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But life never remains the same !

Dreams that never come true

Faisal Qureshi


With a strong heart & tough fate

Saima Qureshi


When deprivations absorb in a character

Maha Masood


In search of happiness

Fiza Nafees


Being penalized just for a bad fate

Saba Nafees


A disturbed past & a restless future

Bilal Khan


In the culturally enriched society of ours, family is the only force of existence that drives one to progress in the journey of life. And the under-discussion story revolves around the true bonding of a middle class family of Sikander and Shaila and their four children. Sikander being a loving father provides all the luxuries of life to his family and constructs a house, taking a financial assistance in terms of loan. But due to some constraints he remains ineffectual to payoff his financial obligation, resulting into a proposal of auction of his house. Amidst of all these difficulties, he got diagnosed of being a patient of Brain Tumor. After the demise of Sikander, responsibilities rest on the shoulders of Shaila alone of the upbringing of her children and restoration of her house. But unfortunately she also has to leave her children alone, departing due to the mental shock for not getting married to Atif, who showed her a ray of hope in the period of extreme gloom. And after the great loss of both the parents, all four children got separated from each other as different relatives took the guardianship of different children. But after a span of 12 years, they got the chance to meet each other in the same house that Sikander constructed for them, but on the funeral of their sister Fiza.

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