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TO MEASURE INFILTRATION RATE OF CED SOIL USING FLODDIND TYPE DOUBLE RING INFILTROMETER. STANDARDS: D-3385-94 (ASTM-1999). APPARATUS: y y y y y y y y Flooding type infiltrometer. Burette. Measuring cylinder. Thermometer. Screen. Shovel. Hammer. Stopwatch.

THEORY: INFILTRATION: Infiltration is the process by which enters the soil from the ground surface Infiltration first replenishes the soil moisture deficiency Infiltration is responsible for subsurface and ground water flow The supply to ground water reservoir also depends upon infiltration The infiltration rate is used for the computation of the water loss due to infiltration for the determination of the surface runoff

INFILTRATION RATE: y Rate at which water enters the soil at the surface (in/hr or cm/hr).

CUMULATIVE INFILTRATION: y Accumulated depth of water infiltrating during given time period.

FACTORS EFFECTING INFILTRATION RATES: y y y y y y y y y y soil moisture type of soil medium permeability vegetal cover surface fines compaction of soil available storage in soil stratum depth of surface detention temperature of water other factors

INFILTRATION METHODS: HORTON AND PHILLIPS o Infiltration models developed as approximate solutions of an exact theory (Richard s Equation) GREEN AMPT o Infiltration model developed from an approximate theory to an exact solution RECALL RICHARD S EQUATION o Assume K and D are constants, not a function of q or z o Solve for moisture diffusion at surface
f (t ) ! f c  ( f 0  f c ) e  kt


PROCEDURE: y y y y y y y y y y y Drive inner ring. Drive inner ring 10cm above ground surface Drive outer ring. Place screen on inner ring. Fill outer ring then inner ring. Start stop watch. Immediately fill cylinder to bring water level to original level,volume of water added should be noted. Repeat steps. If outer level in ring fall the add water to maintain lavel. Initially Infiltration rate is high and then become constant. After constant reading sop the experiment.

REMARKS: The test was not performed according to standards

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