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1. Which of the following possible warning signs indicate that well may go under balance ? (Select two answers ) a. b. c. d. e. 2. Increase in pump pressure. Reduction in rate of penetration. Change in cuttings size & shape. Increase in weight on bit. Increase in drilled gas percentage.

Which one of the following is the first reliable indication that well is flowing ? a. b. c. d. Increase in torque. Gas cut mud. Decrease in pump pressure. Increase in return flow.


After recognizing a drilling break , what is the first action to be taken ? a. b. c. b. Make a flow Check Circulate bottoms up Continue drilling Reduce pump speed


What is meant by Primary Well Control ? a. b. c. d. The use of Blow Out Preventers to close in a flowing well. The slow circulating rate pressure used in the kill process. The use of mud hydrostatic to balance fluid pressures in the formation. The use of pit volume and flow rate measuring devices to recognize a kick.


Will a kick always occur in the event of a loss of return ? a. b. c. No, it depends on the mud level in the annulus and the formation pressure. No, it depends on the drill string weight reduction noted on the weight indicator. Yes, losses will always occur above any potential kick zone.


A well was found to be flowing when in static condition ( i.e. when not circulating ) but was not flowing during the circulation . What could be the possible reason ? a. b. c. Pressure loss in drill string caused the over balance while circulating at the bottom Pressure loss across the bit caused over balance while circulating at the bottom Pressure loss in the annulus caused over balance while circulating at the bottom

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 -17. Why does the stand pipe pressure gauge shows little less pressure than pump pressure gauge ? a. b. c. d. 8. Because of the gauge error. Because of the hydrostatic head of the mud in stand pipe. Because position of stand pipe pressure gauge is lower than pump pressure gauge. Because of the dynamic pressure losses from pump to the stand pipe.

Which of the following contributes to Equivalent Circulating Density? a. b. c. d. Drill sting pressure losses Annulus pressure losses Drill bit pressure losses Pressure loss from pump to the string


Which of the following factors will increase the circulating pressure ? (Select two answers ) a. b. c. d. Use of bigger size of bit nozzle Increase in the length of BHA Increase in the drilled depth Decrease in the mud density during drilling


Which one of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and due to lack of alertness of driller ? a. b. c. d. Lost circulation Gas cut mud Abnormal pressure Not keeping hole full


A vertical well is drilled to a depth of 9000 ft with 10.6 ppg mud, following are the recorded data: Pump speed Pressure losses in surface equipment Pressure losses in drill string Pressure losses in annulus Pressure losses at bit nozzles a. b. 70 spm 140 psi 800 psi 100 psi 1800 psi _______ psi _______ psi

Calculate Bottom Hole Pressure when well is static Calculate B H P when mud is circulated at 70 spm -2-



Calculate pump pressure when mud is circulated at 70 spm _______ psi

Calculate the new slow circulating pressure at 30 spm if mud weight has been increased from 10 ppg to 12 ppg: Recorded data: SCR @ 30 spm: 400 psi Drilled depth : 9587 ft Mud density : 10 ppg a. b. c. 333 psi 576 psi 480 psi


While drilling the pump pressure was 3000 psi at 80 SPM with 12 ppg mud. What will be the approximate pump pressure, if the pump speed is reduced to 60 SPM & mud weight increased to 13 ppg? a. b. c. d. 2,250 psi 1,828psi 2,468 psi 1,688 psi


Which of following practices are likely to increase the chances of swabbing ? ( Select three answers) a. b. c. d. e. Pulling pipe slowly. Maintaining high mud viscosity. Pulling through tight spots with pumps off. Pulling pipe fast. Pulling through tight spots with pump on.


In a well, during trip out swabbing was suspected. The flow check was negative and it was decided to run back to bottom ( 30 stands ) checking for flow after lowering every 5 stands. The flow checks after 5, 10, 15 & 20 stands showed no flow. But with stand number 25 back in the hole, the well was found to be flowing. What could be the most likely cause of the well flow ? a. b. c. d. Abnormal formation fluid pressure. Derrick man mixed too light a slug prior to pulling out of the hole. Running into the swabbed fluids caused hydrostatic pressure in annulus to drop. In the hurry, it was forgotten to slug the pipe while preparing for running back.


While tripping out of the hole it is noticed that mud required to fill the hole is less than calculated. What action must be taken ? -3-

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 a. b. c. d. 17. Shut the well in and circulate to clean the hole. Flow check, if negative continue to pull out of the hole. Flow check, if negative run back to bottom and monitor returns. Flow check, if negative displace a heavy slug into annulus and continue pull out. = = = 0.0178 bbls/ft 0.0082 bbls/ft 88 ft

Calculate with following data: Drill Pipe Capacity Drill Pipe Metal Displacement Average Stand Length a. b.

Mud required to fill the hole per stand when pulled `dry __________bbls. Mud required to fill the hole per stand when pulled `wet __________bbls.


