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St. Madoes Primary School Pupil Council Meeting Minutes Date: 3.6.11 Present Apologies Agenda Points 1.

Playground Toys 2. Football Most classes said they would like new playground toys. Mrs Sheldon said she would order them but keep them till next session so there were lots of new things. We also need a new toy box. We would also like some new board games for inside. Some people would like the school to play more football games against other schools teams. Mrs Sheldon explained that it was quite difficult to get the transport to take the team to other schools. She will ask Mr Crook about arranging some games. We would like new small goals for the P1- 3s as the nets are all torn. Mrs Sheldon will price new goals. We would like new lines on the grass for the football pitch P3/4 find that some classes have very loud music on when using the hall for various activities. Please could they remember that they are right next door Some classes thought playtimes were getting shorter. Mrs Sheldon assured them the bell is timed for 15 minutes. Some classes dont get to get changed until after the bell has gone and this makes their playtime shorter. Some are ready to go out just before the bell and they get longer. Mrs Sheldon to mention this at next staff meeting It had been suggested at the last meeting that we plant something for Mrs McKenna. Mrs Sheldon has bought two Susan Magnolias and we will plant them in the Nursery. Any child can go and look at the plants and think about her. We will let Mr McKenna know we have done this. Mrs Sheldon told everyone this would be her last meeting with the Pupil Council as she is retiring at the end of term. The PC said they were sad. She is going to present a new trophy the Poetry Quaich to a P5 for Wild life poetry and she has ordered something for the playground (a surprise). Mrs Sheldon asked what the children would like the new Head teacher to be like. People said: friendly, funny, chatty, nice. Mrs Sheldon said she was sure he/she would be all these things. Mrs Sheldon wished every one good luck. Action to be taken Mrs Sheldon to order new toys and toy boxes Ben and Mrs Sheldon to speak to Mr Crook Mrs S has informed council Classes in gym to remember this Mrs Sheldon to mention to teachers Mrs Sheldon, William. Ben, James McL, Megan S, Max, Hannah, Jack, John, Scott, Thomas

3 P3/4

4. Playtimes

5. Mrs McKenna

Mrs S to tell Mr McKenna

6. Mrs Sheldon is retiring


To be set next term with new Head Teacher

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