Reading Log Wk4

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Reading Log Critical Attitude

Week Number: 4

Bibliographic Reference of Text:

Danaher, Goeff, Schirato, Tony and Webb, Jan. (2000). Understanding Foucault. St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 3, Discourses and Institutions: Pp.30-45.

What is the text about? In a sentence or two, what would you say is its overall theme or argument?
The text was all about discourses and institutions, in an elaborate explanation of the two existing within each other. What institutions mean to people, and how it affects and relates to the way we live. Discourses and its many different categories, fields, events, statements and discursive formations, and how they take effect on each other and on us.

What are some of the key concepts and terms in the text? Answer in dot form.
Institutions: - set of relations between people and, people and objects Discourses: - Discourse and field: as the means through which the field speaks of itself to itself, plays a major role in the operations of the field. - Discourse and events: events, which create effects within a discursive field. - Discourse, statements and discursive formations: discourses are made up of statements that set up relationships with other statements: they share space and contexts. - Discursive flows private into public: how discursive events can flow to and fro from private and into public, vice versa. Games of truth: truth claims which are dependant on institutional and discursive practises. Like a set of rules and procedures as a means of finding the truth, and that the truth may vary from an institution to another.

Is there anything you do not understand in the text? Do you think there are any weaknesses in its content, logic or presentation?
There isnt anything, which I do not understand fully. Most of the terms have been explained out clearly with elaborate examples. Just trying to get a real grasp of what was meant by discursive and its forms was a little harder and confusing then the rest. Other than this, I found the reading to be easily understandable, it had a good structure of explaining the different terms, they were individually separated with good elaborate examples, which I suppose would be the reason for an easy reading.

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