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Tin Ore Crusher

First the tin ore is blasted, loaded and transported to the primary crushers. Then the tin ore is crushed and screened.Tin ore will use jaw crusher,cone crusher,impact crusher to crushing.In the primary crusher, the ore is broken into smaller pieces of less than 25 centimetres in diameter. Crushed tin ore is then loaded on to a conveyor belt which takes it to the storage bin. In the storage bin, ball mills and other grinding machine grind the ore until it is a fine powder.

Extraction of Tin and Lead

The chief ore of tin is cassiterite or tinstone, SnO2. This ore contains about 10% of tin. Tin is extracted from cassiterite through the following steps: 1. The crushed ore is washed with water to remove lighter impurities. 2. The ore is then roasted to remove arsenic and sulphur as volatile oxides. 3. Tin is obtained by reducing it with coal in a reverberatory furnace; Limestone is added to produce a slag with the impurities, which can be removed.

Crude tin so obtained is contaminated with iron, lead and other metals. It is, therefore, remelted on an inclined furnace. The process is called liquation. The easily fusible tin melts away and the less fusible impurities are left behind. Molten tin is finally stirred with green poles of wood in contact with air. In this process any remaining metal impurities are oxidized forming a scum, which rises to the surface and is removed. This process is called poling.

Extracting a metal from its ore 2004 by David A. Katz. All rights reserved. Minerals are solid elements or compounds found naturally in the Earth's crust. Those minerals that contain sufficient metal to be of practical and economic use are called ores. Metals are usually extracted from ores using a combination of heating and reduction with carbon in the form of charcoal or coke. Not all metals can be extracted from their ores in this manner and may need to be extracted by a process called electrolysis. Metals with low chemical activity, such a gold and silver are normally found in their pure state. Copper, tin, lead, and iron are more reactive and must be heated with carbon to extract the metals. Aluminum, calcium, sodium and other active metals are extracted using electrolysis.

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