Teste de Bacalaureat Rezolvate Civilizatia Si Eseul

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Test 1 Health care systems in different point of the world A health care system is the organization of people, institutions,

and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. To begin with, The United States is alone among developed nations in not having a universal health care system; the recent Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides for a nationwide health insurance exchange by 2014. Medicare covers the elderly and disabled with a historical work record, Medicaid is available for some, but not all of the poor,[69] and the State Children's Health Insurance Program covers children of low-income families. The Veterans Health Administration directly provides health care to U.S. military veterans through a nationwide network of government hospitals; while active duty service members, retired service members and their dependents are eligible for benefits through TRICARE.

The four countries of the United Kingdom have separate but co-operating public health care systems that were created in 1948: in England the public health system is known as the National Health Service, in Scotland it is known as NHS Scotland, in Wales as NHS Wales (GIG Cymru), and in Northern Ireland it is called Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland. All four provide state-paid healthcare to all UK residents, paid for from general taxation. Though the public systems dominate, private health care and a wide variety of alternative and complementary treatments are available for those who have private health insurance or are willing to pay directly themselves. The main difference between the four public health care systems is the patient cost for prescriptions. Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland have recently abolished, or are in the process of abolishing, all prescription charges, while England (with the exception of birth control pills, which are paid for by the state) continues to charge patients who are between 16 and 60 years old a fixed prescription fee of 7.40 per item, unless they are exempt because of certain medical conditions (including cancer) or are on low income.
In Australia the current system, known as Medicare, was instituted in 1984. It coexists with a private health system. All legal permanent residents are entitled to government-paid public hospital care. Medicare is funded partly by a 1.5% income tax levy (with exceptions for low-income earners), but mostly out of general revenue. An additional levy of 1% is imposed on high-income earners without private health insurance. As well as Medicare, there is a separate Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme under which listing and a government subsidy is dependent on expert evaluation of the comparative cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals. Moldova has a low standard of state funded healthcare. Healthcare in the country is available to all citizens and registered long-term residents. The Ministry of Health oversees the health service in the country and all citizens are entitled by law to equal access to a minimum amount of free healthcare. Whilst there are a small number of private GP practices, there are no private clinics or hospitals. Medicines are in short supply; shortages exist for antibiotics, anesthetics, analgesics, medicine to treat tuberculosis and drugs used in oncology amongst others. Learning foreign languages Nowadays, I can certain affirm that it is a trend to study foreign languages. Also, in the same time, it is a necessity. The process of the globalization made people to travel, move to another parts of the world, contact with different persons. Whether its for professional, social or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language is a must for anyone that wants to keep his or her head up high in todays society. Knowing a foreign language (or more) is definitely a social bonus. Theres definitely a steep hill to climb between being presented as someone that doesnt know any foreign language whatsoever against being presented as a polyglot. Another case when knowing a foreign language can be literally a social blessing is when meeting a foreigner whose language you can speak. Theyll be extremely impressed by your ability to talk with them through their own native tongue, although youre on home grounds and this fact can single handedly create a great impression around you. If the foreigner happens to be part of a business meeting, this impression can turn to a successful business partnership, bringing you both professional and social satisfactions. In addition, many students today want to study abroad, for this it is compulsory to know a foreign language. They should pass some exams and sure they are in English as an international language, or it may be in French, German. Consequently, professional requirement it is probably the main reason for which one would learn a foreign language. Many professions require the knowledge of at least one or two foreign

languages, depending on the field of the job. Most jobs may ask that you know an international language such as English, French, Spanish or German or a business-specific language such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so forth. Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that by learning a new foreign language we get acquainted a new culture. So this is a way to become more intelligent and get to know more interesting facts about other countries and societies. This may be a poser if you are not interested in learning new cultures but still, if to get a closer look at the problem, you may find more reasons to do it. For example, you travel abroad to have a nice rest, lets say to Paris, and you dont know even a single word in French. You cant expect every Frenchman to know English; youll for sure meet a person that is not familiar with it. In conclusion, to know one language more is never enough!! In this way you can have more opportunity to study in other country, develop your business and achieve a new level.

