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Q-1) ANS:

How do you rate the new distribution system? Average Good Very Good

Q-2) How is the performance of this new distribution system compared to the previous one? ANS: Same Good Very Good

Q-3) Has there been an increase in clientele of smaller brands (Owsum, Olfrute) under new system? ANS: Yes No

Q-4) Do you think new distribution system has helped you in marketing products more efficiently? ANS: Yes No

Q-5) Do you think OBs being resident of respective area of responsibility would help improve sales? ANS: Q-6) ANS: Q-7) ANS: Q-8) Yes No

Have you undergone any training program with EFL? Yes No

Do you think training will help you meet sales targets? Yes No

How long has your stay been with EFL? Between 1 & 2 years

ANS: Less than 1 year More than 3 years Q-9)

In your opinion what is the most important skill for a good Order Booker?

ANS: ___________________ Q-10) What would you recommend to increase demand/clientele?

ANS: ___________________


Q-1) ANS:

How do you rate the new distribution system? Average Good Very Good

Q-2) How is the performance of this new distribution system compared to the previous? ANS: Same Good Very Good

Q-3) Has there been an increase in clientele of smaller brands (Owsum, Olfrute, Tarrka)? ANS: Q-4) ANS: Yes No

Are you a resident of the area of your responsibility? Yes No

Q-5) Do you think being resident of the area of your responsibility would help your performance? ANS: Q-6) ANS: Q-7) ANS: Q-8) Yes No

Have you undergone any training program with EFL? Yes No

Do you think training will help you meet sales targets? Yes No

How long has your stay been with EFL? Between 1 & 2 years

ANS: Less than 1 year More than 3 years Q-9)

In your opinion what is the most important skill for a good Order Booker?

ANS: ___________________ Q-10) What would you recommend to increase demand/clientele? ANS: ___________________

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