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Calendar of Activities of AChEs (Association of Chemical Engineering Students) Year 2010-2011

Project Proposal Goal of the project Budget Allotment Time Span Persons Involved

Planting Activity in AChEs Headquarters

To make a pleasing environment around the headquarters of the organization


July 8, 2010

First year to third year students and fourth year officers

Organizational Banner (tarpaulin sign)

To make an identification for the headquarter of the organization

P 480.00

July 27, 2010

President, Brenda Leen Borleo and Treasurer

Headquarter Renovation So lignum spraying Painting Wall renovation

To improve and preserve the condition of the headquarter

P 700.00 (rough estimation)

August 2-7, 2010

All AChEs members (including officers)

Bench making activity

To provide benches for the members of the AChEs using indigenous materials

P 200.00

August 9-14, 2010

All AChEs members (including officers)

Trash can donation

To donate materials for the college for sanitary purpose as the organization s community service To help the environment

P 800.00 (estimated)

August 16-21, 2010

President, Business Manager and Treasurer

Tree Planting Activity

P 500.00 (which will be used for foods and snacks)

September 6-11, 2010

ChE Chairman, adviser and all AChEs members

AChEs members Lockers

To provide additional utility

P 2,000.00P 3,000.00

October(1st week)

All AChEs members

AChEs Seminar 1

To give the members of the organization the knowledge and experience regarding a chosen topic To celebrate the season within our group

Not yet budgeted

October or November 2010

All AChEs members

Christmas Party (ChE day)

Not yet budgeted

December 2010

All AChEs members

 Other project/plans for the year 2011: 1. Seminar 2 2. Closing party (or outing) and Honoring the ChE Department advisers 3. Fund raising activity  Finished or ongoing projects: 1. Tutorial 2. Cleaners 3. Review

date: January date: February date: March-April

Prepared by: Mark Kenneth Carnate Sumbillo

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