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Motor drives

* Motor drives can be servo drive (for moderate power)or adjustable speed drive(for low power drive). * Servo is very accurate drive used to measure angular movement

Complete Servo drive

Servo Control Systems are designed with three feedback loops: Position loop Velocity loop Current loop

Types of regulation
Current (Torque) Regulation Adjusts armature voltage to change armature current Feedback = Voltage & Current Drive will provide only the current (torque) it is told Speed Regulation Drive regulates speed of motor by changing armature voltage Feedback = Speed &Current Position Regulation Drive regulates positioning device by changing the armature voltage (servo drive) Feedback = Position & Current

Selection of drives
Load profile is required

Load characteristics
 The process of selecting an adjustable AC or DC drive is one where load is primary consideration.  When considering load characteristics, the following should be evaluated:  What type of load is associated with the application ?  What is the size of the load?  Does the load involve heavy inertia ?  What are the motor considerations ?  Over what speed range are heavy loads encountered ?

Thermal consideration

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