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IMVU clears a path for Black Market sellers to sell their products to people of all ages.

To purchase a Black Market item, customers have the option to pay directly with their credit card or sometimes even paypal, or imvu credits. Most customers use imvu credits because there are many legal and illegal credit resellers that sell them for less then 50% off of what imvu sells them at on their website. BUT the majority of users don't know where to find reseller sources, especially since the majority of imvu members are always new, leave, and get replaced with more new users. IMVU does not collect their profits directly from each sale of the products we buy from their catalogue. They make profits when customers purchase credits, buy vip, bundles from the bundle volt, etc. Their key is to make their society spend as much credits as they can, so that they will run out faster and buy more credits. This applies to both customers and developers. Why do i say they secretly support the black market? Yes, it's just a theory, but you can check it out yourself. IMVU refuses to do the necessary actions to stop the millions of black market items being accepted into their catalogue. IMVU gives the responsibility of what passes and what fails to it's entire customer community. These customers are regular people: they are not professionals, and most of them only do it fast without looking just so they can get paid their 5 credits a review, or raise their tier points if they are a developer. Not to mention the "robots" that flood this "peer review", and mis-rate the majority of the items. And let me not forget to mention the many customers that create alternative accounts to do this peer review and WANT illegal items to pass into the catalogue. IMVU refuses to hire an eligible staff to take charge of every product submission, BUT they have hired an illegitimate staff team we call as the secret police, to hunt down people who use, buy, and sell black market items. These secret staff members are basically spy-whores. They go around harassing everybody to have cyber sex with them, wither they are under age people or not, in order to try to get them to reveal their illegal black market items or show that they know other people who use them and or sell them. These people will also try to buy a black market item for you as a free gift, just so they can set you up later. These spy-whore illegitimate staff members are payed by imvu, either in credits and or in real life money. Why does imvu hire Spy-Whore Staff Members and not a team of staff members to take actual charge oh what enters the catalogue? Because then they would loose their biggest source of income from their website. Black market items are 100 times more expensive then any public product in the imvu catalogue. While a legal imvu male genitalia is prices at anywhere from 400credits to 2000credits (usually under 1000 credits), a black market male genitalia is priced at anywhere from 5000 credits to 100 000 credits. And it doesn't stop there. The majority of the black market clientele feel so dehumanized without their "closer to real life" products, that when imvu confiscates them, these customers go out and purchase the black market products over and over and over again. So imvu makes a fortune in the process. IMVU could easily split the website, and do what Second Life did. Make an entirely different chat site for teenagers, and another one for adults, and make it harder for underage users to gain access into the adult site. BUT they refuse this concept. They know that they will make more money off of children "borrowing" their parents wallets to buy these over priced items, and repurchasing them 50 times. And yes, anyone can see the black market items because they are not rated as adults only to preserve their protection. So when someone buys a black market item, they have the ability to enter a room full of general audience members under the age of 14, and wave their new toy in their faces and sexually harass them. Yes we can report them, but that's after the fact they've done it. IMVU does no action to prevent this issue because it is more profitable for them to sacrifice the children then it is to protect them.

We, the outrages regular customers of imvu are forbidden to mention any of this publicly in imvu. If we even mention the word black market or court cases or unionizing, our messages are removed from the forums and groups, and our accounts become in jeopardy of being deleted. IMVU is based is America USA, but they strip us of our right of freedom of speech. IMVU doesn't care if it's members leave because they have invested in poor business strategies that keep a high number of new members signing up, but they do nothing to make them want to stay, so the majority of them leave anyway. IMVU has found a way to make people leaving an advantage to them. If people find this place is bad, and leave, then there will be no people to warn the new comers of what this place is really about, what not to buy, where not to go. Imvu and their suck-ups say that it's our own faults for singing their agreement contract when we joined, but there are so many grey areas in that contract that people mess up by accident too easily and frequently. and oh.. when you do break the rules, imvu and their customer service never explains to you what you've done. They just suspend you account for a few weeks, and send you a short email stating simply that you have broken the rules, and post a link to their entire Terms Of Service, without pointing out of highlighting what rule you broke. Of course you're dumbfounded, so you send in a help ticket, which takes them more then a week to reply to. and when you find out that it was them who made the mistake, they never compensate you for your losses, and the damage of getting your account wrongfully suspended for a month when your a developer is greatly high. I get so sick of loosing money because of their repetitive mistakes, and i only stay in imvu because i hope that if i and other people keep trying, then we can get unionized and be protected from them robbing us blind. There are lots of fraudulent mishaps imvu and their staff members perform, but not one customer thinks it's worth going to court over because it's just an issue of 20$.. or 50$, or 100$ that imvu has stolen. and when you compare that 100$ with hiring a lawyer, setting a court date, missing a day of work, and so forth.. individual people just leave it be, and we are incredibly stupid for this, and imvu knows this for a fact, and takes advantage of it everyday.

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