Test 2 University where I want to study I would like to study at The University of Oxford. It is the second oldest surviving university in the world and the oldest in the English-speaking world. First of all, I would choose this university for its reputation. In the subject tables of the Times Good University Guide 2008, Oxford is ranked as the top university in the UK with Cambridge as the second. Also, it is ranked first in Politics, Physiological Sciences, English, Fine Art, Business Studies, Middle Eastern and African Studies, Music, Philosophy, and also Education and Linguistics which it shares first with Cambridge. Furthermore, their facilities include: a full-service library and reading room, available for students, a fully licensed bar and common room, a 126 seat lecture theatre with projection booth and digital lectern, 10 well appointed meeting rooms equipped with audio visual equipment, a fully equipped computer teaching room with 16 terminals, 35 hotel bedrooms, including a self contained disabled suite. All rooms are en suite, and include internet connectivity and many other amenities. Finally, they welcome students of any nationality and residency to their courses. What is the European Union for me? The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe. The European Union aims to be a fair and caring society, committed to promoting economic prosperity and creating jobs by making companies more competitive and giving workers new skills. First of all, the European Union means for me success. Over half a century, it has brought political stability and economic prosperity to its citizens. It has created a frontier-free single market and a single currency, the euro. The European Union is a major economic and commercial power and the worlds biggest donor of development aid to poorer countries. Furthermore, it offers a good quality of life. The European social model takes different forms in different countries, but all EU countries aim to be fair and caring societies. Tax revenue helps pay for social protection systems (such as pension, health care and unemployment benefits) which are designed to protect vulnerable members of society. The EU is striving to narrow the gap between its rich and poor members, strengthen the European economy, make it more competitive and create more jobs so we can all enjoy a better quality of life. In addition, the European Union gives us opportunities. Each member has the chance to achieve more by working together, to improve and to reach a higher level. When we go on holiday, we have a huge range of options thanks to EU air liberalization policies as well as strict safety standards and extra rights for passengers. When we get to our holiday destinations, we can enjoy cleaner beaches, and free medical help. In conclusion, the EU works to spread prosperity, democratic progress, the rule of law and human rights beyond its frontiers. It means for me opportunities, success and a new life on a higher step. Test 4 Environmental impact of climate change and global warming The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the

decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. Increased greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect has contributed to an overall warming of the Earths climate, leading to a global warming (even though some regions may experience cooling, or wetter weather, while the temperature of the planet on average would rise).

Test5 Wonder of the modern world Achievements of the industrial revolution and the new innovations of the 20th century have caused the seven wonders of the modern world: Channel Tunnel, CN Tower, Empire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge, Itaipu Dam, Panama Canal, Delta Works. The Empire State Building is considered the tallest building in the world, it towers 1,250 ft over New York City. Another wonder is Itapa Dom which is the largest hydroelectric power plant. The CN Tower is the tallest freestanding structure, located in Toronto, Canada. The Panama Canal presents one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken; the canal had an enormous impact on shipping between the two oceans. The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1937, and has become one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and of the United States. Therefore, specify and uniqueness makes them to enroll in this list of wonders of the modern world. Test 6 Volunteer organization from md Some of the volunteer organizations which work in republic of Moldova are: La strada, Acasa, AVI Moldova, Edelweiss. The AVI Moldova organization aims to promote peace, tolerance, healthy way of life and human rights through volunteer activities. Its mission to contribute to the development of the society by developing projects in the following areas: cultural, educational, social, economic and environmental. It began work in 2001 and is involved in different problems. Volunteers have organized seminars, film presentations, roundtables, job fair. They organized an extraordinary celebration for the parents, children and medical staff of the pediatric oncology-hematology section of the Cancer Hospital, also, supported cultured people, Ion Ungureanu received as present a modern lap top, because people of culture need tools to create and help us enjoy their creations. In addition, more than 750 children from socially vulnerable families and their parents had the possibility to watch the The Nutcracker play free of charge due to AVI moldova. It is important to be closer to those in need and such organizations should be more. Some difficulties some young people face, solution Essentially, "young people" fall into the period of life from the beginning of puberty to the attainment of adulthood. This period is usually concomitant with problems as they "struggle" to fit themselves into society. Perhaps the most fundamental problem faced by young people today is the tension which exists between parents and children. In their eagerness to achieve adult status, young people may or rather usually resent any restrictions placed upon them. They invariably believe that their parents are overprotective. To correct this problem, psychologist emphasizes the significance of psychological weaning. Parents should exercise control over young people, but with sympathy and understanding. Additionally, there are problems related to personality and identity. Every day we can all kind of teenagers, different, dressed in strange ways and extravagant hairstyles. Over a year or two, these teens will be changed and you will hardly recognize them. This due to personality and changes through they pass on their way to maturity. Parents play an important role, they should understand and supports whenever teens need. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to drugs and sex. In reality, they are vulnerable to any threat, so health education, body care, hormonal development, protection as well as information about dangerous entourages are important for teenagers to take the right decision. Also, parents should be very carefully, not to miss anything. In conclusion, adolescence is a wonderful period of life. Even though, young people face a lot of problems, for example: misunderstanding with parents, drugs, sex, and uncertainty. However, with the support of close people, teens can pass all difficulties. Test 7

