14th Ord Sun A 2011

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3 July 2011

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Daughters of St. Paul

Buona Domenica
Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened and I will give you rest..and learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart. (Matt 11:28 -29)
Media Outreach:
These words of Jesus are a great source of consolation when we feel a heavy weight in our heart or when faced with a troubling situation in life. Yet too often, we may forget to find true rest in Christ. We go about our daily work and life, independent and oblivious to the graces and blessings God has bestowed upon us. We take pride in our achievements as if they were solely due to our abilities and we take for granted many things in life such as our health, family and friends. Then something happens and our life gets shattered a serious illness, the death of a loved one, the break up of a relationship etc. Jesus reminds us in todays gospel that we find rest in him when we are able to cast our burdens on him. He also continues to say that we should learn to be like him in meekness and humility. When we are filled with pride, life can be burdensome and difficult because we feel we are in control and the captain of our ship, sailing through the storms in life. But when we surrender in humility to the Lord and allow him to be the captain or master of our life, then we put our total trust in him, knowing that he will guide us through any storm in life.
6 & 7 JulyMaris Stella Primary School 9 & 10 JulyChurch of the Blessed Sacrament

Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp

To find out more about the Daughters of St. Paul, please email Sr. Jocelyn: fspvocation@yahoo.com. To subscribe to the weekly Buona Domenica, kindly email us at: buonadomenica_eng@yahoo. com.sg

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