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(the latter makes women barren) Element (if applicable) Fire or Earth (death spell) Enochian Key 10 (Also

12, 14, 17, 19) Herb and/or Incense Dragon's Blood, Fennel, Mandrake Root or Red Pepper Rune h x Tarot card The Tower (see Blasphemy) or Ten Of Swords (for destruction of an individual)

Family (see Race)

Friendship Candle color (best) Green Demon Anubis, Barbatos, Gusion, Vual Element (if applicable) Water Enochian Key 8 Herb and/or Incense Apple Rune e g Tarot card Six of Cups (2 friends) Three of cups (a group)

Health and Wellness Candle color (best) Green Demon Buer, Heramael, Marbas, Valefor Element (if applicable) Earth Enochian Key 16 Herb and/or Incense Aloe, Feverfew Rune l w (mental health) Tarot card 2 of Cups

Heritage (see Race)

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