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There is no measurement with out error. The true value can be never known.

Error Definition
Error is the deviation of a reading from the true value of measured variable.

Expression of Errors
a)Absolute Error b) Percentage Error

Absolute Error
It is the difference between true value of a variable and measured value of a variable.

Types of Errors
Errors can be classified into following three types:

1)Gross Errors 2)Systematic Errors a)Instrument Short Coming Errors b)Environmental Errors 3)Random Errors

Types of Errors
Errors can be classified into following three types:

1)Gross Errors 2)Systematic Errors a)Instrument Short Coming Errors b)Environmental Errors 3)Random Errors

Gross Errors
Gross errors are produced due to the fault of the person using instrument .Human mistakes are responsible for them. They are produced due to 1. Incorrect Adjustment 2. Misreading of instrument scale 3. Incorrect recording of experimental data 4. Improper application of instrument 5. Computational mistakes 6. Parallax Error

Systematic Errors
They are created due to short coming of instrument, environmental effects and problem with observational errors.

They are due to causes that can not be directly established because of random variations in parameter. These errors that remain after the gross and systematic error have been reduced. They are real concern only in measurements requiring a high degree of accuracy. They can be analyzed statistically.

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