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Greek Influence on Roman Empire Greek influence on Roman Military, Cultural and Political Life The Romans were

ruled by the Etruscan/ Greeks before they became independent. When the Greek empire disintegrated, many of their military, cultural and political practices were carried on by the Romans in their own society (Noble, 2010). The Romans preserved and modified many features of the Greek society while developing their own focus. In terms of military, the Greeks developed military technologies such as phalanx, catapults, trireme ships, armor and colossal siege engines. The Romans acquired the Greek military technology and developed the most organized military system at that time. In terms of culture, The Roman cultural foundation was based on Greece. The Romans adopted the Greek alphabet to form their Latin version. Roman writers, artistes and painters followed Greek models of writing, arts and painting respectively. Before the mid third century Roman literature was virtually non-existent (Noble, 2010). The Roman actors improved on the genres already established by the Greek predecessors. Like Greece, Rome basic social structure was based upon agricultural economy composed of aristocrats and free farmers. The Roman economy resembled that of Greece. Aristocrats controlled large estates while smaller holdings belonged to free farmers. The Family structure of Romans followed the patriarchal pattern of classical Greece. Rome adopted Greece policies on slavery. Slaves were used to provide labor in the agricultural and mining industries. The political system of the Roman Empire also borrowed a lot from the Greek empire as both relied on local authorities to exert control over their vast empires. They also relied on military force and clear legal regulation to exert control (Noble, 2010).

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