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Masters in Business Administration-MBA Semester 3rd OM0001 Operations Management 2 Credits Book ID: B1073 Assignment Set-1 (30

30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. 1 1. Do most of the principles, tools and techniques of Operations Management apply to both manufacturing and service sectors? Justify with examples.

1 2. Time taken by three machines on five jobs in a factory is tabulated below in table below. Find out the optimal sequence to be followed to minimise the idle time taken by the jobs on the machines.
Job A B C D E Machine 1 (M1) 6 4 5 3 4 Machine 2 (M2) 8 5 5 4 3 Machine 3 (M3) 7 3 7 6 4

1 3. Explain the method of work study and method study in the form of a flow chart. Differentiate between work study and method study.

Masters in Business Administration-MBA Semester 3rd OM0001 Operations Management 2 Credits Book ID: B1073 Assignment Set-2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions 1 1. One of the serious drawbacks of Indian manufacturing organisations compared to their counterparts in Japan and Korea was the predominant domestic focus in their approach to business. Elucidate. Site an example. 1 2. List the assumptions on which Break Even Analysis is based. Explain breakeven point with a sketch. 1 3. Define Statistical Quality Control and explain the various methods associated with it.

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