Develop Leaders at All Levels

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Developing Leaders at All Levels:

The Competitive Advantage

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Develop Leaders at All Levels

F-L Data Page 1

Making the Case

Deloitte 2020 Talent Survey Bersin & Associates; UK Talent Management 2010; Enterprise Learning and TM 2011 Leadership for All; HR Executive 2010 Harvard Business Review

Filling the Leadership Pipeline; CCL Press

High Flyers; HBS, McCall The Leadership Pipeline; Jossey-Bass, Charan, Drotter, Noel
2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

Leadership at All Levels

Leadershipspecifically leadership developmentis vital to succession planning. Thats why Im working with boards and CEOs to craft a more rigorous process and put it into action.
A.G. Lafley, former CEO and chairman of Procter & Gamble.
The HBR Agenda 2011 Harvard Business Review

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

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Leadership at All Levels

Without leadership development, the bench strength of an organisation becomes weak and leadership pipelines are truncated putting the company at significant risk.
Bersin, UK Talent Management Factbook 2010

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

Leadership at All Levels

Gaps in the leadership pipeline have increased As baby-boomers start to retire or move into less demanding positions, professionals in their 30s and 40s are eager/ambitious to take the lead. Organizations are focusing heavily on emerging leaders programs to help identify young leaders, empower them to run major business
Bersins Enterprise Learning and Talent Management 2011

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

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The Times They are a Changing!

Management Association (AMA) and the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that nearly one in 10 employers have leadership-development programs open to all employees. IMPACT Group CEO and president Lauren Herring says open programs might be beneficial to companies as workforces become flatter because talent can come from anywhere.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

How Did We Get to This Spot?

Supply & Demand

1980s - Downsizing & Exodus of Middle Management

1990s - War for Talent (McKinsey)

2000s - Retirement of Boomers 2010s - DYO LAL

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

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Making the Case

Pathways & Crossroads

Without a leadership strategy, you might be producing dysfunctional leaders who lack the skills, values and emotional maturity to be effective leaders.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.



2010 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

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Whether or not you are a formal leader, you are most probably engaged in the process of leadership.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

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Developing Leaders at All Levels:

The Competitive Advantage

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Challenges of Being an Individual Contributor

As you think about the Individual Contributors in your organization (you may be one yourself), think of the challenges they (you) have in getting work done and making progress in the organization o What kinds challenges are individual contributors faced with? o What would they say they need? o Share with your neighbors.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

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Digging Deeper into Challenges

Think of a difficult situation in your work that: o You are very invested in resolving o Requires building effective collaboration and new ways of thinking o Is complex in nature there is no easy solution o The complexity might result from:

a lack of clear and agreed goals you and others struggle to coordinate the work needed to resolve the challenge not everyone is as invested in finding a solution as you are

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Making Shared Sense of Complexity

Turn to the neighbors on either side of you and share what you wrote down or thought of. o What was similar? o What was different?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 8

Effective Leadership Model: D-A-C

Direction: How will we decide on a shared direction? Alignment: How will we coordinate our work so that it fits together? Commitment: How will we maintain commitment to the collective?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Distinguishing Leaders from Leadership

While the role of developing Direction, Alignment and Commitment may fall on a leader or small group of leaders, leadership is a process rather than a person. The process of leadership calls for shared agreement on all three dimensions.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 9

Defining Leadership: D-A-C

Whether or not you are a formal leader, you are most probably engaged in the process of leadership.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

DAC Framework

Groups of People (Collectives)

Leadership Beliefs and Practices

Direction Alignment Commitment

Collective Results




2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 10

Effective Leadership
Direction-Alignment-Commitment Model
Coordinated, facing same way but lacking momentum Promises without delivery Nobody walks the talk Only easy things get done Failure to progress

Buy in but uncoordinated Competing for resources Failure to agree deadlines and ways of working

Willing cooperation - lacks purpose Inertia Running in circles Teams going nowhere fast; Everyone heading in different directions