Tourism negative effects Tourism generates jobs and business opportunities for host populations, and can help reduce or eliminate poverty. Also, it is now a huge contributor to the economies of many island nations, particularly in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, East Africa and the Pacific. In 2008, travel and tourism contributed 14.8% of the Caribbeans Gross Domestic Product and 2.15 million jobs, representing 12.9% of total employment. Unfortunately, the activities of tourists and operators can lead to negative impacts on local environments. Many of these impacts are linked with the construction of general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants, shops, golf courses and marinas. The negative impacts of tourism development can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends. Coral reefs can be damaged by careless divers, boats, or by entrepreneurs who sell pieces of coral as souvenirs from Egypt, Sudan. In the same time, aboriginal people suffer; the areas inhabited by them are reduced daily. Personal values A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as self-reliance, concern for others, and harmony of purpose. To begin with, a close family bond is like a safe harbor where I find refuge. Family bonds help to instill trust and hope in the world around me and belief in myself. The rituals and traditions, not only create memories and leave a family legacy, but create our first path in life - one that is positive. For these reasons, family is an important value in my life. Furthermore, throughout my life, and every little step of progress Ive made Ive always came back to the same conclusion hard work is a prerequisite to success. It is universally agreed that hard work is one of the keys to success in life and work. I agree with Alan Bond who said: I've always worked very, very hard, and the harder I worked, the luckier I got. In addition, someone asserted A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshens into smiles . If kindness is the act of being kind as defined by the Oxford dictionary, it means "caring about others; gentle, friendly and generous". These virtues may not always be easy to live, but they are beautiful and valuable to the world. In conclusion, values reflect a persons sense of right and wrong or what ought to be. Price is what you pay but value is what you get. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. Finally, my values are health, family, hard work, respect, kindness etc.. Test 8 Prominent figure of the English- speaking world English is a Germanic Language of the Indo-European Family. Approximately 375 million people speak English as their first language.[36] English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers. The countries with the highest populations of native English speakers are, in descending order: United States , United Kingdom ,[44] Canada,[45] Australia ,[46] Nigeria ,[47] Ireland ,[44] South Africa,[48] and New Zealand . It is the dominant international language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world. Speakers of English as a second language will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language*. My house my castle

In the past, castles were large strong buildings which protect the people inside from attack. Our houses are small improvisations of those huge fortresses where every time we come back and feel good. First of all, castle means a huge building, with thick and high walls where you are in security. This refers to our house, too. My house is that place where I feel comfortable and it does not matter it is a big one or small, rich one or may be modest. The most important is actually that it is my property and always I have where to come back. Furthermore, my house is my world. There are things that I like and love. When I enter the house and I close the door, in fact, this door and walls separate me from all the people, problems and stress. Being at home I sit in my favorite armchair and I can thing, reflect on my actions, ideas and so on. There is nobody who can bother me and I can relax and feel good. In addition, every person always dreams about the place where he can speak about his problems, chat with close friends, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my family and my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live here. In conclusion, the house a fortress that keeps the family together and protects all its lodgers from everything that is happening around. Test9 Article about Moldova Republic of Moldova is a small country, located in the south-eastern of Europe. It has a rich history. The country's cultural heritage was marked by numerous churches and monasteries built by the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great in the 15th century, by the works of the later renaissance Metropolitans Varlaam and Dosoftei, and those of scholars such as Grigore Ureche, Miron Costin, Nicolae Milescu, Dimitrie Cantemir, [71] Ion Neculce. On 27th august 1991 it became an independence stat and this day is celebrated every year. The most important quality of the people is hospitality. A traditional holiday is Martisor- the symbol of spring, everyone hangs on their collar two knitted- red and white, signifying the rebirth of nature. The basic occupation of the Moldavian is viticulture. Winery Cricova cellars is a really remarkable place of the world, its galleries are extended on a longitude of 60 km. Welcome to Moldova!!! Happiness is the biggest achievement and wealth. Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. One essential standard for living is being able to be happy. To begin with, W. D. Hoard said:Happiness doesnt depend on what we have, but it does depend on how we feel towards what we have. We can be happy with little and miserable with much.. Happiness therefore is not in material things, but in certain things that money cannot buy. These are the keys or principles that can open door to happiness, irrespective of the situation or circumstances one is in. This is evident from the fact that many families with limited means seem more happy than those who are financially blessed. Furthermore, search of happiness is one of the basic purposes of human life. However, it is also the source of greatest frustration. Many successful people who had been super-achiever feel the futility of their efforts that has gone in the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately many of them actually feel more depressed and unhappy even if they win the rat race of the material world. In addition, happy individuals have a trinity of happiness habits: they set goals, have rewarding social relationships and follow positive mental habits. These three practices will maximize our ability to live the life we want. In this way, we would achieve happiness easier and life would look more beautiful. Finally, happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. Souls wealth is happiness, so do not hesitate to achieve it!!!! Test 10

