Summary - Chapter 1

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Vida, John Michael Gabriel 2005-08748

6/21/11 Legal Theory 1 Summary


A Summary of Harts Concept of Law - First Chapter H. L. Harts Concept of Law starts off with a simple question what is law? Such a question, Hart argues, is rarely asked by people, much less discussed upon even by people from the legal community. According to Hart, persistent questions remain in law and legal theory still has its perplexities. He then gives a definition of a skeletal framework commonly known or understood by most laypeople. However, for Hart such a definition is still lacking. He then presents examples such as international law and primitive law in pointing out that deviations from the skeletal framework can exist (which means that the skeletal framework cannot encompass all forms of law). Also, he presents the case that deviations in terms of degree and completeness of elements can result in confusion on what the word law really means. Hart then presents three succinct questions, namely the following: How is law different from order under duress? How is law related to morals? Is the law different from morality? How is law related to rules and rule-making? Is law really a set of rules, or is it something else? In the first question, Hart presents the thesis of law as an obligation. He then defines obligations as orders to people backed by threats. In the case of laws, it would seem that from that definition, there is use of the states police power to threaten its citizenry to comply with existing orders from the state. In that sense, penal and criminal laws fit that description. However, there are definitely numerous laws and codes that cannot fit said description. For example, international laws do not have the same force of obligation as criminal laws have. Also, it is hard to see that nations can be made to oblige under international laws. Hart also makes it a point to announce in this chapter of Austins simple concept of the law as orders backed by threats as the books rival in terms of conceptual framework.

For the second question, Hart addresses the common understanding that the law is related, or at most a branch of morality. For natural law, this is considered as a major characteristic of the theory of natural law. For most people, law is also associated with the term justice. At this point, Hart contradicts that notion by arguing that from that definition, bad laws will not be considered as laws as people can (and do) judge them to be against morality. For example, the RH Bill is seen by most Catholic bishops as immoral, yet the RH Bill, when put into effect, will still have an encompassing scope over the people as the law of the land. The same can be said with any legislation supporting any immoral proposition, such as legalization of prostitution, recreational drugs, and the like. Hart iterates that this flip-flopping definition and paradoxical logic will result in confusion of terminologies and will definitely not help define what the law means. Finally, the definition that the law is a set of rules is put into scrutiny by Hart. He then dissects on a part that also deserves attention - what does the word rules actually mean? How does the English language treat the word rule and how is it used in the English language used in legal theory? Rules as defined to be a set of accepted or enforced behaviors cannot be accepted totally without encountering additional situational problems along the road. For one, there are different kinds of rules, starting with the definition of rules made in order to determine how a certain facility of life is done (e.g how to draw up a will, how to pay income taxes) as compared to rules made in order to behave in ways that are beneficial to society by allowing or prohibiting certain behaviors. Hart also puts into contention the meaning of rules as a set of certain convergent behaviors accepted or rejected by mainstream society. In an adaptation to Harts example, the Catholic Church has insisted on the act of disturbing religious ceremonies to be of a criminal nature which is acceptable for most Catholics as it is a protection of the rules of the Church to hold their ceremonies sacred. At the same time, the Philippines has no law that promotes beer drinking during salary days (the 15th and 30th of the month) even though it has become a socially accepted routine by most of the population. Hart finally points out that rules are in a way, illusions and fictions that man has invented in order to guide behaviors to follow a certain pattern.

Such definitions, as Hart points out, may be simple enough to be understood and to provide a substitute for the term. However, these definitions cannot provide a clear picture of the term itself. Also, for the most part, using the per genus et differentiam (through genus and a difference) method would not provide clarity if the word being defined is not part of a greater family of words and definitions, or if the defined family of the word is vague in itself. In other words, a vague term can only be given a vague definition if the family it belongs to is vague itself. In this case, law cannot have a clear genus to belong to, and therefore we cannot apply per genus et differentiam in defining it. In starting his book, Hart makes it clear that these persistent questions remain to be present in contemporary times, and finding the solution is only of secondary concern to him. He states the books objective to provide a method to advance legal theory as a whole by providing a better understanding of the similarities and differences between the law, coercion or obligation, and morality as social forces.

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