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Impact Of Manpower Training And Development Of Workers' Productivity In a Manufacturing Company

Impact Of Manpower Training And Development Of Workers' Productivity In a Manufacturing Company PROJECT PROPOSAL TOPIC: IMPACT OF TRAINING AND MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN A MANUFACTURING COMPANY (STUDY OF CADBURY NIGERIA PLC) 1 INTRODUCTION The management of organization in a globalised economy is posing a serious challenge to the leadership skills, capability and competency of managers at the top echelon of the firms. The manufacturing companies have a more complex task as the workforce is grouped into skilled and unskilled personnel who must be organized in sophisticated and integrated pattern to strike a balance of motivated and committed personnel. Human resources being the most dynamic of all the organization s resources need considerable attention from the organization s management, if it has to realize its full potentials at work. Therefore, motivation, leadership, communication, work restructuring, payment system (compensation) as well as training and development may all be included in the issues which have to be dealt with by management of today. The manufacturing firms need regularupdate of their workforce because of new technology; new products and ne raw materials discovered as well as w new research findings that bring about new production formula. Training has been defined as an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and or skills for a definite purpose. The training process helps to improve the performance and overall efficiency of the non-managerial employees. Manpower development is used in relation to the process of helping managerial employees who perform non-routine jobs to improve their managerial, administrative and decision-making capabilities and competencies. The need to improve decisional abilities of managerial employees stems from the unpredictable nature of operational problems and environmental forces that impact on the tactical strategies and sectoral competition in the dynamic business world. The ever changing nature of policy, technology and innovation makes it imperative to train and develop...

mpact of Material Management on ProductivityA Case Study

J. Constr. Engrg. Mgmt. 115, 370 (1989); doi:10.1061/( ASCE)0733-9364(1989)115:3(370) (15 pages) H. Randolph Thomas, Member, ASCE 1, Victor E. Sanvido, Associate Member, ASCE2, and Steve R. Sanders3 Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Pennsylvania Transp. Inst., Res. Bldg. B, The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802 2 Asst. Prof., Dept. of Arch. Engrg., Engrg. Unit A, The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802 3 Grad. Asst., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Pennsylvania Transp. Inst., The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA
Recent CII research has indicated that formal material management programs have the potential to yield significant construction cost savings, yet small- and medium-sized commercial contractors may not feel that an integrated material management program is cost effective. The objective of this paper is to quantify the adverse impacts of ineffective material management practices. Data collected as part of an ongoing construction productivity study is used to analyze and compare the effects of material management practices on two steel erection projects. Rules of credit were applied to calculate the daily output. Adverse conditions caused by the lack of an effective material management program are identified, and the days on which the conditions occurred are noted. For these days, the actual daily productivity is compared with the expected productivity to determine the number of work-hours lost. The cost impact is compared to the cost of effective material management. The results show a benefits cost ratio of 5.7, favoring greater attention to material management.

How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

By Jim Sirbasku Article Source: Is your organization plagued by substandard employee productivity? Do you depend on your employees to be motivated and engaged in their work? This article will provide you with information that can help you learn how to improve productivity in the workplace so that you can maximize your bottom line. Whether you're an owner, an executive or a manager, the following information will be beneficial to you. Your employees are the most valuable asset to your organization. Keeping them engaged and motivated is the key to a successful, highly productive workforce. While some employees produce to their highest capability regardless of the incentive, others need an occasional

jump-start. When handled effectively, the result can be greater productivity and increased employee morale. Unfortunately, many organizations don't understand how to motivate their employees. They are under constant pressure to increase productivity, profitability and revenue growth and it often overshadows the importance of how an unengaged workforce can negatively affect corporate performance. What causes low productivity among your employees? It could be a number of things! Each employee is an individual and the things that affect them negatively in the workplace are unique. They could be poorly matched to a job in which they don't have the skills to be successful. It could be poor work ethic, extreme job dissatisfaction, substance abuse or difficulty with a poor manager. They may be guilty of employee theft or fraud. Whatever the factors may be, your organization must understand how to identify the root of employee behavior and how it relates to low productivity so that you can establish strategies to improve it. So, how can you improve productivity in your organization? Fortunately, employee productivity increases can be achieved by knowing more about your employees and what motivates them. Managers must find ways to understand what drives each individual employee within the context of their respective roles in the workplace. Every employee has a different reason for working. Some employees may be motivated by things like performancebased bonuses, an opportunity for a promotion, personal satisfaction, flexible working conditions or additional paid time off. Others work to accomplish goals and feel as if they are contributing to something larger than themselves. Whatever their reason may be, employees must find some satisfaction in their work or they may become unhappy and unproductive. Many companies use employee assessments to help them find ways to motivate employees as individuals. This provides better results as each employee's reason for working is unique. By using assessments, managers are able to find out what makes employees want to live up to their full potential. Assessments can also be used to match people with the work they do. By measuring the essential factors that mark the difference between success and failure in specific jobs, your organization put the right person into every position, allowing them to utilize their talents without limitations. This leads to greater job satisfaction and improved morale because your organization is staffed with a workforce of people who are highly productive, skilled and committed to doing their very best. Jim Sirbasku is co-founder and CEO of Profiles International, a leading provider of human resource management solutions and employment assessments for businesses worldwide. For more information about using assessments to improve productivity in the workplace, visit our website. Article Source: Article Source:

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