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=================================================== // _____ / / \ / \ // / ____ / \ \ / \ \ / / / \ _ / / / _ / \____ \ \ _ / / _ \ \____ \ \ \ / / \ \ ____/ _ \_\ _ _ _/ _/ _ _ _ \_\ ______/ (handmade with pride) =================================================== THE EMULATOR

ATOR WITH A FUNNY NAME =================================================== THIS FAQ IS RELATIVE TO KAWAKS 1.45 (AND LATER, HOPEFULLY) IF YOU ARE USING AN OLDER KAWAKS, PLEASE UPGRADE, BECAUSE THE BUGS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ARE LIKELY TO BE FIXED NOW. http://kawaks.retrogames.com First of all, I'd like to thank all those who made Kawaks possible. - The CPS2Shock team for their wonderfull work and their continuous support. - Nicola Salmoria and MAMEdev for their invaluable CPS1/2/MVS MAME drivers. - Mike Coates & Darren Olafson for their great 68000 emulation core. (used in Kawaks since 1.20) - Bart Trzynadlowski for his great 68000 emulation core (Turbo68K) and support. (used in Kawaks up to version 1.14) - Neil Bradley for his great Z80 emulation core, M-Z80 (used for CPS1&2 emulatio n) - Richard Mitton for his excellent Z80 emulation core, RAZE (used for NeoGeo emu lation) - Jarek Burczynski for his YM2151 sound core - Tatsuyuki Satoh & Hiromitsu Shioya for their YM2610 sound core - ElSemi for the nice chats, and his precious information :) - Derek Liauw aka Kreed for his awesome 2xSai/SuperSai/SuperEagle blitters - My small group of beta testers, who've been extremely patient with all my babbling and all those useless binaries I kept sending ;) - The ZLIB team. You have zipped support in Kawaks and just about any other emulator thanks to them. - Sardu for showing the way, and providing me with countless hours of intense fun :) I just hope I didn't forget anyone... Now, on to the questions. =========================================================================== HOW DO I USE THIS ? THIS GAME DOESN'T SHOW IN THE LOAD BOX WHEN I SET SHOW ONLY AVAILABLE IT SAYS "COULDN'T FIND 'SOMENAME' (SOMEODDNUMBER) FOR GAME SOMEGAME" =========================================================================== First, obviously, you need to have the roms for the game you're trying to run. Do not ask me where you can find them. Romsets have to be zipped. The zip has to have the correct name (have a look at the load box, it shows the zip name next to the game title) Make sure your zips are in a place where Kawaks knows they are.

Set up your rom paths with the item in the Files menu If you're trying to play NeoGeo games, you need NEOGEO.ZIP, with NG-LO.ROM, NEO-GEO.ROM and NG-SFIX.ROM You have to make sure your roms match the ones used by Kawaks -Try and make an Audit (tools menu) to know what's wrong -Clean up your romsets with RomCenter (http://www.romcenter.com) or ClrMAMEPro (http://www.mameworld.net/clrmame) The dat files these programs need can be generated by Kawaks (tools menu) Name errors don't matter much, but the CRC errors do matter. If you're using old neorage roms (names like N2105465.078) you may need to conv ert them with Redump (it's available on my homepage) =========================================================================== IT CRASHES ON ME ON STARTUP SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WS2_32.DLL IT CRASHES ON ME ON STARTUP SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT MFC42.DLL IT CRASHES ON ME ON STARTUP SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT MSVCIRT.DLL IT CRASHES ON ME ON STARTUP SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT MSVCRT.DLL IT CRASHES ON ME ON STARTUP SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT MSVCP60.DLL =========================================================================== These files are available on the Kawaks homepage. DLLs should be put into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory =========================================================================== NOTHING HAPPENS WHEN I TRY TO LAUNCH KAWAKS =========================================================================== You may have a wrong version of some files that are needed by Kawaks. See above. =========================================================================== KAWAKS MAKES AN ERROR LOADING [INSERTGAMENAME]. IT USED TO WORK :/ =========================================================================== Read ROMCHANGES.TXT =========================================================================== I GET AN ERROR ABOUT DIRECT SOUND =========================================================================== I bet you don't have a sound card. I'm sorry but Kawaks does need one. =========================================================================== GAMES ASK ME FOR NEO-GEO.ROM OR NG-SFIX.ROM OR NG-LO.ROM WHERE DO I STICK NEOGEO.ZIP =========================================================================== For NeoGeo games to run, you need to have the BIOS. The BIOS is composed of three files : NEO-GEO.ROM, NG-SFIX.ROM and NG-LO.ROM You must put them in a zip named NEOGEO.ZIP, which you have to store in one of your roms directories. You don't have to put NEO-GEO.ROM, NG-SFIX.ROM and NG-LO.ROM in each of your NeoGeo game zips. Just NEOGEO.ZIP is good

