Quality Program Requirements: MIL-Q-9858-4

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6!C I 7777706 0457703 T I



16 DECEMBER 1963




. . A i r Fwcr and the D e f e u e Supply Agen&.

All suppliesandservicesunderthe contract,. whether manufactured or performed 1.1 Applicability. Tl& specification shall within the contractor's plant or at any other npply to all supplies (including equipments, source, shall be controlled a t all points necsubsystems and systems) or services when essary to assure conformance to contractual referenced in the item specification, contract requirements. The program shall provide for or order. thepreventionandreadydetection of discrepancies and for timely and posit' Ive cor1.2 ContractualIntent.This specification rective action. Thecontractorshallmake requires the establishment of a quality proobjective evidence of quality conformance gram by the contractor to assure compliance readily available to the Government Reprewith the requirements of the contract. The sentative. Instructions and records for qunlprogram and procedures used to implement i t y must be controlled. this specification shall be developedby the contractor.Thequalityprogram,including The authority and responsibility of those procedures, processes andproductshall be in charge of the design, production, testing, documented andshallbesubject to review and inspection of quality shall be clearly by the Government Representative. The qual- stated.Theprogramshallfacilitatedetzrity program is subject to the disapproval of of minations of the effects quality deficiencies the Government Representative whenever and quality costs on price. Facilities and the cordractor's procedures do not accom- standards as drawings, engineering such plish their objectives. The Government, at its changes,measuringequipmentandthe like option, mayfurnishwritten notice of the which are necessary for the creation of the acceptability of the contractor's quality prorequired quality shall be effectively managed. mm. The program shall include an effective control of purchased materials and subcontract1.3 Summary. An effective and economical ed work. Manufacturing, fabrication and quality program, planned and developed in assembly work conducted within the contracconsonance with the contractor'sotheradplant be shall controlled completely. ministrative and technicalprograms, is re- tor's also includeefThequalityprogramshall quired by this specification. Design of the fectiveexecution of responsibilitiesshared program shallbe based upon consideration of to jointlywiththeGovernmentorrelated the technical and manufacturing aspects of Government functions, such as control of production andrelatedengineeringdesign Government property and , Government and materials. program assure The shall source inspection. areas of conndcqunte quality throughout all trnct performance; for example, design, de1.4 Relation toOtherContractRequirewlopment, fabrication, processing, assembly, ments. Thisspecification and any procedure or ilwcction, maintenance, test, packaging, document executed in implementation there*hipl~ing, storage and site installation.


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of,'shall be in addition to and not in derogacontract requirements. The tion of other n qualityprogramrequirementsset forth i this specification shall be satisfied in addition to all detailrequirements contained inthe statement of work or in other parts of the contract.Thecontractoris reqponsible for compliance with all provisions of the contractand for furnishing specified supplies and services which meet all the requirements of the contract, If any inconsistency exists between the contract schedule or its general provisions and this specification, theacontract schedule and general th5 provisions shall control. The contractor's qualitp program used in amannerto shallbeplannedand support reliability effectively.
1.5 Relation to MIG1-45208. T i specifihs gation contains requirements in excess of those in specification MIG1-45208, Inspection System Requirements, inasmuch as total conformance to contract requirements is obtained best by controlling work operations, manufacturing processes as well as. inspections andtests.

the contractor elects to follow the amend& or revised document, he shall notify the Contracting ORcer in writing of this election. When the contractor elects to follow t l l ~ provisions of an amendment or revision, he must follow them in full.


23 Ordering Government Documents. Cp . o i e s of xi9c..ticns,standardsanddrawings

requirLd by contractorsin connection with sp-ecific procurements may be obtained from the procuring agency, or 8s otherwise directed by the ContractingOfficer.
3.1 Organization. Effective management for quality shall be clearly prescribed by the contractor. Personnel performing quality functionsshallhave sufficient, well-defined responsibility,authorityandtheorganizational freedom to identify and evaluate quality problems and to initiate, recommend or provide solutions. Management regularly shall review the status and adequacy of the quality program. The term "quality program requirements" as used herein identifies the collective requirements of this specificition. It does not mean that the fulfillment of the requirements of this specification is the respc asibility of any single contractor's organization, functionor person.

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2.1 Applicable Documents. The following documents of the issue in efkt on date ,of the solicitation form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.