American writers, favorite, work Some of the famous writers are: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Mark Twain, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Black Elk and Henry Adams. My favorite one is Mark Twain. He is most noted for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel.". Tom Sawyer impressed me the most. The story is set in the town of "St Petersburg", where Mark Twain grew up. In the story's introduction, Twain notes: Most of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred. Huck Finn is drawn from life; Tom Sawyer also, but not from an individual -- he is a combination of the characteristics of three boys whom I knew, and therefore belongs to the composite order of architecture. Tom was born in a town on the Mississippi River, where he and Huck grew up. His best friends included Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. They had many adventures such as: racing bugs during class, impressing girls, especially Becky Thatcher, with fights and stunts in the schoolyard, getting lost in a cave, and playing pirates on the Mississippi River. He is intended to represent the carefree and wonderful world of boyhood in the antebellum era. Every flower means the whole field of paradise.

Test 11 Tourist attraction in the USA The United States is a vast country with a wide and diverse range of interesting and attractive travel destinations. Here are some of them: Times Square, National Mall and Memorial Parks, Grand Canyon, Golden Gate, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Disneyland Park, Navy Pier, Niagara Falls. Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona is one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. It is a mile deep (1,500 meters) and over 15 miles (20 km) wide by 100 miles (150 km) long. The interior of the Canyon is adorned with a vast maze of multicolored mesas, cliffs and promontories punctuated by a labyrinth of smaller canyons and gorges. The ever-changing play of sun and shadow on the multihued rock layers produces a breathtaking display best seen from the visitor's center on the south rim. The only access to the interior of the canyon is by hiking or by riding mules down the precipitous trails. Las Vegas, Nevada, is the largest center for adult entertainment in the entire world. It offers gambling, glitzy entertainment and unbelievably extravagant architecture. Giant pyramids of glass, multicolored fantasy castles, replicas of the Eiffel Tower and the New York skyline rise out of the Nevada desert. Even if you don't gamble or party, it is worth seeing this flamboyant display of opulence. In addition, Las Vegas is conveniently located near some of the greatest natural scenery in the southwest including the Grand Canyon Zion and Death Valley. It is only a half-day drive from Los Angeles. Beauty more than good-looking Beauty means a lot more than a good looking. Good looking refers to the way your body looks, but true beauty is both on the inside and out. First of all, beauty is a characteristic generally linked with an in-built and emotional insight into life's positive and significant areas related to things as we perceive them, for example, happiness, love etc. When one sees beauty in something, it means that he interprets things to be in equilibrium and in accord with the natural world, which leads to a feeling of pleasure and happiness. Furthermore, beauty must be inside. If you are a clear, transparent person, then all your inner beauty will show on your face!!Being honest, caring will give you the most beautiful smile on the earth, without the need for dentists and cosmetic procedures!!We must care for other, share sadness and joy. Be intelligent to recognize what hurts them and what's not!! In addition, to be a beauty you would need to be good- looking, be intelligent, kind and be compassionate to people around you. A thing of beauty is something that appeals to the emotions and makes you appreciate it. So anything could be beautiful. So, in conclusion, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are if you have an evil spirit. Your beauty can be more beautiful if you're nice, gentle and friendly. Test 12

