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Why is it so hard to quit smoking?? Here is your chance to help us find out and earn 8!

What is the study about?

We are conducting research into impulsive behaviour and the effects of smoking cues in light smokers, heavy smokers and non-smokers

What will I do?

- Approx one hour session in civic quarter - Questionnaires about how impulsive you are, your mood and your smoking behaviours - Simple computerised tasks.

Am I eligible?

We are looking for heavy, light and nonsmokers (smoked no more than 20 cigarettes in your lifetime) to take part in our research If you are attempting to quit smoking or have taken illegal substances in the last 6 months, please do not take part.

For more information about the study or if you would like to take part in the research, please contact Dr. Zo Kolokotroni Email: Tel: 0113 8124698

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