3 2 Initial Quality Planning. The contrac. tor, duringtheearliestpracticalphase of

contract performance, shall conduct a complete review of the requirements of the contract to identify and make timely provision for thespecial controls, processes, test e q u i p ments, fixtures,toolingand skills required for assuring product quality. Thisinitial pianning will recognize the need and provide for research, when necemary, to update inspection and testing techniques, instrurnentation andcorrelation of inspection and test results manufacturing with methods and processes. This planning will also provide to appropriate review and action assure compatibility of manufacturing, inspection, testing and documentation.
3.3 Work Instructions.Thequality program shall assurethat all work affecting

SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MILI46208 "inspectionSystem quirements MILC45662 "Calibration System Requirements


2.2 Amendments and Revisions. Whenever this specification is mended or revised 8ubsequenttoitscontractually effective date, the contractor may follow or authorize his subcontractors to follow the amended or revised document provided no increase in price or fee is required. The contractor shall not be required to follow the amended or revised document except as a change in contract. If

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MIL-Q-SB5BA Q C W 9797906 OLl59705 3 m




quality (including ruch thing8 purchasing, hmdling, machining, mwmbling, n , fabricating, processing, inspection, W g modiflcrtion, inatallation, and m y other treatment of product, facilities, - a d d r a or equipment from the orderingof materiab to dispatch of shipments) &all be pree~ribed in clearandcompletedocumentedinrtrpctionr of 8 type appropriate to the circumrtancca. Such instructions shall provide the criteria for performing the work functions and they shall be compatible with acceptance criteria for workmnnship. The instructions are intended also to m e for superviring, inspecting and managingwork. The preparotion m d maintenance of and compliance with work instructiona ahall be monitored M a function of the quality program.
3.4 Rccotda The contractor shall maintain and use m y records or data asential to the economical and cirective operation of his quality program. These records rho4 be available for review by the Government R e p resentative and copies of individual records ahall be furnished him upon request. Records are considered one of the principal forms of objective evidence of quality. The quality program ahall assure that records are complete and reliable. Inspection and M i n g mords shall, u a minimum, indicate the nature of the observations together with the number of observationsmadeand the number and type of deficiencies found. Abo, rscords formonitoringwork performance and for impection and testing ahall indicate the uceptability of work or products and the mtion WIen in connetion with denciencies. The qurlity program ah811 provide for the aMlyak md W of records M a b d r for

quality pmgram. Grrocth d will QLo n tend to the perfommce of . rupplicrr and I I vendom and w be respozuive t data m d i l o product forwardcd frOm t " C u O action ahdl include U8 minimum: (a) A ny h of & r a d uumimtian ab n la t a p d u c t bcrapped or reworked to dekrminc &nt and causes; (b) Analysis of trends in proceam or performance of work to prevent nonconf d n g product; and of r e q u i d improvt (c) Introduction menb and corrections, an initial review ad the adquacy of auch mmurea and monitorh g of the dectivenesr of corrective action


tor shall maintain and use quality cost data

u a management element of the qualityp m gram. These data shll m e the purpose of

3.6 Costs Related to

Quality. The ConoC-

identifying the cost of both the prevention and correction of nonconforming supplitr (c g., labor and material involved io material rpoilagecausedby defective work, c m o tion of defective workand for quality control exercised by the contractor a subcontmct tor'r or vendoir facilities). The specific qualiQ coot data to be maintained and tucd will be determined by the contractor. These data ahall, on request, be identified m d made availabk for "on dte" review by the Government Representrtive.

4.1 Drawings, Documentation and Chmgaa. procedure ahall k maintained that concerna itaelf with the adequacy, the c ~ m p l c t c ness and the currentnesr of drowinga and with the Conti01 of changes in d a i m . With managemant action. rclpcct t the arrentnesa of drawings and o 3.5 Cormbfve Action. The qudit) progmm changea, the contractor rhrn aamm th.t m. shall detect promptly and correct assignable ' quirementu for the point of conditiou d v c m t quality. Iksign, pur- changea are met and t a obsolete drrwinga o ht chasing, manufacturing, W i n g or other and change requirementu are removed from al pointa of h o c and um Same meam ab l operations which could result in or have r+ sulted in defective rupplics, wc s f d - recording the d h t i v e pointa shall be anve , i t i m technical dab, 8tandrrd8 or other ployed and bc available to the GovenrmQt. o With respect t design drawinga and bcelanenta of contract perfomm e which could create excessive losses or w t r must dgn rpecifcrtiona, h procedure rh.Il be v t be identified and changed as 8 resk u t?w t2ainhined that ohall provide for the C lu f