William Shakespeare inspired William Shakespeare's plays have the reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literature. He wrote: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth . Shakespeare influenced every generation of writers since his death and he continues to have an enormous impact on contemporary plays, movies, and poems. One of his famous plays is Hamlet. It is Shakespeare's longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language. Its vivid dramatization of melancholy and insanity has impressed and inspired many people. Also its famous quotations such as to be or not to be' and 'to thine own self be true' let many persons reflect on them. Effects such as switching between comedy and tragedy to heighten tension and his use of sub-plots to embellish the story Romeo and Juliet prepossess readers. The play ascribes different poetic forms to different characters, sometimes changing the form as the character develops. Writer and critic Samuel Johnson considered it one of Shakespeare's "most pleasing" plays. Another important work is Othello; the Moor of Venice .Because of its varied and current themes of racism, love, jealousy, and betrayal, Othello is still often performed in professional and community theatres alike and has been the basis for numerous operatic, film, and literary adaptations. In conclusion, for these reasons many people till today are inspired by his famous plays. Why do you love eminescu /vieru? For me vierus / eminescus creation is closer and more heartfelt.
I love Eminescu for his pieces dealing with nature and for his "lyric of thoughts ", deeply melancholy and full of "Weltschmerz" and longing for death. His lyric has a very proper and touching melody. His work encompassed every genre of poetry (love, philosophical, cosmological, mythological, historical, socio-satiric, etc.) as well as prose and journalism. Eminescu is considered Europe's last great romantic not in the least because he gave voice of such unmistakable music to the sadness of love. Blessed with the touch of genius, his synthesis is a personal world of meaning about the life of man and of the cosmos in archetypal images of universal worth. His most notable poems are: Doina, The Lake, The Evening Star, Blue Flower.

Vieru is mostly known for his poems and books for children. I like his poetry characterized by vivid natural scenery, patriotism, as well as a venerated image of the sacred mother. Vieru was one of the major writers in contemporary Romanian language literature. His most notable volumes are: Alarm, Music, Thank you for peace, ABC. Vigorous talent of the writer, his permanent concern to the art of speech, fair attitude towards the problems of life and others such qualities of his creation made me fall in love with his poems. Test 13 Historical figures of our nation, one describe

Moldovas history was marked by many important personalities such as: Vasile Lupu, Stephen the Great, Petru Rares, Alexandru Lapusneanu, Dimitrie Cantemir, Bnulescu-Bodoni, NICOLAE BALCESCU.
One of the most significant rulers of Moldova was Stephen the Great was Prince of Moldavia between 1457 and 1504 and the most prominent representative of the House of Muat. During his reign, he strengthened Moldavia and maintained its independence against the ambitions of Hungary, Poland, and the Ottoman Empire, which all sought to subdue the land. Stephen achieved fame in Europe for his long resistance against the Ottomans. He was victorious in 46 of his 48 battles, and was one of the first to gain a decisive victory over the Ottomans at the Battle of Vaslui, after which Pope Sixtus IV deemed him verus christianae fidei athleta (true Champion of Christian Faith). He was a man of religion and displayed his piety when he paid the debt of Mount Athos to the Porte, ensuring the continuity of Athos as an autonomous monastical community.

Teaching be about giving information or developing skills to give students Life skills are much more important than the information we possess. It also refers to studies. I think teaching should be about developing skills to give students tools for finding information themselves. Initially, the Research Councils' Joint Skills Statement lists a range of skills which students should expect to develop during their programs of study and research. Students should be able to examine, analyze, select the information; consequently, they will be prepared for non-academic as well as academic careers. In addition, supervisors should encourage and help their students to plan, record and reflect on their skills development. As one supervisor found, bringing skills other than research to supervisees attention can help students engage with their own development. Finding information themselves, students can understand better the materials because they can find it in their life from their own experience. Furthermore, it is important for a teacher to know his studentswho played sports, who had three tests that week, who had some experiences relevant to the days topic. That knowledge of individual students enables him to stop calling on students alphabetically and start calling on those with relevant backgrounds and interests. Overall, a good teacher should develop skills that will help students not only to find information themselves but also to deal in their life. Test 14 Tourist attraction in London. Describe one of them

