Statement From Rep. Barca On Gov. Walker's Polarizing, Anti-Middle Class Budget and Vetoes

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lOR IMMLDIA1L RLLLASL (ontact: Melanie (onklin

Date: 62611 608.266.5504

Statement from Rep. Barca on Gov. Walkers polarizing, anti-
middle class budget and vetoes
Lavish in giveaways to special interests, but out of touch with the concerns of
Wisconsin families and values

MADISON Today Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the
following statement on Gov. Walkers budget vetoes and signing:

The theme of Gov. Walkers budget is that the middle class pays more and gets less. The vetoes
only amplify these trends. This budget will further Gov. Walkers reputation as the most
polarizing governor in the nation.

His vetoes dont change the fact that his budget serves corporate special interests at the expense
of Wisconsins small businesses and middle class. Time and again, Gov. Walker has gone out of
his way to limit public scrutiny of his extreme agenda and it comes as no surprise that the
governor used many of his vetoes to take away public accountability and further consolidate
power in his administration.

With $2.3 billion in tax breaks to wealthy special interests and expanded loopholes that allow
out-of-state corporations to dodge taxes, Gov. Walkers budget is lavish in giveaways to large
special interests, but out of touch when it comes to the concerns of Wisconsins middle class.

The fact that Gov. Walker would use his budget signing to applaud fellow Republicans for
their efforts to force laid-off workers to wait longer for benefits that help them put food on the
dinner table while they seek new employment in one of the worst economies shows just how out
of touch Gov. Walker is with the concerns of struggling Wisconsin families.


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