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MIL-d-7858A-~ W QC ~-~
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tion'of their engineering adequacy and an established p e r i h toassure continued acevaluation of the adequacy of proposed curacy. Theobjective is to assure that inspection and t s equipment is adjusted, et changes. Tho evaluation encompass shall replaced or repaired before it becomes inacboth the adequacy in relation to standard of measuring and curate. calibration The engineering design and practices the and be in conformity eauipment shall adequacy with respect to the design and pur- testing pose of the product to which the drawing re- with n r t a r y specification MIGc-45662. In additicn, the contractor shall insure the use lates. subcontractor and vendor With supplemental respect to speci- of only such sources that depend upon calibration systems fications, process instructions, production the accuracy of engineering instructions, industrial engineer-- which effectively contrdl measuring and testing equipment. reinginstructionsandworkinstiuctions lating to a particular design, the contractor 4.3 Production Tooling Used as Media of shall be responsibl for a review of their Inspection. When production jigs, fixtures, adequacy, currentness and completeness. The patterns and tooling masters, templates, quality program must provide complete cov- such other devices are used as media of inerage of all information necessary toproduce spection,theyshall be proved for accuracy anarticlein complete conformitywith re- prior to release for use. These devices shall guirements of the design. be proved againforaccuracy a t intervals formally established in a manner to cause '$ The quality program assure shall that their timely adjustment, replacement or rethere is complete compliance with contract pair prior tobecoming inaccurate. requirements for proposing, approving, and effecting of engineering changes. The quality 4.4 Use of Contractor's Inspection Equipprogramshallprovideformonitoring efment. The contractor's gages, measuringand fectively compliance with contractual entesting devices shall be made avaiiable for requiring approval by gineering changes use by the Government when required t a The quality determine Government design authority. conformance contract with reprogram c t a I 1 provide for monitoring effecquirements. If conditions warrant, c o n t r d tively the drawing changes of lesser importor's personnel shall be made available' for tance not requiring approval by Government operation of such devices and for verification design authorities, of their accuracy andcondition. Delivery of correct drawings and change 4.5 Advanced Metrology Requirements. information to the Government in connection The qualitp program shalI include timely with data acquisition shall an integralpart be of thequalityprograh. This includes fall identification and report to the Contracting Otficer of any precisionmeasurement need compliance with contract repuitements conexceeding the known state of the art. cerning rights and data both propriehiry and other. The qualiwprogram'sresponsibility 5. COXTROL OF PURCHASES to the for drawings and changes extend drw5.1 Responsibility. Thecontractoris reings andchanges provided by the subcontracsponsible for assuring that all supplies and tors and vendors the contract. for (subservicesprocuredfromhissuppliers contractors vendors) and conform the to 4.2 Measuring and Testing Equipment. contract requirements. The selection of The contractorshallprovideandmaintain the nature and extent of control sources and gages and other measuring and testing deexercised by the contractor shall be dependvices necessary to assure that eupplies conent upon the type of supplies, his supplier's form to technical requirements, These demonstrated capability to perform, and the devices shall be calibrated against certified qualitye6dencemade available. To assure chhurement standards which have known m adequate and economical control of such valid relationships to national standards at


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MIL-d-7B58A C E 7 7 7 7 7 0 b 0 4 5 7 7 0 7 7 E

