012


Debra Bubenzer, Literacy Coach

May 31, 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary Standard IV. Assessment and Evaluation TF-IV.A Model the use of technology tools to assess student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. I plan to use online assessment tools and trackers and to assist any fellow faculty members in the use of them. Guide teachers as they use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. I will aid teachers as they use assessment resources, especially our new districtwide online management program. Examine and apply the results of a research project that includes evaluating the use of a specific technology. Note: This performance indicator will be revised during your Research course.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Renee Suire May 2012


Renee Suire May 2012


Renee Suire May 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary Standard V. Productivity and Professional Practice TF-V.A Identify resources and participate in professional development activities and professional technology organizations to support ongoing professional growth related to technology. I plan to sign up for and participate in various technology training courses offered by my parish and region. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. I plan to use information from my graduate courses and everyday observations of technology websites to discover and evaluate new technology and how it could benefit our schools. Assist others in locating, selecting, capturing, and integrating video and digital images in various formats for use in presentations, publications, and/or other products.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Anita Bonnette, Vice Principal

May 2012


Anita Bonnette, Vice Principal

May 2012


Anita Bonnette, Vice Principal

May 2012


Design, develop, and maintain Web pages and sites that support communication between the school and community. I plan to create a classroom webpage to keep parents and other stakeholders updated on my classroom activities.

Anita Bonnette, Vice Principal

May 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary Standard VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues TF-VI.A Develop strategies and provide professional development at the school/classroom level for teaching social, ethical, and legal issues and responsible use of technology. I hope to provide information to teachers about the aforemention issues in the form of staff development workshops. Assist teachers in selecting and applying appropriate technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. I hope to demonstrate to teachers how to incorporate different technology elements into their lessons to adress these diverse students. Assist teachers in selecting and applying appropriate technology resources to affirm diversity and address cultural and language differences.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Renee Suire May 2012


Renee Suire September 1, 2011


Renee Suire September 1, 2011


Assist teachers in selecting and applying appropriate technology resources to promote safe and healthy use of technology. I plan to make teachers aware of the correct etiquitte used online. I also hope to inform them of ethical, legal, and safety issues and will encourage them to pass the information on to their students. Recommend policies and implement school/classroom strategies for achieving equitable access to technology resources for all students and teachers. I hope to keep up with websites and companies offering grants for teachers to obtain various technology tools.

Renee Suire September 1, 2011


Renee Suire October 1, 2012

Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary EnvironmentsStandard VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology TF-VII.A Use local mass storage devices and media to store and retrieve information and resources.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Renee Suire

May 31, 2012


Use distance and online learning facilities. I plan to sign up for and participate in various technology-based professional development offered through our district/region and conducted through Blackboard, Moodle, etc. Support technology professional development at the building/school level utilizing adult learning theory. Renee Suire I hope to make everyone aware of and promote professional development offered by our parish and region. May 31, 2012 Renee Suire May 31, 2012


Renee L. Suire

Cohort 21

June 23, 2011

Activity Summary Standard VIII. Leadership and Vision TF-VIII.A Discuss and evaluate current research in educational technology. I hope to keep up with new technologies, evaluate their usefulness within our school, and make fellow teachers aware of them. Discuss the history of technology use in schools.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion May 2012

Dexter Compton, Principal


Dexter Compton, Principal

May 2012


Discuss the rationale for forming school partnerships to support technology integration and examine an existing partnership within a school setting. Attempt to unite the faculty by promoting technology use in every classroom. Conduct an evaluation of a school technology environment.

Dexter Compton, Principal

May 2012


Dexter Compton, Principal

May 2012


Examine components needed for effective field-based experiences in instructional program development, professional development, facility and resource management, WAN/LAN/wireless systems, or managing change related to technology use in school-based settings.

Dexter Compton, Principal

May 2012

Site Mentor: Name: Anita Bonnette (Please Print) Title: Assistant Principal

Signature: _Transferred by email_____________________ Date: June 25th, 2011

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