The capital's top 10 attractions are listed below in order of popularity based on visitor numbers. There are: British Museum, London's National Gallery, Tate Modern, Natural History Museum, The London Eye, Science Museum, The Tower of London, National Maritime Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Madame Tussauds. The world-famous British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times from around the world. Highlights include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures, and the mummies in the Ancient Egypt collection. Entry is free but special exhibitions require tickets. The London Eye is a major feature of London's skyline. It is the world's highest observation wheel, with 32 capsules, each weighing 10 tones, and holding up to 25 people. Climb aboard for a breathtaking experience, offering you unforgettable views of more than 55 of London's most famous landmarks all in just 30 minutes! One is rich when he she has friends. Friends are the ones who are always there for you, whether the times are good or bad. They never leave your side, even in the worst of circumstance. For this reason, I agree with this statement, who has friends is rich. First of all, it is said that whether you need to hear the bitter truth about yourself, go to your best friend. He/she will never lie to you, just to please you and win your favors. What he/she says is the truth about you. After family, friends are the one who care for you. They bring a smile on your face when you are sad and they go out of the way to make things alright for you. Furthermore, friends feel happy at your success and sad at your failure. They share all your feelings and make you feel that there is somebody who still cares for you. When you have friends, you never ever feel lonely. They always make you feel special and never expect anything in return, other than your love and friendship. In addition, friends are amongst those few people who accept us, rather like us, as we are. They never come into our life, expecting us to change for them. However, they do correct us when we are at fault. Friends love you and care for you.

In conclusion, money is not a fortune but persons who are close to you and support you. A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself, this means to be rich.
Test 15 People of Art that impressed you most

One of the most famous people of arts who impressed not only me but whole generations is William Shakespeare- an English poet and playwright, regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". Another one is Leonardo da Vinci- an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect,scientist. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination. Among his works, the Mona Lisa is most famous. Finally, there is our national poet Grigore Vieru whose poems represent a part of our thesaurus. Dreams to come true Each of us has a dream and wants to become reality. A dream has the power to unify the body, mind, and
spirit. It provides you with insight into your own self and a means for self-exploration. My dream is to become a famous model. First of all, imagine having an exciting high-paying job as a professional model, walking down a runway at a designer fashion show, or having my photo taken for Vogue or your favorite magazine. As a model you may have the opportunity to travel to beautiful locations, be pampered, attend events with celebrities, and earn thousands of dollars a day. In addition, while a lucky few can become a super model like Tyra Banks, it is possible to become a model and have a successful modeling career even if I am not very tall, thin, or young. I should look the best way I can. I would develop my fashion sense which is very important. Also, I would go to the modeling school and take any modeling classes to get hired as a model. Furthermore, to get Modeling Jobs I would contact model management companies that can help me become an international model and get international modeling assignments. I would prepare for go-seesmeetings with clients that are looking to hire a model. Consequently, I am sure I would succeed. In conclusion, if you believe you deserve to have the career of your dreams. The only thing that you have to do is to work. Passing over all the steps listed above I will fulfill my dream.

Test 16 Facts about the Higher Education Institutions in the USA The American higher education system includes colleges and universities that focus on one or more study areas such as vocational, business; engineering, technical, or liberal arts. The US has over 7,000 higher education institutions and over 15 million students. According to UNESCO the US has the second largest number of higher education institutions in the world. The U.S. Department of Education shows 4,861 colleges and universities with 18,248,128 students in 2007. The American university and college system is highly decentralized with both public and privately operated institutions. Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school. There is a debate concerning the education of children. I agree that classmates have a stronger influence on a childs success because they spend most of their time together. To begin with, classmates tend to have a lot in common, so they are able to give each other useful advice. Classmates share the same teachers, homework and similar difficulties and when students are having trouble at school, they will do better to seek advice from their classmates rather than their parents.