material,thecontractorshall utilize to the applicable requirements for manufacturing, fullest extent-thjeetives evidence of quality inspecting,testing,packaging,andany requirements Government contractor for or furnished by hissuppliers.When the Govperform inspection a t a inspections, qualification or approvals. Techernmentelectsto supplier's plant, such inspection shall not be n i c a l requirements of the following nature used by contractors as evidence of effective must be included by statement or reference as a part of the reguired clear description: control of quality by such suppliers. The inclusion of a product on the Qualified Prod- all pertinentdrawings,engineeringchange orders, specifications (including inspection ucts List only signifies that at one time the systemorqualityprogramrequirements), a product which met manufacturer made specification requirements. It does not relieve reliability, safety,weight,orother special the contractor of his responsibility for furn- requirements, unusual test or inspection prospecial reviishing supplies that meet all specification re- cedures or equipmentandany quirementsperformance for or the of sion or model identification. The description of products ordered shall include a requirespecified inspections and tests for such ma'YM. The effectiveness and integrity of the ment forcontractorinspection at the subcontractor or vendor source when such action control of quality by his suppliers shall be assessed and reviewed by the contractor at is necessary to assure that the contractor's intervals consistent with the complexity and quality program effectively implementsthe quantity of product. Inspection of products contractor'sresponsibility for complete asupon delively to the contractor shall be used surance of product quality. Requirements for assessment and review to the extent nec- shall be included for chemical and physical essary adequate for assurance of quality. testing and recording in connection with the Test reports, inspection records, certificates purchase of raw materials by his suppliers. and othersuitable evidence relating to the The purchase orders must also contain a resupplier's control of quality should be used in quirementforsuchsuppIierstonotifyand the contractor's assessment and review. The obtain approval the from contractor of contractor's responsibility for the control of changes in design of the products. Necessam purchases includes theestablishment of a instructions should be provided when proviprocedure for (1) the selection of qualified sion is made for direct shipment from the suppiiers, (2) thetransmission of applica- subcontractor to Government activities. ble design and quality requirements in the 6. MANUFACTURING CONTROL Government contractsandassociatedtechn i c a l requirements, (3) the evaluation of the 6.1 Materials and Materials Control, Supadequacy of procureditems,and (4) d c eplier's materials and products shall be subtive provisions forearlyinformation feedjected to inspection upon receipt to thc back and correction of nonconformances. extent necessary to assure conformance to technical requirements. Receiving inspection 5.2 Purchasing The Data. contractor's of not be acceptable to may be adjusted upon the basis the quality qualityprogramshall assurance progr'amexercisedbysuppliers. the Government unless thecontractor r e quires of his subcontractors a quality d o r t Evidence of the suppliers' satisfactory control of qualitymaybe used to adjust the achieving control of the quality of the servamount and kind of receiving inspection. ices andsupplieswhichthey provide. The contractor shall assurethat all applicable reraw The quality program shall assure- that quirements are properly included orrefermaterials to be used in fabrication or procfor products essing of products conform to the applicable enced inallpurchaseorders on a Government con- physical, chemical, and othertechnical reultimatelytoapply a tract.Thepurchaseordershallcontain quirements. Laboratory shall testing be complete description of the supplies ordered employed as necessary. Suppliers shall bereincluding, by statementreference, or all quired by the contractor's quality program

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for inspection and monitoring shall becomplete and continuous. Corrective measures terials utilized in the production of the Parts shall be taken when noncompliance occurs. and items which they S U P P ~ Ytothe ConInspection by machine operators, automat. tractor. ~ n material nwaiting testing must w ed inspection gages, moving line or lot m m be separately identified or segregated from pling, setup o r first piece approval, producalready tested nnd approved material but tion line : a p e t i o n station, inspection or test can be released forinitial production, prodepartr I d , roving inspectors - any other viding that identification nnd control is type of inspection shall be employed in maintained. 3laterial tested approved and must be kept identified until such time aa its any combinationdesired bythecontractor which will adequately and eflciently protect identity is necessarily obliterated by processproduct quality nnd the integrity of processing. Controls will be established. to prevent ing. of materialfailingto theinadvertentuse Criteria for approval and rejectionshall pass tests. be provided for all inspection of product and 6 3 Production Processing and Fabrication. . monitoring of methods, equipment, and peras- sonnel. Means for identifying approved and Thecontractor'squalityprogrammust surethatall machining,wiring,batching, rejected product shallbe provided. of shaping and all basic production operations Certain chemical, metallurgical, biological, any type togetherwith allprocessing and sonic,electronic, and radiologicalprocesses tabricating of any typei accomplished under s are of so complex and specialized a nature ~ontrolledconditions.Controlledconditions that much more than the ordinary detailing includedocumented workinstructions, adeof work documentation is required.In efquate pr.odudion equipment, and any special fect, such processing may require an entire working environment. Documented work inwith work specification as contrasted the structions are considered to be the criteria normal work operationinstructions estabfor much of the production, processing and fabrication work. These instructions are the lished in normal plant-wide standard production control issuances such a s job operation criteria for acceptable unacceptable "workor routing books and the like. For these special manship". Thequalityprogram willeffecprocesses, the contractors'qualityprogram of tively monitor the issuance and compliance shallassure that the processcontrol prowith all of these work instructions. cedures or sptxificntions are adequateand Physical examination, measurement or that processing environments and the certifytests of the material or products processed ing, inspection, authorization and monitoring is necessary for eachworkoperation and of such processes to the special degree necesmust also be conducted undercontrolled consary for these ultraprecise and super-complex ditions. If physicalinspection of processed work functionsare provided. material i impossible or disadvantageous, s by monitoring processing indirect control 63 Completed ItemInspectionand Test. methods, equipment and permme1 shall be ing. The quality program shall assure that provided, Both phyaical inspection and procthere is a system for final inspection and test ess monitoring shal1 be provided when con- cf completed products. Such testing shall provide a measure of the overall quality of trol is inadequate without both, o r when contract o r specification requires both. the completed product shall and be performed so drat it simulates, to a sufficient Inspection andmonitoring of processed material o r products shall be accomplished in degree, end use and functioning. product any suitable systematic manner selected by Such simulation frequently involves approthecontractor. Metnods of inspection and priate life and endurance tests and qualifimonitoring shall be corrected any time their cationtesting. Final inspection and testing unsuitability reasonable with evidence i s shall provide for reporting to designers any demonstrated. Adherenceto selected methods unusualdifficulties, deficiencies or questionto exercise equivalent control of the raw ma-

