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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of Master in Personnel Management


I here by declare that the project titled A Project Report on HRM Practices In KOTA SUPER THERMAL POWER STATION is an original piece of research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Umesh Gramopadhy . The information has been collected from genuine & authentic sources. The work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Masters Of Personal Management to Pune University.

Place: Pune Date:

Signature: ___________________________ LOKESH UPADHYAY

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Particular Executive Summary Introduction Objective of Study Company Overview Objectives & Duties of HR department Research & Methodology Discussion & Analysis Finding Sugestion Bibliography Anexxure 5 6 8 9 12 16 21 30 32 34 36


While preparing this project report I want to acknowledge to the KSTPS group, one of the major thought leaders in the Indian scenario today. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of devotion and grat itude to Mr. for giving the opportunity to join the unit and complete my summer training in such a well managed and a reputed organization. I also want to acknowledge Mr. Pawan Sharma who taught me a great deal as we worked together and helped me in developing an insight into the systems. Last but not the least I am very grateful to all staff members of KSTPS Communication for their valuable support and cooperation and for providing a very good and friendly working environment.



Kota Super Thermal Power Station (KSTPS) has emerged as a truly State power company, with power generating facilities in all the major regions of the State . KSTPS is committed to the environment, generating power at minimal environmental cost and presenting the ecology in the vicinity of the plants. It has 7 power generating Units which contribute to 28.38% of total power supply in Rajasthan. KSTPS is ranked 2nd in Rajasthan for power generation.

In KSTPS All the HRM activities are carried down , step by step .For ex: Recruitment , selection, Safety , Welfare , Managing resources etc . Work load is divided among the different part of the structure of HR department . For Safety CISF is employed , For medical Help ambulance or dispensaries are maintained , different training programs are organized to trained new interns , freshers or employees . In KSTPS all the guidelines and rules are made or design after consider the employees needs. Every Policy is take care of the Employees satisfaction and try to maintain a healthy environment in the enterprise . If we talk about the recruitment policy of the KSTPS , Like other Government enterprise every candidate have to clear the written examination , and after that he or she is selected for the interview session , No referral policy is maintain in KSTPS .


Human resource management (HRM ) is the management of the organizations employees . This includes employment and arbitration in accord with the law , and with the companys directive .

HRM Strategies : An HRM strategy pertains to the means as to how to implement the specific function of Human resource management . An organizations HR function may possess recruitment and selection policies . disciplinary procedures , however all of these functional areas of HRM need to be aligned and correlated , in order to correspond with overall business strategies . An HRM strategy thus is an overall plan , concerning the implementation of specific HRM functional areas.

HRM Role & Significance : Human resource management is seen by practitioner in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach . Its techniques force the manager s of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce , and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such , HRM techniques when properly practiced , are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall . HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organizations .

HRM Functions : The HRM functions includes a variety of activities , and key among them is deciding the staffing needs of an organization and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs , recruiting and training the best employees , ensuring they are high performers , dealing with performance issues and ensuring your personnel and management practices confirm to various regulations . Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation , employee records and personnel policies . Usually small businesses have to carry out these activities themselves because they cant yet afford part or full time help . However , they should always ensure that employees have and are aware of personnel policies which confirm to current organization .

Today is the world of competition every company want maximized his market share in order to exist in competitive environment. This Project title is assigned to me by Kota Super Thermal Power Station , Kota . Which I have completed under the close supervision and guidance of Mr. Pawan , KSTPS Personnel Officer .

y y y y

To Study HRM practices in KSTPS . To Study the problems of HRM in KSTPS . To identify the shortcomings of HRM in KSTPS . To suggest the improving HRM practices .

Company overview
Kota Thermal Power Station
* Kota Super Thermal Power Station is the first coal based Electricity Generating Power Plant in Rajasthan. At present the total installed capacity of KSTPS is 1240MW. * Kota Super Thermal Power Station is reckoned to be one of the best, efficient and prestigious Power Station of the country. KSTPS has established a consistent record of Excellence and has earned meritorious Productivity Awards from CEA, Ministry of Power, (Govt. of India) almost every year since its commissioning in 1984. * Kota Super Thermal Power Station was awarded Golden Shield for the meritorious performance during the years 2000-01,2001-02, 2002-03 & 2003-04 from Ministry of Power ( Govt. of India). The Award was presented by His Excellency Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the then President of India on 24.08.2004 . * Kota Super Thermal Power Station was awarded Silver Shield for the year 2008-09 and Golden Shield for the year 2009-10 by Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. Jaipur for its remarkable contribution in the Energy Conservation.

Location Kota Super Thermal Power Station is located on the left bank of river Chambal in Rajasthans principal industrial city Kota. Infrastructural facilities like adequate water availability in Kota Barrage throughout the year.


