W B V E O T: Alker Udget Etoes Liminate Versight and Ransparency

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June 26, 2011

Contact: Tony Palese (262) 565-8736

Corporate tax loopholes expanded while working families see increased taxes
MADISON Following Governor Walkers veto of numerous budget provisions which would provide legislative oversight and transparent financial reporting, Representative Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse), a member of the Legislatures Joint Finance Committee, issued the following statement: Gov. Walkers decision to veto numerous financial accountability provisions from a budget already lacking in oversight is extremely troubling. Rather than working to improve the financial stability of important state programs, Walker has chosen to hide the facts and withhold valuable information from the Legislatures Joint Finance Committee. If Republicans are serious about addressing the financial challenges that our state faces, then we need to be honest about the problems that lie ahead. With $2.3 billion in new corporate tax breaks, Wisconsins working families, children, seniors, and small businesses will be forced to compete for scarce resources that are being shifted to out-of-state corporations and wealthy investors. These vetoes further reinforce the lack of shared sacrifice in this budget. While Walker has used his veto pen to expand corporate tax loopholes, he has failed to protect working families from tax increases, massive cuts to safety net programs, and reductions in local police and fire services. Throughout the budget process the Republicans have prioritized corporate profits over communities and people. Unfortunately, this budget sets the state on a path of increased corporate welfare at the expense of hardworking families, seniors, and our children.



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