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m 7777706

OLI57707 O

and positive system fr controlling nonconformingmaterial,includingproceduresfor its identification, segregation, and disposition. Repair or rework of nonconforming doamaterialshall be inaccordancewith mented procedures acceptable to the Gover?ti.4 Hzndlinp. Storage and Delivery. The ment. The acceptance of nonconfonnirg quality programshall provide foradequate supplies is a prerogative of and shall h as work and inspection instructions for hnndlprescribed by the Government and may ing, storage, preservation, packaging, and involve a monetary adjustment. All nonconof products shipping to protect the quality forming suppliesshall be positively identified and. prevent dnmage. loss, deterioration, deto preventunauthorized use, shipmentand gradation, or substitution of products. With intermingling with conforming supplies. quality program respect to handling, the Holding areas or procedures mutually agreeshall require and monitor the use of proceable to the contractor and the Government dures to prevent handling damage to articles. Representative shall be provided by the conHandling procedures of this type include the tractor. The contradurshallmake known use of special crates,boxes, containers, trans- to the Government upon request thedata portation vehicles andanyotherfacilities associated with the costs and losses in confor materials handling. Means shall be-pmne:--+ nection with scrap and with rework vided for any necessaryprotectionagainst saw t o reprocess nonconforming material to deterioration o r damage to products in stormake itc o n k m completely. age. Periodicinspection for the prevention 6.6 Statistical Quality Control and h : & " and results of such deterioration or damage s s In addition to statistical methods i. requited shall be provided. Products subject to deteri- by the contract, statistical planning, analysis, or tests and quality control procedures may be oration or corrosionduringfabrication interimstorageshall be cleaned and p r e utilized whenever such procedures are witserved by methods which will protect against able maintain required to the control of such deterioration or corrosion. When necquality.Samplingplans m a y be used when essary, packagingdesigningandpackaging tests are destructive, or when the records, shall include means for accommodating and inherentcharacteristics of the produc' r maintaining critical environrncnts within thenoncriticalapplication of theproduzt, packages, e.g., moisturecontent levels, gas indicate that a reductionin inspectic... o r pressures. The quality program shall assure testing can be achieved without jeopartiking that when such packaging environments may employ sampling quality, The contractor must be maintained, packages are labeled to iaspection in accordance with applicablemilindicate this condition. The quality program itary standards and Bampling plans !e.g., shall monitor shipping work to assure that from MIGSTD-105, MILSTD-414. or productsshipped are accompanied with reHandbooks H 106, 107 and 108). If the conquired shipping and technical documents and tractor uses other sampling plans, they shall that compliance with Interstate Commerce be subject to review by the cognizant GovCommission rules and other applicable shipernment Representative. Any sampling plan ping regulations is effected to assure safe arused shall provide valid confidence and qualrival and identification at destination: In ity levels. requirements, compliance with contractual 6.7 Indication of Inspection Status. The the quality program shall include monitoring contractor shall maintain a positive system provisions for protection of thequality of for identifying the inspectionstatus uC prodproducts during transit. ucts. Identification m a y beaccomplished by 6.5 Nonconforming Material. The contracmeans of stamps, tags, routing cards, move tor shall establish and maintain an effective tickets, tote box cards or other m l conable conditions. When modifications, repairs orreplacements are required after finalinspection or testing. there shall be reinspecof anv characteristics tion and retesting :rffected.