Kota Super Thermal Power Station is located on the left bank of river Chambal in Rajasthans principal industrial city Kota. Infrastructural facilities like adequate water availability in Kota Barrage throughout the year.

Stage I

Unit No. 1 2

Capacity(MW) 110 110 210 210 210 195 195

Synchronising Date 17.1.1983 13.7.1983 25.9.1988 1.5.1989 26.3.1994 31.7.2003 30.5 2009

Cost(Rs.Crore) 143


3 4



5 6 7

480 635 880


SALIENT FEATURES (1) Location (2) Installed Capacity (3) Land Details (a) Plant Area (b) Ash Dump Area (4) Cooling Water (a) Source Of Cooling Water KOTA(RAJASTHAN) Installed Capacity 204Hectare 423 Hectare 31 Hectare 31 Hectare Kota Barrage (Chambal River)

(b) Method Of Cooling:

i) Unit # 1 to 5 i) Unit # 6 to 7 (5) Coal (a) Type (b) Linked Coal Mines (c) Average Ash Content

Once through Cooling System(Open Cycle)-1180 Cusecs Re-circulating through Cooling Tower - 18 Cusecs (Including Consumptive use) 31 Hectare Bituminous Coal SECL (Korea-Rewa & Korba) & NCL (Singrauli) 28-32%

(6) Fuel Oil : (a) Type (b) Capacity

Available Storage

Furnace Oil / HSD HSD - 3100 KL & FO - 18600 KL

M/s. BHEL make

(7) Steam Generator (8) Turbo Generator (9) Coal Handling Plant
(a) Stock Yard Capacity

M/s. BHEL make

5,00,000 MT

(b) Wagon Tipplers

(c) Coal Crushers

5 Nos.
10 Nos

(d) Conveyor System (10) Transmission Lines

1.595 Kms Power evacuation through 9 Nos. 220 KV outgoing feeders. Further 2 Nos. of new 220 KV feeders are under construction

Different Objectives & Duties of

Human Resource : KSTPS believes in achieving organizational excellence through Human Resource and Follows People First approach to leverage the potential of its 1200 employees to fulfill its business plan . Human Resources function has formulated an integrated Hr Strategy which rests on four building blocks oh HR viz. Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building . All HR initiatives are undertaken within this broad framework to actualize the HR Vision of enabling the employees to be a family of committed world class professionals making KSTPS a learning organization .

HR Department

KSTPS HR department was known as the personnel department and basically all their work was restricted to the administration and all .

KSTPSS human department work on the following model :

1.) Competence Building 2.) Commitment Building 3.) Culture Building 4.) Systems Building

Where the systems building include identifying the manpower and looking for these talent who are apt for the particular project work .


HR Practices in KSTPS include :


Recruitment : For the recruitment process the company conduct the all India written test, It also goes to the various recognized institutes for the campus recruitment. To introduce a dedicated cadre of the power professionals Executive Trainee Scheme was introduce talent and groom them , for the recruitment in the disciplines of Mechanical , Electrical , Civil , Control & Instrumentation and now encompasses Computer Science , HR and Finance Disciplines also .

Training & Development : A comprehensive one year training comprising theoretical inputs as well as on the job training . The new recruits are also attached with senior executives under a systematic and formal Mentor System of the company to integrate them into the culture of the Company . As part of post employment training and development opportunities , a systematic Training plan has been formulated for ensuring minimum seven man days training per employee per year and includes level wise planned intervention designed to groom people for assuming positions of higher responsibility , as well as specific need based interventions based on systematic training needs Analysis. While project training centre has specialized in imparting technical skills and knowledge , it also emphasize on management development .


JOB Evaluation : In KSTPS all the roles are uniquely defined and they have role directories . Every individual in the company is evaluated every year on the following parameters 1. KPA 2. Functional Competencies 3. Managerial Competencies 4. Core Values

: KPA include Key Performance of every employee .

JOB Analysis : KSTPS has the provision for the job rotation policy also . Every 10% of the employee are rotated in various area of the department to avoid the monitory of the work illustrate that the company . All the employees are encouraged to come up with the creative and the innovative ideas . The overall working environment of the KSTPS is employee friendly which work as the driver to the motivation of the employees .

Rewards , Incentives & Benefits : Incentive Scheme Based on the group performance . Retention Strategies They include giving Mediclaim to all employees , various monetory incentives and a favourable work environment .

