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TAKE ACTION NOW We can live without gas; we cant live without water.
We just got word that Governor Cuomo will seek to lift the current ban on hydraulic fracturing. Please contact Governor Cuomo today and demand that he continue the moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in New York State. The fracturing process involves injecting millions of gallons of highly toxic fluids into the ground at every well site. New York State has no contingency plan either for installing filtration systems anywhere in the state or for maintaining supplies of drinking water in the event that water systems become polluted as a result of hydraulic fracturing. The experience of other states like Pennsylvania and Texas shows that the worst-case scenario can happen. Our government should not open the State to this risky form of drilling, as no one is prepared to deal with the possible consequences. The State does not have the staff to monitor the wells. There is no requirement that drilling companies demonstrate they have the capacity, knowledge, or financing to clean up a major spill of toxic liquid into a waterway or the water table. Indeed, we dont know if it is even possible to clean up such a spill. Anything less than an outright ban puts all of us at risk from drillings potential to pollute our water and food supply and cost us billions of dollars in filtration systems. For now, we must keep the moratorium in place.

CALL OR WRITE THE GOVERNOR TODAY Keep the moratorium on fracking in all of New York State
A human being will take your comments at 518-474-8390 or 518-474-1041 or you can leave a message OR write to Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo, State Capitol, Albany, N.Y. 12224 OR email the Governor at OR do all three!

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