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Invasive Species Project Chapter 3 & 4

1. Choose an invasive species that is found in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of

Natural Resources (DNR) website has a complete listing of all the invasive species in Wisconsin for you to choose from. Please visit 2. Perform additional research on your chosen invasive species. Please have at least five sources. Wikipedia does not count!
3. Create a Glog an online multimedia poster at Use text, photos,

videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data attachments, and anything else you can think of to display your information. 4. Questions you must answer in your Glog:

In what area of the world did your species originate?

How and when did it reach Wisconsin? What are its particular needs space, water, food, etc.? Where is it found in Wisconsin? How does it interact with other species both native and nonnative? Why does it thrive in this ecosystem? What is the impact of this species on the ecosystem? How are humans affected by this invasive species? What measures have been taken, locally and in other parts of the country or world, to control this species? 5. Please include all sources on your Glog.
6. This project will be worth 100 points and is due the day of the Chapter 4 test. On or

before the due date, you must copy and paste the URL for your Glog and email it to Mrs. Reed at

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