=========================================================================== NEOGEO GAMES DON'T DISPLAY SPRITES OR BACKGROUNDS, JUST SOME TEXT =========================================================================== You have a wrong 000-lo.lo. Get the good one (size: 64kb, CRC32: e09e253c) =========================================================================== INSERT COIN DOESN'T WORK IN NEOGEO GAMES =========================================================================== You have bad NeoGeo BIOS files (inside NeoGeo.zip). Get a correct NeoGeo.zip =========================================================================== AUDIT SAYS MY NG-LO.ROM IS BAD :( =========================================================================== The correct version of NG-LOG.ROM is 64kb. I guess you have the 128kb version. The 64kb version is actually a trimmed version of the 128kb one. Kawaks only reads the first 64kb of the NG-LO.ROM you have, so in the end for the emulator, it's just as if you had the 64kb version. It changes nothing emulation-wise, so don't be alarmed, and continue to play : ) =========================================================================== THAT NEOGEO GAME IS IN JAPANESE ! I WANT ENGLISH =========================================================================== Kawaks has options for you to choose the country of your virtual NeoGeo Look in the Game menu. You can choose from an arcade machine or a console, and between Japanese/European and American. Sometimes though, the European of a game is still in Japanese... =========================================================================== NOTHING HAPPENS AFTER LOADING THE ROM =========================================================================== Yes, games do not start automatically. You have to press Enter, or use that Start/Pause emulation item in the Files menu. This is the way it is because it allows one (like me) to start using the 68000 debugger before the CPU starts running. It also allows to change potential emulation options before the game starts. etc etc etc. If you don't like this, there's an Autostart option that will make games start automatically after you load them. =========================================================================== TRIPLE BUFFERING DOESN'T SEEM TO WORK FOR ME =========================================================================== First, it only works in full screen Then, make sure you haven't disabled vsync in your video card's parameters ============================================================================

WILL YOU EMULATE [INSERT GAMENAME] ? I EVEN HAVE THE ROMS !! ============================================================================ If a game is not in Kawaks, there are good reasons. Namely : CPS2 games that are not supported are not in there because ROMs are encrypted, and the extra data for decryption is unavailable. NeoGeo games that are not supported are not in there either because : - Their encryption is not figured out yet - They're a lot too recent to be included in an emulator. They still bring profit to their manufacturers. Lastly, you're just thinking about a game that runs on a totally different hardware than what Kawaks emulates. That includes: * Marvel Versus Capcom 2 * Capcom Versus SNK * Capcom Versus SNK 2 * Street Fighter EX 1 / 2 / 1+ / 2+ / 3 ... ============================================================================ WHAT'S WITH THE CAPCOM VS SNK BACKGROUND LOGO THEN ? ============================================================================ That's just because Kawaks emulates some Capcom and some SNK games :)) ============================================================================ IT'S SO SLOW HERE :/ HOW TO HAVE IT GO FASTER ? ============================================================================ First, you should try to modify the UseVRAM in the INI. If it's 0, set it to 1, and if it's 1, set it to 0. It can have a HUGE effect. Now, if it's still too slow, try using a faster blitter. Alternate scanlines is a lot faster than regular scanlines, and a LOT faster than 50% scanlines. Normal blitter may be a little faster than Alternate scanlines depending on the PC/gfx card. Don't enable Interframe blending, it slows things down a great deal. Then, make sure you set DisableJoystick to 1 in the INI if you don't use a joystick/pad, but you have one. Then, set a lower sound frequency. Search for SoundFrequency in the INI and set it to 22050 or even 11025. Then, you may want to disable effects like BgHi for CPS1 or Masking for CPS2. The gfx issues they fix may not be worth the slowdown for you. Then, you might want to set TaskPriority to 128 in the INI, though I'm not sur e this has a big impact. After all that, you may try and play Kawaks in fullscreen rather than windowed mode. It should be a tad faster (and it's perfectly normal).

