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RollNo. Total No. of Questions 091 : [lbtal No. of Pages: 02

PaperID [801011
(Plcasc fill this Papcr ID in Or\Ill Shcet)

MCA (Sem.- 1") IN'I'RODUCTION INIIORMAI'IONTECI{NOLOGY(MCA - 101) TO 'Iime : 03 llours MaximumMarks: 60

Instruction to Candidates: 1) Attemptany onc question from eachsections I], C & D. A, 2) Section is compulsory. Ii 3) Usc of Non - prograrnmablc ScientificCalculatoris allowcd. Section- A (l x I0: QI) I0) (a) Statethe basicunits of thc Computcr. Narncthe thrcc subunits, which rnakeup thc CPLj and givc thc functionof eachof thc r"rnits. (b) What are thc advantages disadvantagcs and ol'microcomputcrs ovcr ntinicomputcrs? Irill in thc blanks. Ilinan, lllltlll Octal Dccimal Duodccimal Ilcxadcciura


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(t x I0 -_ I0\ rncdiafor datastoragc dcvices. Givc thcirprinciplc of Q3) (a) List various working. (b) f-istvarious irrpLrt oLrtput devices explain and any onc of them. equiprncnt. Wrat do you undcrstand by Q4) List variousdata conununication Discuss systcrn softrvars application arrri soliware? thcmwith applications

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Section- C (l x 10: I0) List namcsof someof the by eS) What do you understand operatingsystern? system from eachoperating Give at leastfour commands system. operating e6) l)iscussbriefly aboutliTP, by What do you rnderstand Internet? WWW and Intcrnctchatting Section-D 07) -l'clnet,

(I x I0 -- I0)

by What do you undcrstand MIS? At rvhat levcl this systcrnsupports managcrsI Iow is diffcrentfrorn DSS.

QS) Writeshortuotcson thc following: (a) Wcathcrforccasting. in (b) Computers Medical. Scction- E

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and to a) Convcrtthc followingniimbers octalnutnber vicc vcrsa:-

of lor is b) Why 2's complerncnt uscdin compntcrs rcprcscntation ncgativc rtuurbcrs? only' c) itcalizcan OI{ gatcusingNAND gatcs d) What is li'fP? - c) Whatis ttscof tclnct? 'l'CP/lP protocoldiflcrcntlrom OSI laycr? 0 What is and g) i)iffcrcntiatcbctwccn Ilatch Progratnming Mtrltiprogranrrnrng
( ) p c r a t i l l gs y s t c l l l .

to h) I Iow cmailis dclivcred itsrccipicnt. i) j) i1 o1whal arc tftcapplicatiops cornpgtcrs Barrks? I{OM andRAM. bctrvecn Diffcrcntiatc
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