At 10

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At 10:30 Mr.

Saavedra have a meeting with six students from 4th & three students in the 3rd year. Concerning with the fourth caring tours going to Dipolog for the purpose of student assessment for taking NC II including the tranportation allowance. The administartion allofted 26 thousands ,ore or less for the said purpose while the students will care of their board & lodging worth more or less Php800.00. With the support of Mrs. Nacional, Mrs. Rita Sayson , Mrs. Sayson & Mr. Navarette assisting the students for the said purpose. Advices was given to the students by the principal on what things to be done in the area of assessment and the pros & don t while staying there. Chances were given by them and given them the highlights if possible to pass that assessment for those who pass will be having an insight to display their names in tarpaullin with in the school marking for their accomplishment & for those who will not pass thetesda acreditation can have only certificate of completion (COC). The only transpired the meeting that no students will be allowed to join the said

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