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For Immediate Release: June 17, 2011

Contact: Rep. Barbara Toles 608-266-5580

What Happened To Our Priorities

Representative Barbara Toles (D-Milwaukee) issued the following statement regarding the Assembly and Senates passage of the 2011-13 State Budget. This session is supposed to be about, jobs, jobs, jobs. I thought we were going to put Wisconsin back to work. Governor Walker boasts that Wisconsin is open for business, but the budget undermines our states future and contradicts that claim. How can we expect to attract businesses that will bring family supporting jobs to Wisconsin with an uneducated and unskilled workforce? By cutting $1.6 billion from public education our children will not receive the quality education that will allow them to compete with the best and brightest students. With a 30% cut in funding, our technical colleges will be unable to offer the courses needed to train and retrain workers to ensure that Wisconsin has a skilled workforce. Without good schools and skilled workers Wisconsin will lack the tools required to attract businesses, put people to work, and have a robust economy. # # #

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