=========================================================================== IT RUNS WAY TO FAST ! =========================================================================== Really ? Just try and see if you haven't enabled Turbo by accident :) =========================================================================== WHAT BLITTER SHOULD I USE ? =========================================================================== If you have a fast PC that can run them all, then it's just a matter of taste. Now, if you have a slower PC here's a classement of the current blitters from fastest to slowest, with a ratio to indicate approximatively related speed: Normal : Alternate scanlines: Scanlines Scanlines 50% Zoom 2x Software 2xSai Scanlined 75% 2xSai Super2xSai SuperEagle 100% 100% 180% 340% 340% 580% 590% 600% 600%

Those figures were obtained on my computer, they may differon yours, but they should give you fair idea of their respective performances already. You can see for example that Super2xSai is 6x slower than alternate scanlines. ============================================================================ HOW DO I USE KAWAKS IN 640x480 IN FULLSCREEN ? ============================================================================ Yes, you can use 640x480 by enabling Fullscreen correct ratio (smaller display ) in the menu or setting FullScreenCorrectRatio=1 in WinKawaks.ini ============================================================================ HOW DO I CHANGE DIFFICULTY AND SETTINGS IN GAMES ? ============================================================================ Press F11 while playing. You can redefine this key in the redefine keys dialog box. ("Test menu" item) ============================================================================ WHAT ARE THE DEFAULT KEYS ? ============================================================================ Test menu: F11 Reset: F10 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 Coin: Start: Up: Down: Left: Right: b1: F3 F1 Up Down Left Right A

P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2

b2: b3: b4: b5: b6: Coin: Start: Up: Down: Left: Right: b1: b2: b3: b4: b5: b6:

S D Z X C F4 F2 U J H K Insert Home PgUp Del End PgDn

P3 and P4 work, you can define their keys, but they are by default undefined. ============================================================================ WHAT ARE MACROS, HOW DO THEY WORK ? ============================================================================ Macros are a powerful features that allows you to map a complex movement to a simple key/button ! For example, you can set the 'Q' key to make a Hadoken, or a super, or whateve r you like. You define your macros in each game's INI. That's sfa.ini, xmcota.ini, etc Each player has 10 personnal macros Macros are U D L or B R or F 1 2 3 4 5 6 S ~ , + composed of the chars : for Up for Down for Left/Back for Right/Forward for Button 1 for Button 2 for Button 3 for Button 4 for Button 5 for Button 6 for Start for 'Hold this for 20 frames' for "next frame" says the macro will accept player input during its execution

For example, you'll code a Hadoken (fireball) as D,DL,L3 Here are my personnal Xmen Versus Street Fighter macros: Macro1A=D,DL,L123 Macro1B=L,D,DL123 Macro1C=36 Macro1D=1,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,6

Macro1E=D,DL,L36 Macro1F=1,,1,,L,,4,,3 Macro1G=123+ Macro1H=456+ Macro1I=B~~~,F3 Macro1J=4,+ Macro1A is Macro1B is aponX Macro1C is Macro1D is Macro1E is Macro1F is Macro1G is ime Macro1H is ime Macro1I is Macro1J is ro performs. hard kick". Basically, I use it to trigger ChunLi's lightning kicks :D Now when you've define your macros' behaviour, you have to assign them to keys . Key_Macro1A executes Macro1A Key_Macro1B executes Macro1B ... Next, you also have to map the Macro reverse keys. The reverse macro key is used to reverse the direction of a macro: If Macro1A = D,DL,L123 pressing Key1_MacroReverse + Key_Macro1A will execute D ,DR,R123 Kawaks knows the side of your character in fighting games, you don't even have to use the reverse key to make a move because you changed side ! You can modify all the key settings in the INIs, or use Kawak's redefine keys dialog box ============================================================================ CAN YOU ADD AUTO-FIRE TO KAWAKS ? ============================================================================ Read above. For an auto-fire on button 1, the macro text is 1,+ Macro1A=1,+ for example ============================================================================ HOW DO I GET MY JOYPAD TO WORK IN KAWAKS ? ============================================================================ Doesn't work in the Redefine keys dialog ? Kawaks has some problems with some joysticks I guess yours is one of them. a super (quarter cirle forward + 3P) a another super (dragonpunch motion + 3P). I use it for Wolvie's We Strong Punch + Strong Kick a combo. LP,LK,MP,MK,HP,HK. Can you say aerial combo ? :) Team super. Ouch :P Akuma's Demon Rage 3 punch, and will allow the player to use other input at the same t 3 kicks, and will allow the player to use other input at the same t Sonic boom. Hold back for 1 second, the Forward + Strong punch Hard Kick, then release, and allow reading the controller while mac Since macros loop if you keep but button down, this macros is "Mash

