Happy Anniversary

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Dear NYU undergrads,

GSOC-UAW is a union of grad employees, but we organize in solidarity with all of the students and workers on this campus. And that includes you! As RAs, our work is central to NYUs mission as a research university. But we have even more contact with you as undergrads in our role as TAs. Our working conditions are your learning conditionsand we want to improve both. When NYU restructured grad employee funding in 2009, the press for treat[ing] the undergraduate question as an afterthought to their focus on union-busting (Washington Square News, 4/28/09). Unlike the administration, we spend a lot of time in classrooms and we have a real, everyday interest in making your educational experience here rich and productive. You (or your family) spends a lot of money on your education. You deserve TAs whose rights as workers are respected and who are protected from abuse and intimidation. Respectfully, GSOC-UAW


TAKE ACTION! To learn more or get involved, email

gsocuaw@gmail.com. Talk to your friends, teachers, and parents about the importance of a grad union. And look out for our Facebook page, its coming soon!


Happy one-year anniversary, GSOC!
One year ago this week, we showed NYU proof once again that a majority of grad employees want GSOCUAW as their union.

Happy One-Year

Happy one-year anniversary, NYU!

Last year we asked you for voluntary recognition, but instead you chose a year of expensive, wasteful, and useless legal wrangling. Well win the legal case. So why not switch your tone from denial to dialogue? Why not spend this next year respecting our rights as workers and negotiating a contract that gives us a meaningful say in our working conditions?

From our 26 April 2010 rally where we showed NYU proof of our majority support

Were only as strong as our members! Get in touch! gsocuaw@gmail.com

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