Performance Management System ( PMS ) : PMS started for the alignment of the companys and employees goals . Prior to the implementation of the system, and evry employee was sensitized about the system . It is a 3 stage process : 1. Target study 2. Mid term appraisal 3. Final review

Employee relation : Demonstrating its high concern for people . KSTPS has develop strong employee welfare , health & well-being and social security system leading to high level of commitment . KSTPS offers best quality of life through beautiful township with all amenities such as educational , medical , Transportation or conveyance facility , Recreational opportunities for the employees and their family members . The motivation to perform excel is further enhanced through a comprehensive KSTPS Rewards & Recognition System .


Research Methodology


Research Methodology :
Research makes progress possible. Research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data. Research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis, collecting, organizing, evaluating data, making deduction and reaching to conclusion whether they fit into the formulation of objectives. Marketing research is used to know the wants of the customer and also to fulfill the needs of the customer. Above all is the process of research, discussed briefly in the following mentioned steps

Problem Formulation :
Analyze the working and factors of Human Resource management in KSTPS . The information has been collected from both primary sources. Primary sources like the individuals (Employees & Workers ) .


Research Method:
It is the most relevant requirement for any market researcher. Research Methodology is totally based on problem of research what we have already have defined. Research Methodology always depends on the following points

A) The increasing complexity of the Business Environment B) Technological changes. Research & Development. Product changes. IT changes .

C) Increase complexity of decision maker

Research Design:
It is a model, indicates a plan of action to be carried out in connection of this research. It provides only the guideline to the researcher to move forward. I have developed the research design on the basis of data which have been collected. Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. As such the design includes an outline of researcher work from the writing of hypothesis and the operational implementation to the final analysis of data.


Data Collection Techniques:


Primary source:

Data has been mainly collected form primary sources. The method was combination of direct personal interview backed by questionnaires method i.e. a questionnaire being drafted and data being collected by meeting Employees of HR department .

b) Secondary source :
Data have obtained regarding the information relates to industry profile i.e. industry growth, present status of industrial background, govt & trade report, company records, sales force reports etc.

Data Analysis & Discussion:

Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis have been used. The percentage of respondent in each category for each attribute has been taken to obtain meaningful information from data. Discussion means drawing interference from the collected facts after analytical study. Here, Percentage (%) technique has been used to interpret the data


Sampling Design:

Sampling Universe
The sampling universe is HR department of KSTPS .

Sampling Unit
An individual situated in the universe.

Sample Definition
Employees only .

Sample Size
Random .

Sampling Method
The sampling method followed in non-probability sampling.

Judgement Sample
Selection of individual who are good prospects for accurate information.

Sampling Tool
Questionnaire for PO & HR head .


Discussion & Analysis


Discussion & Analysis :

In every Hr department there is a HR head to know and to analyze the condition , features, characteristics and duties of HR department . To Analyze the features of HR department , Questionnaire method is being used. And the results of Questionnaire is being easily analyzed , Questionnaire is Filled by Mr. Pawan Sharma ( P.O. of KSTPS )

Q I : RECRUITMENT In this Section Important Aspects related to Recruitment process in KSTPS is being Analysed 1. Do you have a rehiring policy?

Ans. Yes. Analysis : In KSTPS labours are hired on Contract basis , and employees are rehired according to situation . For ex: Retired Employees of technical department are rehired if some advices are required.


Do you have a job rotation policy?

Ans. Yes. Analysis : Like as any other companies or organizations , In KSTPS Job rotation is done to improve the quality and knowledge of the employees.



Does the company have a referral scheme?

Ans. No. Analysis : . KSTPS is an State Govt. enterprise therefore like an others govt. enterprises in KSTPS no referral scheme is followed in KSTPS .


If yes, what is the referral amount?

Ans. No Referral scheme is followed in KSTPS . Therefore amount is Zero .


Performance Appraisal is evaluation of job performance. i.e., is evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards.


What are methods used for performance appraisal?

Ans. In KSTPS Straight Ranking method & Grading method is used for Performance appraisal , but it is not fix that every time the same policies are take into the consideration . Every time new policies are adopted according to changing time and company policies .


2. Are there any performance awards? Ans. The performance awards are not fix. Awards are given on the different criteria design and set by the Government or the HR head .


What is the frequency of the performance appraisal cycle?

Ans. Performance Appraisal cycle frequency is Yearly same as other Govt. Firm .


Do you have a variable pay policy?

Ans. No

Q III : CAR/ Vehicle POLICY:

1. Is the car owned or leased? Ans. It is not fixed that car/vehicle is owned or leased it depend on the occasion or the fund available in the company . For most of the occasion vehicles are hired because it is not possible to maintain the vehicles , only some necessary vehicles are owned or purchased according to company policies like Fire vans, Ambulance , etc .


2. Is the petrol expenses bore by the company: actual/ specify limit? Ans. Only the Higher or top level employees petrol expenses bear by the company . And the employees only have to provide the respective bill of the expenses .


