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PHASES OF DRUG ACTIONPHARMACEUTIC PHASEDisintegrationDissolution Drugs becomes a solution so that it can cross the biologic barrierExcipients Fillers and inert substances:Potassium (K)Sodium (Na)Rate Limiting The time it takes the drug to disintegrate and dissolve to become available for thebody to absorb it Variables such as:pH 1 to 2Age: Young and elderlyEnteric coated/ sustained relea se capsuleFoodPHARMACOKINETIC PHASE A process of drug movement to achieve drug actionA.Absorption Movement of drug particles from the GI tract to body fluids Active absorptionPassive absorptionPinocytosis Occur at the small intestine:DiseaseDrug effectRemoval of the small intestinesFi rst Pass or Hepatic First Pass Pass from the intestinal lumen to the Liver via the Portal vein Ex. MorphineLidocaine and NitroglycerineBioavailability The percentage of the administered drug dose that reaches the systemiccirculatio nFactors that Affect Bioavailability: Drug Form Route of administration GI mucosa and motility Food and other drugs Changes in Hepatic metabolism 13

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