FLARToolkit HowTo

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FLARToolKit HowTo

General FLARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality applications in Flash. This means that FLAR will bring Augmented Reality to your webbrowser when you have a webcam and a recent Flash Player. FLAR is the AS3 version of [ARToolKit] but not ported from the original C version. The port is based on the Java version which is called [NyARToolKit]. FLARToolkit will detect the marker from a input image and calculate the camera position in the 3D space. FLARToolKit uses Papervision3D 2.0 for 3D visualisation. Getting Started 1. Install your WebCam 2. Install Flash (CS3 AS3 or later) 3. Download the Project files (Augmented Reality Framework) http://www.fbi.h-da.de/organisation/personen/roeder-nils.html 4. Print the AR marker ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Marker Generator\h_da Marker\h_da CG.pdf

5. Open the downloaded project (step 2) and execute it ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Framework\FLAR_CS3.fla 6. Allow Flash using your webcam

7. Hold the previously printed marker (step 4) in front of your WebCam

8. Enjoy yourself!

Create and use your own markers 1. Open the Blank marker which is included in the project files. ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Marker Generator\h_da Marker\ 2. Insert a freely chosen black / white pattern or symbol into the marker's center. 3. Print your marker and take care of it's correct size.

4. Install the MarkerGenerator from [Saqoosha] 5. Open up the MarkerGenerator app and point the marker at your webcam. When you get a red square around your marker hit Save Pattern and youre done. Your new marker is saved in the flarlogo.pat file. 6. Replace the old marker file with your new one. ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Framework\Data\flarlogo.pat 7. Open up your project and check the results.

Use your own 3D models 1. Create your own models with tools like [3DSM], [Cinema4D], [Blender], etc. You can also download free models at [TurboSquid], [GFX] etc. 2. If your model is done export it into the [COLLADA] format and copy it into your framework. ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Framework\ 3. Open up the AS file FLAR.as and take care of the correct model filename. ..\AugmentedReality\Flash\Framework\FLAR.as ...

this._cow = new Collada(cow. DAE); 8. Open up your project, compile it, and check the results. Demos based on FLAR http://www.hitlabnz.org/wiki/BlackMagic_Book http://www.strafwerk.nu/ar/

[3DSM] [Cinema4D] [Blender] [COLLADA] [TurboSquid] [GFX] [FLARToolKit] [ARToolKit] [NyARToolKit] [Saqoosha] http://www.autodesk.de/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=403786&id=12340933 http://www.maxon.net/index.php?id=190&L=2 http://www.blender.org/ https://collada.org/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page http://www.turbosquid.com/ http://gfx-3d-model.blogspot.com/ http://www.libspark.org/wiki/saqoosha/FLARToolKit/en http://www.hitl.washington.edu/artoolkit/ http://nyatla.jp/nyartoolkit/wiki/index.php http://saqoosha.net

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