Does the company pay for the drivers cost?

Ans. The driver cost for the top level employees pay by the company , this facility is not for middle level or lower level employees .

Q IV : LEAVE POLICY: In every company or enterprise a leave policy is formed to reduce the unnecessary leaves taken by the employees and control the environment of the company . In KSTPS fix periods or days are declared or limit is formed for taking the leave .


Total Leave: In KSTPS the total paid leave an employee is granted for a Non technical employee is 55 days in a year and for technical employees 44 days in a year.

2. Casual Leave: Total casual leaves an employee is granted for Non technical employee is 15 days in a year and for Technical employees it is 10 in a year .

3. Sick Leave: Total Sick leaves an employee is granted for Non technical employee is 20 days in a year and for Technical employees it is 20 in a year . But these are Half paid leaves therefore if we talk about salary the total salary they got is of 10 days only.


4. Privileged Leaves: Total Privileged leaves an employee is granted for Non technical employee is 30 days in a year and for Technical employees it is 30 in a year .

Q V : RETENTION Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee.

1. Is there any retention programs in the company? Ans. Yes. Retention program is conduct in KSTPS but only for Technical employees who work in the power plant only .

2. Does the company provide any retention bonus? Ans. No . There is no retention bonus is provide by the company to the employees .

Q VI : TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal. 1. What are training programs in your company? Ans. In KSTPS On Job Training method is being used . To provide better information and guide the employees directly .

2. How many types of training are conducted a. Technical c. Induction b. Leadership d. Any other

Ans. In KSTPS all type of training is conducted according to the company or employees requirement .

3. How frequently are they conducted? Ans. The Training program is conducted on Quarterly Basis .

4. Do you have vendors or outside trainers to conduct these programs? Ans. There is no Vendor is present to conduct the training programs , but some time Professionals are invited to provide training .

QVII : TRAVEL POLICY: KSTPS never maintain or create a travel Policy , like any other Private enterprises .

Q VIII : COMMUNICATION Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender.


1. Are there any special programs to help communication within the organization? Ans. For Communication KSTPS provide VPN and PTSX mobile facility to their employees to maintain the communication in enterprise and it also helps in speed up the work of enterprise , Because better communication mean better productivity .

2. Step up meetings (Skip a level and junior employees talk to senior managers): Ans. In KSTPS their no fix day of meeting is specified, its totally depend on the requirement of the company .

3. Town hall Meetings (CE addressing the employees): Ans. CE ( Chief Eng.) addressing the employees on quarterly basis .

Q IX : WORK LIFE BALANCE: To maintain the work life balance of the employees in the enterprise , and try to reduce the work load of the employees through different techniques , which are as follows : 1. Work from home policy Ans. In KSTPS not a such type of policies are maintain .

2. Flexi timings

Ans. Flexi Timings policies are not maintain in Govt. enterprises . In KSTPS Working Time are Fixed .

3. Reporting pattern Ans. Technical department works in 3 shifts 1.00 pm 9.00 pm , 9.00 pm 6.00 am , 6.00 am 1.00 pm And for other department Or specially HR department it is 10 am to 5 pm

Q X : OPPURTUNITIES 1. Onsite opportunities: 2. Paper presentation: 3. Awards: 4. Any other:

Ans. In KSTPS the only opportunity to get promotion or extra benefits is Awards which are given on the basis of employees behavior , work quality , and extra efforts .

Q. FUN AT WORK (List them): For Fun or Relax KSTPS provide Carom facility during lunch time , Music and Computer games .




Findings : y The Main Role of HR department i.e. Employees Satisfaction is being

fulfilled in KSTPS .

y Number of employees is not large therefore its easy to handle the policy

and applied on it .
y Promotion is only given on the merit basis . y Job Rotation Policy is applied to trained employees in different fields in a

single period .
y Rehiring & Retention Policies are only for Technical department

employees .
y Fix Time policy is maintain for whole enterprise . y Like other Private enterprises , KSTPS never design Travel policy to

provide some extra benefits for tour or holidays .

y On-Job Training method is only used in KSTPS . y Employees provide VPN & Landline facility for better communication . y HR department control the grievances of the employees .




y Flexi Time Policy should maintain to reduce the work load of technical

department employees .

y KSTPS should open or allowed some vendors to provide Training to new

aspirants or students who want to join KSTPS , it advertise the name of KSTPS and it will also increase the goodwill of the enterprise .
y Retention policy is only for Technical employees , but it should also

entertain the employees of HR & Finance department also because some old professionals knowledge is helpful to maintain or design the new policies .
y KSTPS should own some vehicles instead of hiring them because its not

possible that every time vehicle is available at the time of requirement .








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