Agenda Planning 07.07

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ALL MEMBERS OF NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE to be held on THURSDAY, 7th July 2011 at the RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 6.30pm for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.

Signed PUBLIC QUESTION TIME To receive and consider questions submitted by members of the public (15 minutes). 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of meeting held on 23rd June 2011 (Paper A) 4. Matters arising 5. Recently lodged planning appeals and latest decisions
Recently lodged appeal Extension at first floor level to provide en-suite bedroom (revised scheme) 35 College Road, Newport (P/00109/11)( Permission refused) Latest appeal decisions Staplehurst Grange, Staplers Roadappeal DISMISSED Store adjacent to 15 Laundry Laneappeal DISMISSED 11 Argyle Roadappeal DISMISSED


Licensing applications

Licensing Act 2003. Application for premises licence for Images, 143 High Street Licensing Act 2003. Application for minor variation to a premises licence at Sainsburys Petrol Station, Hunnycross Way

7. . Planning Applications (Paper B) 1. P/00835/11 2. P/00530/11 3. P/00776/11 4. P/00817/11 5. P/00841/11 6. P/00785/11 7. P/00886/11 8. P/00078/11 9. P/00864/11

7. Decisions for Information (Paper C)

8. Any other planning related matters including consultations

Proposed parking Permits for Clarence Road

9. Questions from the Committee 10. Close of Meeting Contact: Chris Hougham 01983 525781 or 29 College Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1HB 27/06/11

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