I've been tolds that some people have solved the problem by downloading and in stalling the latest DirectX (http://www.microsoft.com/directx) or/and and USB service pack (some place on http://www.microsoft.com) You may want to try that too... Also, try to edit the INIs by hand, and put the joystick control codes yoursel f, you never know: 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 etc = = = = = = = Pad Pad Pad Pad Pad Pad Pad 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Up Down Left Right Button 1 Button 2 Button 3

Joystick 2 codes: add 256 to those codes. Joystick 3 codes: add 256*2 to those codes. etc ============================================================================ HOW DO I CONFIGURE ALL MY GAMES TO USE MY KEY SETTINGS/JOYPAD AT ONCE ? ============================================================================ Modify the files named DefaultKeysCPS.ini (for CPS1 and CPS2 games) DefaultKeysMVS.ini (for NeoGeo games) Stick your customised key definitions in them. The easy way to do it is to copy/paste the information from a game's INI, if that game has been configu red. Now, every game that doesn't have an INI will be autoconfigured to use your se ttings (delete everything in the INI directory to force every game to re-read their k eys from your defaultkeys.ini) ============================================================================ HEY, THE SCANLINES ARE VERTICAL IN 19XX HAHAHAHAAHAH ============================================================================ Yup. And that's the way it's supposed to be. Remember the arcade machine has its monitor flipped 90. So the proper scanlines effect should be rotated too. ============================================================================ WHAT'S THAT MYSTERIOUS WINAMP JUKEBOX OPTION ? ============================================================================ Hehe, that's a funny, original feature :) It allows you to totally recreate a QSound game's soundtrack ! Open a WinAmp, fill its playlist with up to 64 songs (20 seems a good minimum) Now, disable QSound music, enable WinAmp JukeBox, and play a QSound game. You'll quickly understand :) =========================================================================== WHAT'S WITH NETPLAY ?

=========================================================================== Since version 1.20, Kawaks allows to play games over the internet, or on LAN. To achieve this, each instance of the emulator has to be in perfect sync with the others. So, when netplaying, Kawaks puts itself in a kind of 'safe' mode, in which the users action are limited. Namely, the emu gets hidden, keyboard shortcuts are disabled (except for Fullscreen, Alt+Enter) Basically, when you're netplaying, you're netplaying :) Not fiddling with the settings or what do I know. The "Escape" key allows one to drop the current game. Be sure to press Escape when you're done with playing. Afterwards, you can continue chatting in Kaille ra or start a new game... To exit netplay mode and return to the normal Kawaks, you have to exit the current netplay game (if any) with "Escape" and then close the two Kaillera windows. In netplay mode, you get a new ability: chatting. The chat key is "Backspace". When you hit backspace, an input line appears where you input a message. Hit Enter, and it gets broadcasted to the other players. Escape allows you to cancel your input, and backspace allows to delete the previous character. Chat messages appear at the top of the screen. The way the messages scroll and the time they last is defined in WinKawaks.ini From my testing, Netplay in Kawaks is fairly smooth and stable, if you have a decent ping. (I've had some very nice games with 150ms, so you cable/adsl user s out there should be out for fun times) I believe however it is possible to improve netplay performances by decreasing the sound buffer size in the ini. This should make the eventual "freeze" times smaller. However, if someone in the netplay game has a bigger sound buffer siz e than you, it won't change anything much...

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