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Anne Marie Scoops Local Survey Prize

Anne - Narie Langley Hunt a local resident from Fulham has scooped the Nasbro Survey
prize of S0. Anne Narie who attends art classes on Nondays and Wednesdays at the
Nasbro was the lucky winner out of 373 survey forms returned during a weeklong survey of
services and facilities in Nay. Nearly 2000 visits were undertaken during the week - double
the attendance of three years ago. Approval rating was very high with over 30% of
respondents regarding the services and staff 'good' and 'very good'.
High on the lists of demands was a sports pitch roof and better art and changing facilities.

Andy Sharpe CEO of Urban Partnership Croup who run the Nasbro says These results are
very encouraging a 2000 a week footfall and 30 % approval rating places Nasbro as premier
provision in Hammersmith and Fulham. ! would like to thank the staff and volunteers for
their efforts and our users for completing the survey forms. As for capital improvements to
the Centre what a better way to create jobs but invest in tomorrow's Centre today."

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