Lyme Central Board of Education Agenda 7-6-11 Public

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LYME CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PUBLIC AGENDA Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 6:00 PM Library I. Call to Order II.

. Reorganizational Meeting III. Board Information Technical Endorsement for CTE Students Library collection additions IV. Reports a. Transportation Supervisor Rick Orvis b. Superintendent Karen Donahue V. Public Comments and Information VI. Action Items a. Minutes from June 16, 2011 meeting b. Financial reports c. Proposal from Fiacco & Riley Construction Inc. d. Transportation of students to school who reside on Route 12E

e. Disposal of 9 distance learning room desks, originally 9 purchased with grant funds f.
Donation of 9 distance learning room desks to Sackets Harbor Central School

VII. Proposed Executive Session a. To discuss particular persons and personnel VIII. Action Items a. Personnel i. Resignation ii. Appointment iii. Appointment b. Non-Resident Student applications IX. Adjournment

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