New Interchange 1 Teachers Book

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Ease Cll me CHUCK. This unit presents the lonauege - needed for names ond ils, greetigs, and introductions. focuses on ‘Wh-questons and yes/no questions, ‘short answers, ond stotements CONVERSATION introducing yourseit ‘This exercise presents conversational expressions used for sel introductions and introduces the verb be. 1 Books open. Tell the class to look at the picture. Then ask some pre-lstening questions lke these: ‘Where are these people? Do they know each other? What's the man’s name? What are the two women’s names? 1 Play the audio program seversl times. s only listen, Esplain any unfamiliar words and expressions, such as: ello = Hi (more informal); Good momning’afternoon evening (ore formal) ‘But please eall me Dg first same is lest name = family name or fiven name) -t¥ou ean call me "But everyone uses my sme (first nave * Introduce the “Look Up and Say” technique, 2 helpful method for Ss to use whenever hey practice convergations printed in the test: Ss briefly look at 2 sentence on the page and then look up at their partner and say the sentence by relying on their short-term memory. ‘Model how to use this technique to practice this conversation, Also, encourage Ss to “act out” their parts by using gestures and displaying emotions whenever appropriate (eg., here, Ss could shake hands and sraile while practicing) Play the audio program again, stopping after each sentence, Ss listen while looking at the sentence and then look up and eay it aloud, Divide the class into pairs to practice the conversation Walk around the class and give help as needed. Optional: Books closed. Ask for volunteer pai stand up and act out the dialog. Fars more: 183k, have Ss use their real names instead of in the diolog. llengir: B) CHECKING INFORMATION This exercise practices ways to clarify or check information about people's names, using rising intonation with Wh-questions. Ag 1 Indicidually or in pairs, Ss match the quessions and responses. Play the audio program ance and then elicit, Se answers to check them, Answers 1b od. ae "© Model how to use rising intonation with Wh-questions to ‘lari or ehovs inforinatien. Ss repent. Tel) tho class te ask you each question while you demonscrace haw to ‘answer, using your real frst and last names, ™ Optional: Review the letters ofthe alphabet to help Se spell their names. 1 Pairs practice for several minates using their own names, Go sround the elass and give help as needed, B Group work * Explain the task and any new vocabulary: nickname = a name used informally instead of person's given name (eg, Lis for Elisabeth, Red for a person with red hair, Mac for Michael MacNeil) full name = a person's legal aame, including the frst, ‘middle (sometimes optional), and last names (eg. Soha Fitzgerald Kennedy) 1% Model the A’B dialog with several S¢ and try to extend {by using expressions from part A "Ss form small groups and practice introducing themselves. Optional activity: Tae name game Time: 10 minutes. Ss may enjoy this as an jeebreaker on ‘heir rst or eecoud day ni elaes. Tete fs ehosid use only fret names or both first and last names while playing the game. 1. The clase sits or stands in a circle, 2. Use something small, like a tennis ball or a paper ball Say your name and throw the bal toa 8. 8. This S quickly say’ his or her name and throws the bell twanother 8. 4. Continue until all Ss have participated. Optional: Play the game again, this time with Ss say: ing Uhe name ofthe person they are throwing the ball ro. Unit 4 El NAMES AND TITLES This exercise clarifies the use of titles with names in English and anticipates the common problem of Ss" rmisusing 0 title with a first name (eg, Mr. Dave, Miss Sharon) A = Explain that people in the United States and Canada use ‘frst names more often than titles and fast names. In situations where people cee each other regularly (eg. at work, in an English class), they usually use first names. * Optional: In @ heterogeneous class, ask how titles and names are used in the Se' native languages as compared English, 1 Write your own first and last names on the board with the correct ttle. Tel the class which name end ferm ~ formal (with a tile) or informal ~ you prefer them to use, © Regd aloud the information on addressing someone formally and informally while using the art as an exemple. Show the differences by pointing out certsin Ss ‘their full names with appropriate titles (eg, ‘Ms. Maria Cruz, Thet’s Me. Renji Saco.) and 3s ‘ing to other Ss and using their fret names or ames 12. Tals is Mila. He's Joes nounce and explain the titles inthe box: Mr. Preston), Ms. /mia!, Miss (moi, and Mrs. "msi. Go over the checklist to clarify “Single” and “Married” ‘usage. Point out that titles used wich full name (16. first and last names) or with just the family, fr last, name ~ but never with just a fist name # Optional: Explain che ticles Dr, doktor? anc Professor (prsfesor 1 To help Se say what they would like to be ealled in class, these expressions on the board Please cll me My narme i.» but pleese cal me Eeegene cals me Callon Ss to identify others in the class. Ask “Who is |. thislthat?" or “What's histher name?” Optional: Ask for one or two volunteers to name everyone Sn class, Do the same during the next few classes. Bf 1 Read the instructions al, Ply the audio program ne. Seoniy stem Audio seript 1. Cutvex: Good afternoon, onan: Good afternaon, Mr.Chang. Please sit down. 2. Ciuc: Good morning. ‘Wonax: Hello, Chuck. Nice to see you. 8. Maw: Hello, Lit Lit: Hi, How are you? 4, Laz Hi, Tm Bhizabeth Mandel ‘Max; t's oe to meet you, Ms, Mandel 8. Mace Carol. thie is Ms. Kim. osu: Pleased to meet you, Ms. Kim, anny; Nie to meet you, tes. 6.00: Hil How are you? Max: Oh, hi, Amy. T'm fine 1 Explain the task and write F for Formal” and J for Informal” on the board. Play the audio program again while S write theie answers s Elicc answers around the elass ta check them, Answers. EE CONVERSATION introducing someone ‘This exercise includes conversational expressions used for introductions and presents Wh-questions and the verb be, Ag ¥ Ack Ss to cover the dialog and look atthe picture. Ask a fos preshstenine ouestions What are ther doing? ¥ Books closed. Play the audio program. Sslisten. 1» Cheek comprehension by aching a fete simple questions like: ‘What is Paulo's friend's first name? (Tom) Where are Paulo's parents from? (Rio! Bree Books open. Pley the audio program again. ‘Explain any new vocabulary: LFoo2t 81 4F S&F 6l father/Dad - a mate parcat mother/Mom = female parent parents = a mother and a father ‘Where are you from in... (country)? = In which ety or state do you live fin your country)? B Group work Ss form small groups. Use the AB dialog with one group to model the activity, Set» time limit of about four rinutes for Ss to practice making introductions * See page 116 Please call me Chuck. EB) GRAMMAR FOCUS wh-questions and statements with be 269 ‘This grammar fevs shows how Whequestons, statements, and contractions are formed withthe terbbe. I also presents subject pronouns (eg, J e) and possessive adjectives (e 7m, As). 1 First, ose the audio program to present the questions tnd statements in the first box. Then pay the audio program agai, pausing between each exchange. Ss repent. + Optional: Pay the audio program agein, bot this time divide the elas inca to groupe: One group repeats the {questions and the other group repent the responses, Sitch rote for even more pr X= Review the fanston of pronoun: It takes the place ofa noun, Point qut that subject pronouns (e.g., he, she) Asually eke the place ofnames Tom, Amy). Write these examples on the board Sees for: the US. mils fom the US Bangs my friend = Shgis my frend. 1 Next, play the audio program to mode! che contractions, or reduced forms, of be (eg 'm, 1, What) Se repeat Explain thet reduced forms are commonly uted in are often used in writing conversion: ul foe 1 Play she audio program zo present :he pronouns and adjectives inthe last box. Clarify the diferences between subject pronouns and possessive adjectives by writing examples onthe boord Lay name is Cou You are Your name is Amy. We ove from Braz, ‘Qu fomilv fom Brort owe’ your and theyreheir are same but spelled diferently * Optional: Let Se work in pairs to make up additional examples. Check their sentences and have some Ss write the beter ones on the board 1 Finally, show how possessive adjecsives canta the place of posessive nouns. Give these examples: Tom 5 Arms friend Tomi be friend Thay are Eau pores. They ae spores list afew additional examples A = Enconsage Ss 0 use contractions when possible in this take Se ping words iaieally wnt th form pairs to compare their answers, Ehcit responses to cheek answers. Lam Chuck Answers ‘Yoo: Rich, who are the two women over there? Ruch: Oh, their names are Lisa and Kate. [Rich Hi, Kate, This is Yoko. She's from Japan. Yor: Hello. Nive to meet you. ‘Kate: Good to meet you, Yoko, Lisa: And my name is Lisa Youo: Hi, Lise. Rick Liss and Kate are from Canada, Yoo: Oh? Where are you from in Canad Kate: We're from Toronto 1 Ss practice the conversation in groups of four. B 1 Since there are two blanks to fill in for each question, tell Ss to use the Wh-word with the full frm of be. Ss first work alone to finish the task and then form pairs (0 check answers. Answers 1. Who is that? 2. Where is he from? 3. What is his last natne? 4 Who are the to students over there? 5. Where are they from? © Group work 1 Explain the task and go over the model Wh-questions. Then elicit a ew additional questions and write them on the board as examples. 1 Ss first work alone to write down five Wa-questions ‘Walk around the class and check Ss’ questions. Se form small groups and take earns asking their questions and giving real responses, Write a ting limit ‘of about ten minutes on the board for this 1 Walk around the class and give help wherever needed. ‘Also, note any common grammatical problems that ‘groups might be experiencing. When time is up, clarify any problems with the whole lass. Optioual activity: Lots of languages 1 Seo page 126. BE worksoor For homework, assign Exercises 1-8 on pages 1-3 in the ‘Workbook. Check Ss' answers during the next class. (Answers can be found on page 145 of the Workbook Answer Key in this Teacher's Edition.)

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