MAP Info Release Dates

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Administrative Memo

Date: To: From: Subject:

Department personnel anticipate the following timeline will be followed for the 2010-11 release of the Annual Performance Report (APR), Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) results, school improvement determinations, and other statistics. We hope this will assist in your planning.
Date July 25 Description Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) achievement level data for all schools and districts Preliminary AYP results Preliminary School improvement determinations for all schools and districts Level Not Determined (LND) statistics

June 30, 2011 School Administrators Leigh Ann Grant-Engle, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Data System Management Margie Vandeven, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Quality Schools LS-11-004 2010-11 Performance Data Release Schedule

Mode SECURE on DESE website

August 3

August 15 August 17 August 19 August 3 September 2 September 16

Please contact the Office of Data System Management if you have any questions at 573-5223207 or email

Preliminary APR results to media (for advance review) Preliminary AYP and APR results released Department news release issued Appeals Window for schools to submit data corrections related to AYP and APR Final AYP and APR results

Based upon these preliminary data, schools identified for improvement must meet the statutory requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and notify parents of their school choice options fourteen (14) days prior to the start of school. MAP achievement level data Preliminary AYP results Department news release issued Preliminary Annual Performance Report (APR)

PUBLIC on DESE website SECURE on DESE website EMBARGOED until Aug. 19 PUBLIC on DESE website PUBLIC on DESE website

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