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Jessica Freeze Mr.

Neuburger ENG 102 June 29, 2011 Summary Kristine KerenHolocaust Survivor The Shoah foundation offers more than 52,000 testimonies of Jewish, Homosexual, and Jehovahs Witness survivors, as well as political prisoners, Sinti and Roma survivors. It also collects testimonies from the survivors of other genocides throughout recent history. These testimonies are important because they give a voice to the millions of people who died unjustly, while revealing the obstacles and triumphs of those who survived genocide. They also serve as excellent primary sources of educating the public. One particular testimony is from Dr. KristineKeren, a Jewish survivor from Lwow, Poland. Dr. Keren tells of her experiences of Russian occupied Poland, the day that the Germans invaded and took over the country, the Selektion, and her familys efforts of surviving14 months in the sewer system after the liquidation of the ghetto. Dr. Keren remembered a happy childhood before the war. Everything was the way it should beloving parents, a younger brother, a nanny,and a modern apartment with a beautiful courtyard. Those days were soon replaced with the family having their house, possessions and business confiscated by the Germans, moving to find work, finding safer hiding places, and her father bargaining with German soldiers not to be the next victims of a Selektion.Keren talked of the 14 months in the citys sewer system, at the mercy of a couple sewer workers. She discovered through her experiences the will to never give up and overcome the obstacles in life.

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Works Cited Keren, Kristine. "Holocaust Survivor Kristine Keren Testimony."Interview by Florence Schuster. USC Shoah Foundation Institute, 30 Jan. 2009. Web. 26th June 2011.

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