In addition, seeing as they are together most of the day, classmates are available to help each other. It is easier for students to approach each other because they already have a basic understanding of one anothers problems. This availability makes classmates better advisors and more important contributors to a childs success at school. In conclusion, classmates play an important role in their personality formation and success in school may be more than their parents who are busy with work and other responsibilities. Test 17 English speaking union The English-Speaking Union (ESU) is an international educational charity which was founded by the journalist Evelyn Wrench in 1918. The Board of Governors meets three times a year and aims to "bring(s) together and empower(s) people of different languages and cultures," by building skills and confidence in communication, such that individuals realize their potential. The ESU promotes a variety of activities such as debating, public speaking and student exchange programs, runs conferences and seminars, and offers scholarships, to encourage the effective use of the English language around the globe. One of its goals is to provide a forum for international friendship through the support of the worldwide network of ESUs. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are important in life. An important goal of education is helping students learn how to think more productively by combining critical thinking that means to evaluate ideas, and to possess problem solving skills. First of all, becoming educated and practicing good judgment can guarantee a life of happiness and virtue. Richard Paul, a prominent advocate of CRITICAL THINKING, said: Critical thinkers must be creative thinkers as well, generating possible solutions of the problems in order to find the best one. Very often a problem persists because the best solution has not yet been made available no one has thought of it yet."

Furthermore, problem-solving often involves decision-making that is especially important for management and leadership. If you can solve problems, you can write your own ticket to whatever job you want. If you learn how to solve problems now, you will be able to approach many academic situations with the tools you need to handle them. In conclusion, problem solving skills and critical thinking are necessary to resolve conflicts that arise on almost every day.
Test 18 How do you see the Moldovan society in the future? First of all, the level of our life depends on the economy. In my opinion our country should suffer some reforms if we want to live better. I think that the economy will develop and as a result, there will be improved infrastructure which is very important for a modern society. People will be supported by government and the poverty will disappear. Each of us will be able to afford to go to school, feed properly and receive medical assistance. It will be a healthy, young society with new ideas to improve our life. Also, a society with fewer problems and happier. Nowadays mankind confronts environmental problems more often than ever.

Air and water pollution, excessive use of natural resources, climate changes, disregard of environmental concerns, car pollution are the most discussed problems nowadays. Every year in the U.S. factories release over 3 million tons of toxic chemicals into the land, air and water. This hazardous waste causes us to lose over 15 million acres of land every year, it leads to respiratory complications and other health problems and it makes rivers and lakes polluted. In addition, automobile emissions, tobacco smoke, combustion of coal, acid rain, noise pollution from cars and construction are only some of the main contributors to air pollution. Factories,

refineries, waste treatment facilities, mining, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, human sewage are factors that pollute the water. In conclusion, efforts to improve the standard of living for humans--through the control
of nature and the development of new products--have resulted in the pollution, or contamination, of the environment. This has become a huge problem for all of us. Test 19 Us declaration of independence The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies were now independent states, and thus no longer a part of the British Empire. It was primarily written by Thomas Jefferson .The Independence Day of the United States of America is celebrated on July 4. This sentence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness has been called "the most potent and consequential words in American history. Your goals are what move you along your personal game board of success For thousands of years, successful people, prominent citizens and civilizations have used goal setting in some form to plan and then achieve incredible feats of engineering, exploration, discovery or war. Firstly, highly successful people typically share one common characteristic at a minimum and that is they are obsessed with setting goals and staying on top of those goals. Successful people have already thought about what goals they want to reach, where they want to go in life and how they are going to get there. Moreover, written goals increase your motivation to achieve them. By knowing the results you want to achieve and your specific outcome, you can measure your progress toward achieving your goals. As you notice your successful progress, you are inspired to continue the actions that brought you this success In conclusion, Earl Nightingale said People with goals succeed because they know where they are going They have clarity, vision and focus. In brief, goals make us stronger. Test20 The Beatles

The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. The group consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). They achieved mainstream success in the United Kingdom in late 1962, with their first single, "Love Me Do". Gaining international popularity over the course of the next year, they toured extensively until 1966 and then retreated to the recording studio until their break-up in 1970. They are the best-selling band in the history of popular music, and four decades after their break-up, their recordings are still in demand. Each generation has different ideas, making communication between the two extremely difficult. As generations come and go, they each possess individual values, attitudes and goals that strike them apart from other generations. Firstly, my generation's attitude about life is very unique compared to the attitudes of other generations. Laziness, selfishness and greed have infected us. Since previous generations have made life so much easier for us, many do not truly appreciate it and take it for granted. This attitude sets a distinction and a problem of understanding between my generation and the others. Furthermore, the older generation seems to be more closed minded to different ideas and viewpoints like: sex, ideas of homosexuality, interracial relationships. While my generation is less uptight about these ideas and accept them. As a result, there appears a conflict in communication based on different views. In conclusion, there will always be a gap between generations. Our ideals and thoughts are different and they are unable to understand ours, like we are unable to understand theirs.

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