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The Egyptians
Records show that already in the years 2600-2100 B.C. bread was baked by who it is believed had learned the skill from the Babylonians. A relief representing the royal bakery of Ramses features bread and cakes, some of these were shaped in the form of animals and used for sacrifices

The Roman Empire

Inevitably Greek culture influenced the Roman Empire ; bakery knowhow was transformed and really flourished. During the fourth century A.D., evidence also emerges of the first pastry-cooks association or pastillarium in those times nomenclature.

Section of engravings on a tomb-stone of the Roman baker M.Vergilius Eurysaces in Rome.

The House of the Bakers in Pompeii

From the Roman Empire, the art of pastry-cooking gradually spread throughout Europe and the world.

Sketched in 1635 by Rembrandt. One of the best known painters.

In London, pastry chefs sold their goods from handcarts. This developed into a system of delivery of baked goods to households, and demand increased greatly as a result.

Portrayed on the right is a gingerbread merchant selling his wares in one of the better streets in London.

The Original Open-Air Caf or Dining Al Fresco A Patissiere has established herself in a busy street, possibly on a bridge, and sells hot coffee and freshly baked cakes to passers-by.

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