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M I L - Q - 7 8 5 8 A Q C ~. W 7 7 7~-7 0 6 OL157710 7 W 7
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h o l devices. Such controls shall be of a design distinctly different from Government
inspection identification.
7. COORDINATED GOVERSMENT/ CONTRACTOR ACIIONS 7.1 Government Inspection at Subcontractor or Vendor Facilities. T h e Government reserves the right to inspect at source supplies or services not manufactured or performed r ~ ? h thecontractors facility. Government inspection shallnotconstitute acceptance: nor shall it in any way replace contractor inspection or otherwise relieve the contractor of his responsibility to furnish anacceptable end item, The purpose this inspection of is to assist the Government Representative at the contractors facility to determine the or with conformance of supplies services inspection can contractrequirements.Such only be requested by or under authorization of the Government Representative. When Government inspection is required, the contractor shall add to his purchasing document the following statement: Government inspection is required prior to shipment from your plant. hs Upon receipt of t i order, promptly notify the Government Representative who normallysemicesyour plant so that appropriate planning for Governmentinspection a n be accomplished, When, underauthorization of the Government Representative, copies o the purchasing document are t o be fuinisheddirectly by the subcontractor o r vendor to the Govm e n t Representative at hin facility rather than through Government channels, the contractor shall addto his purchasing document a statement substantiallyas follows: On receipt of this order, promptly furnish a copy to the Government Representative who normally s e m ices your plant, or, if nona to the nearest Army, Navy, Air Force, or Defense Supply Agency inspection office. Ia the event the representative o r office cannot be located, our purchasing agent shouldbe notified immediately.

All documents and referenced data for purchases applyingto a Govenunentcontract shall be available for review by the Government Representative to determine cornpliance nith the requirements for the control of such purchases. Copies of purchasing documents required for Government purposes shall be furnished in accordance with the inRepresentastructions of the Government tive. The contractor shall make available to of theGovernmentRepresentativereports anynonconformancefound on Government source inspected supplies and shall (when requested) require the supplier to coordinate with his Government Representative on corrective action.
7.2 Government Property. $2.1 Govemmmt-furnished M a t e r i a I. When material is furnished by the Covernment, thecontractorsproceduresshall include at l e a s t the following: (a) Examination uponreceipt,consistent with practicability to detect damage in tran-

sit: (b) Inspection for completeness and proper W e ; (c) Periodic inspection and precauticlns to assure adequate storage conditions and to and guardagainstdamagefromhandling deterioration during storage; or (d) Functional testing, either prior to afterinstallation,orboth, as required by contract to determine satisfactory operation; (e) Identification and protection from improper use or disposition; and (f) Verification of quantity. 7.2.2 Damaged Govemment-furnished Material. The contractor shall report the to Government Representative any Government-furnished material found damaged, malfunctioning, or otherwise unsuitable for use. In the event of damage or malfunctioning during or after installation, the contractor shall determine record and probable cause and necesslby for withholding material

from use.
73.3 Bailed Property. The contractor shall, as requiredbytheterms of the Bailment Agreement, establish procedures for the adc


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quate storags, maint: a n c e and inspection of bailed Governmentproperty.Records of all inspections and maintenanceperformed on bailed property shall be maintained. These proceduresand records shall be subjectto review hy the Government Representative.

well as inspections and tests. The purpose of this control is not only to assure that particular units of hardware conform to contractual requirements, but also to assure interfece compatibility among these units of hardware when they collectively comprise major q u i 1 ments, subsystems and systems.
8 2 Exemptions. This specification will not be applicable to types of supplies for which MILI4208 applies. The following do not normally require the application of this specification: . (a) Personal services, and (b) Researchand development studies of a theoretical nature which cio not require fabrication articles. of

(The following information is provided solely for guidance in using this specification. It has no contractual significance.)
8.1 Intended Use. T i specification will hs apply to complex supplies, components, equip mentsandsystemsfor which therequireproments of MIGI-45208 are inadequate to vide needed quality assurance. In such cases, total conformance to contract requirements cannot be obtained effectively and economically solely by controlling inspection and testing. Therefore, it is essential to control work operationsandmanufacturing processes as

8.3 Order Data. Procurementdocuments should specify the title, n u m k r and date of this specification.
Preparing Activity: Air Fomc-Hq USAF

-4rrny--.MuNtions Command Nary-Omce of !Varal Matcriai Air Fome-Hq USAF DS.4-Hq DSA


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