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Your name: Alison Belton Organisation (if applicable): Pembrokeshire Tourism Email / telephone number: 01646 622228 Your address: 55 Main Street, Pembroke, Pembs. SA71 4DP Additional information: Pembrokeshire Tourism is a the largest tourism trade association in South West Wales representing over 550 tourism operators within the County. The attached Appendix 1 outlines survey responses from the recently circulated consultation. Pembrokeshire Tourism would be happy to meet to discuss any of these comments in future. Alison Belton, Chief Executive sits on the Tourism Advisory Panel

Question 1 : If you own/manage a tourist attraction do you currently have tourism signing?

Please tick



Please see attached reponse in appendix 1.

Question 2 : What other functions do you consider tourist signs should perform?

y y

Potentially raise brand awareness of Wales/regional/sub regional areas i.e. National Parks/World Heritage Centres etc Clearly there is a strong road safety role to play, further indicators on tourist signage to the actual destination in terms of distance etc would enhance the value Whilst not a primary purpose within the current system, there is nevertheless a strong role for such signage to play in terms of alerting visitors to the range of attractions/activities within a destination, through a clear structured policy. Signage could also be used to create an expectation of the destination and what visitors could expect in a simple, accurate and instant way e.g. the French model. Sense of place promoting the feel of a destination, an opportunity to enhance the journey. Could play a stronger role in traffic management in both built up and rural areas to assist in reducing traffic congestion and enhancing pedestrian safety at the same time. Correct signage can play a role in advising unsuspecting visitors of what areas/attractions/culture/heritage exists within an area which otherwise they might just drive through. Such approaches could also play a role in enhancing future visits. In progressing this enhanced role, it means that not just larger tourist attractions who sit within the footfall policy would be signposted and gives and overall feel of a destination.

Question 3: Do you feel tourist signing provides value for money as a way of communicating with visitors when compared to other methods?

Please tick



Please see Appendix 1 - 62.9% indicated YES 33.3% indicated NO Additional comments:
y y

A well developed signposting strategy can help reduce driver frustration when trying to locate attractions etc in rural areas. The cost of the signage is often very expensive for small businesses to even contemplate but this comment would be mor e aligned to an LA policy. Seasonal signposting is an issue, as often attractions can be closed out of season, therefore causing visitor frustration. A method of dealing with this needs to be sought. This is also an issue on singular signposting advertisi ng multiple venues, as one may be closed during the winter periods whilst other businesses remain open, therefore causing confusion.

Question 4 : What other methods do you use to communicate with visitors?

The tourism industry use a range of marketing/communication strategies in order to meet individual target audiences they would range from : On line own websites, third party websites, social media - facebook, twitter, linked in, flipkey, effective SEO, blogs, forums etc, google places Off line printed medium brochures, flyers, postcards, leaflets, postcards, visitor newspapers e.g. Coast to Coast etc, working with TICs TV advertising PR strategies press, familiarisation visits

Question 5: Do you think there should be a policy for the erection of tourist signs on the trunk road network different to current guidance and which is specific to Wales?

Please tick



Please see Appendix 1 - 77.7% indicated YES 18.5% indicated NO

Question 6: Do you feel that a new policy should specify lower levels of visitor numbers than current guidance that would, subject to road safety, enable more tourist attractions to qualify for c onsideration of tourism signing?

Please tick



Additional comments: y Current legislative frameworks causes a catch 22 situation with inadequate signage many businesses couldnt hope to attract the footfall required for the brown sign installations. y Non commercial attractions such as heritage sites, do feel that the footfall levels are currently too high y The issue of footfall needs to be explored fully undoubtedly some consideration should be given to scale and size of any operation.

Please see Appendix 1 - 85.1% indicated YES 14.8% indicated NO

Question 7: In addition to the above do you consider that sections of trunk road most affected by peak tourist traffic (as shown on the map in the Appendix) should have more lenient criteria than the remainder of the trunk road network?

Please tick



Please see Appendix 1 - 59.2% indicated YES 33.3% indicated NO 7.4% NO RESPONSE
Question 8: Should an attraction be required to register with an appropriate quality assurance scheme such as VAQAS or hold membership of another appropriate body e.g. National Trust, CADW or CyMAL to qualify for consideration of tourist signing?

Please tick



Please see Appendix 1 - 62.9% indicated YES 29.6% indicated NO 7.4% NO RESPONSE

Additional comments: y Quality assurance grading via Visit Wales also now includes listed , so this needs to be further discussed.
Question 9 : What other quality assurance scheme(s) would you consider appropriate?

y y

Pembrokeshire Tourism would suggest that a criteria should be membership of a tourism trade body thus ensuring that the business is keeping abreast of legislative requirements, skills development, quality, customer service thresholds, use of local foods and produce and best practice generally AA Michelin star restaurant

Question 10: Do you consider that the new policy should contain measures to control sign clutter to maintain road safety and the picturesque nature of Wales?

Please tick



Please see Appendix 1 - 70.3% indicated YES 18.5% indicated NO 7.4% other 3.7% no response

Question 11: Do you feel the existing policy meets the needs of tourist attractions when considering:

Ease of use/understanding Please tick

Yes No

Please see Appendix 1 - 29.6% indicated YES 55.5% indicated NO 14.8% No response

Transparency of application process Please tick

Yes No

Please see Appendix 1 - 18.5% indicated YES 62.9% indicated NO 18.5% no response
If you have any related issues, which we have not specifically addressed, please use this space to report them:

Some additional issues raised by the trade survey respondents are:


Where there are multi route options to a business, trade find it difficult to fund all of the required signage, opting for the one route response which clearly is often insufficient for highway safety. Pembrokeshire Tourism would ask for consideration towards a one f ee approach for all relevant major routes. Pembrokeshire Tourism would ask that transparent policy making structures from Welsh Government level translating to Local Authority level of synergised. It is currently possible to have 22 LA producing differing guidance on signage on non -trunk roads. Stronger liaison and discussion between the Trunk Road agency and local authority. Many of the issues raised within this consultation process are the responsibility of the LA and not the TRA.

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