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120 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 CONTACT: George Cecala (202) 225-3671

For Immediate Release June 29, 2011

U.S. Congressman Seeks Justice for American Teacher Brutally Murdered in Spain
Statement of U.S. Representative Bill Posey Regarding the Case of Laura Cerna
WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Representative Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding the case of Laura Cerna:
My staff and I have been assisting in this tragic case and working with other Members of Congress to raise our concerns with Spanish officials since the Cerna family contacted my office in October. This is a heartbreaking situation and sadly, in my view, Spanish judicial officials have failed to give her case the attention that is needed. Laura Cerna was a U.S. Citizen living abroad in Seville, Spain, with her son while teaching English to students for the last several years. On August 30, 2010, she was murdered in what can only be described as a heinous act with little regard for life and human decency. The Cernas have been trying, through the display of evidence and investigation, to have the 10-15 year sentence currently being pursued by the Spanish judiciary raised to a higher penalty. Sadly, those petitions have fallen on deaf ears in the Spanish judicial system. I along with several of my colleagues, have petitioned Spanish authorities to revisit this case, consider the brutality that was displayed against Laura, a fellow American, and seek a more appropriate stronger penalty for this crime. The failure of Spanish officials to do so will send a message that the Spanish justice system does not take such heinous crimes seriously and may put others traveling abroad at risk. We have worked together to make sure every aspect of this situation is taken into account as justice is pursued. My staff has been involved in meetings and multiple correspondences with the U.S. Department of State, as well as correspondences with the Spanish Embassy in the U.S. to heighten awareness for the justice the Cernas are seeking. We have been disappointed with the lack of response from the authorities involved. My hope is that justice will finally be pursued to the fullest extent of the law so that the Cerna family can rest knowing this vicious murderer is unable to commit further crimes against humanity, and that their daughters case was given the full attention that it deserves and that justice was served. Just last week, Congressman Posey again wrote to the Spanish Minister of Justice, Francisco Caamano Dominguez, pressing his office to pursue the highest possible penalty for this heinous crime. ###

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