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Elemental Information Name: Lithium Nickname: Li Address: Lithium is present in small quantities in iron ores from igneous rocks

and in the waters of mineral springs. Telephone: 3-155-13.1 (atomic number-atomic radius-atomic volume) Cellphone: 6.941 (atomic mass) Email: Personal Information Date of Birth: 1817 (When Johan A. Arfvedson discovered it) Age: 192 years old Fathers name: Johan A. Arfvedson Mothers name: Unknown Place of Birth: Uto, Sweden Citizenship: Swedish Gender: Alkali Metal Relationship Status: Lithium is the only common metal that acts in response with nitrogen at room temperature, forming lithium nitride. Employment History Lithium was combined with carbon, to form lithium carbonate which is used as a moodstabilizing drug. Lithium chloride and lithium bromide are used as drying agents. Pure Lithium is commonly found in rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Lithium is used for heat transferring. Lithium stearate is used as an all-purpose and high-temperature lubricant. Professional Qualifications Lithium is a soft and silvery white element. It is the least dense among all the metals. It has a high specific heat capacity. It subsists as a liquid over a wide temperature change.
Elemental lithium is extremely flammable. Lithium is corrosive and needs special handling.

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