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

How do we know if leadership is happening?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 11

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Assessing Leadership for Resolving Challenge

Select two Leadership Metaphor cards:

o o

One for where you believe leadership is currently associated with your challenge Where it needs to be in order to resolve the challenge

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 12

Look at a red-backed Leadership Metaphor Card at your seat. In what ways does it describe leadership in your organization for either of the following scenarios: + How it needs to look like to resolve the challenge you are facing? + How it looks now? + How it looked in the past? + How it looks when we are at our worst? + How it looks when we are at our best? + In general, how it needs to look like in the future? Discuss with your neighbors

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Assessing Leadership for Resolving Challenge

o o o

Where are we strong? What are we doing effectively in creating D-A-C? Where are we less effective? What might I suggest to my team or organization to facilitate more effective leadership (D-A-C) that we continue doing, stop doing, start doing? Share with your neighbors.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

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How youre perceived

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Personal Leadership Brand

o Write down how you are perceived in your organization using key adjectives and/or adverbs. o Whats your reputation? o What are you known for?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

How do you think youre perceived?

Whether you realize it or not, you have a (leadership) brand: o It is how you get work done o It is what you deliver and how you interact o Like it or not every day is a performance review

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 15

Sample Leadership Brand Statement

1. Define what is delivered: o Keeps the military employed o Readily falls off walls o Keeps generations of children amused 2. Use three words to describe HOW perceived by others: o Risk taker, passionate, entertaining 3. Develop Tagline: o Approachable, vulnerable, myth-maker

Humpty Dumpty humorous childrens book character

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Sample Leadership Brand Statement

Humpty Dumpty:
Approachable, vulnerable, myth-maker A risk takers risk taker. He is passionate and very entertaining.

Humpty is guaranteed to:

o Keep the military employed o Fall off walls on demand o Keep generations of children highly amused

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 16

Develop a Leadership Brand Statement

In your group, develop a brand for one of the following individuals: o Michael Jordan o David Beckham o Princess Diana o Mother Theresa o Gandhi o Nelson Mandela

1. What this person delivers or delivered 2. Three words describing how they are seen by others 3. Their tagline
2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

As you think about your current leadership brand

Direction: How do you help to gain agreement with others on the goals and objectives? Alignment: In what ways do you work with others to coordinate the various components of the work? Commitment: How do you work with others to ensure that you are all invested in the success of the work ?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 17

Your Leadership Brand

Discussion with a partner: o What is the brand you are currently known for? o How is your brand connected to DAC?

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

You In the Future

Select a Visual Explorer image representing How I would like to be known in the future.

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 18

Your Leadership Brand

Consider the following:

o Your Visual Explorer image o How you believe you are currently perceived o The Leadership metaphors for now and future associated with your challenge.

Develop a Leadership Brand Statement:

o The projection of how you would like to present yourself to the world based on who you are, the insights youve had during this short session, your area of work and expertise.
2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Your Aspirational Leadership Brand Action Plan


Summarize what you want to be able to deliver

o o o What you deliver #1 What you deliver #2 What you deliver #3

2. How you want to be seen by others

Three words for how you want others to describe you in the future

3. Tagline that summarizes your future brand 4. Your summary brand statement will comprise your name followed by the above three areas in reverse order (tagline follows your name). 5. What are your first few steps in creating your future leadership brand?
2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

F-L Data Page 19

Aspirational Leadership Brand

Like an elevator speech for yourself

Darren Michael Harris

3. Tagline that summarizes your future brand:

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

2. How you want to be seen by others

o o o Innovative Problem Solver Relevant Collaborative

1. Summarize what you want to be able to deliver

o o o Solid, robust designs and products Novel and sustainable approaches to old and new challenges High quality service with a smile
2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Thank You!

Leadership is a process; CCL has the resources to help you on the journey Be sure to get your Activity Map stamped Pick up a $5 coupon to be used at the CCL Bookstore in Booth #1523

2011 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

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