With following well data, calculate the reduction in bottom hole pressure if a driller has pulled out 10 stands of 5 drill pipe dry, without filling the hole. Drill pipe capacity Drill pipe steel displacement Casing capacity Length of one stand Mud weight Reduction In BHP 0.0178 bbl/ft 0.0080 bbl/ft 0.0744 bbl/ft 93 ft 12 ppg psi\


What will be the reduction in bottom hole pressure if 5 stands of drill pipes are pulled out wet with out filling the hole ? ( Mud bucket was not used ) One stand length : Casing Capacity : Drill Pipe Capacity : Drill pipe steel displacement: Mud Weight : a. b. c. d. 129 412 91 100 psi psi psi psi 93 ft 0.0836 bbls/ft 0.0177 bbls/ft 0.0080 bbls/ft 12 ppg


With following well data, calculate the no. of 93 ft length stands that can be pulled out dry before the well starts to flow. Well Depth Casing Shoe Depth Mud Gradient Formation Pressure Casing Capacity Open Hole Capacity -4: : : : : : 9,450 ft TVD 5,630 ft TVD 0.695 psi/ ft 6,400 psi 0.1568 bbl/ft 0.1483 bbl/ft

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 Drill pipe Metal Displacement : Drill Pipe Capacity : 0.0080 bbl/ft 0.01776 bbl/ft Stands 21. In a well while tripping out the hole was filled during pulling drill pipes. Thereafter the trip tank pump was stopped and the complete BHA was pulled out dry. Using following data, calculate approximate reduction in the bottom hole pressure. BHA length BHA capacity BHA Steel Displacement Annual Capacity BHA to 13 3/8 Casing Casing capacity Mud Density a. b. c. d. 22. 278 140 115 211 psi psi psi psi 531 ft 0.009 bbls/ft 0.068 bbls/ft 0.07 bbls/ft 0.147 bbls/ft 11 ppg

It was decided to reduce the mud weight from 11.2 ppg while tripping in the well of 9,680 ft TVD. String was run to 5,400 ft and mud was displaced by 10.6 ppg mud. a. What will be the bottom hole pressure now ? psi b. When string was run down to bottom the entire well was displaced by 10.6 ppg mud. Calculate the bottom hole pressure in static condition. psi


What does Abnormal Pressure mean with regard to fluid pressure in the formation? a. b. c. High Density mud used to create a large overbalance. Formation fluid pressure that exceeds saline water hydrostatic pressure. The excess pressure that needs to be applied to cause leak off in a normal pressured formation.


A gas bearing formation is over pressured by a artesian effect. Which of the following condition has created the over pressure ? a. b. c. Compaction of the formation from the over burden. Formation water source located at a higher level than the rig floor. The difference in length between gas & formation fluid. -5-

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 25. Worldwide, what is the most common cause of abnormal formation pressure ? a. b. c. 26. Depleted sands carbonate layers Under compaction of shales

At a depth of 1300 ft the formation pressure is 650 psi. This formation pressure is: a. b. c. Abnormal Pressure Normal Pressure Sub normal Pressure


Calculate the pressure at the top of the reservoir, with the following data:
3500 ft

at 4000 ft . Normal pr.

0.46 psi/ft

a. b. c. 28.

.. Top. . .. Gas gradient 0.1 psi /ft --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1840 psi - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------1610 -psi - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gas water contact

1790 psi

What is the definition of MAASP ? a. b. c. d. The maximum BHP that can be allowed during kill operation. The maximum drill pipe pressure that can be allowed during kill operation. The surface pressure in excess of mud hydrostatic that if exceeded is likely to cause losses at shoe. The total pressure applied at casing shoe that can cause losses at shoe.


If the mud weight is increased during drilling what will happen to the MAASP? a. b. c. MAASP will increase MAASP will remain same MAASP will decrease


How often should the MAASP be recalculated ? a. b. c. After every bit change After a change in mud weight After every 500 ft. drilled


Which of the following parameters will affect the MAASP ? -6-

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 a. b. c. d. e. 32. Casing capacity Mud density is use Casing shoe depth Formation pressure Fracture pressure at casing shoe

After lowering casing, which of the following operations are to be taken care of prior to conducting a leak off test. (Select two answers ) a. b. c. d. Drill casing shoe and about 10 ft in to new formation. Keep the bit close to bottom. Circulate and condition the mud to get uniform column of mud in the well. Line up pump to conduct leak off at slow circulating rate.


Which of the following help in getting accurate leak-off test value at casing shoe? (Select three answers ) a. b. c. d. e. Mud volume in the casing. Hydrostatic pressure at casing shoe. Accurate weight of mud used for testing. Volume of the mud pumped till leak-off. Measured depth of casing shoe.


Which of the following are important for the calculation of formation strength at the shoe . ( Select three answers) a. b. c. d. e. Accurate pump strokes counter. Accurate pressure gauge. Exact mud density. Exact vertical depth of casing shoe. Accurate hole capacity.


Calculate the fracture strength at casing shoe for the following example: 1000 x P R E S S U R E ( psi ) x
Shoe TVD 5000 ft Shoe M D 5000 ft

800 x 600 x

Test Mud 12 ppg

psi -7-




A casing is set at a depth of 7260 ft. and true vertical depth of casing shoe is 6298 ft. After drilling shoe and new formation, leak off test was conducted with 11.2 ppg mud. It was found that the formation strength is 5400 psi. Find out the maximum allowable annular surface pressure ( MAASP ). a. b. c. d. 1117 psi 1732 psi 5400 psi 592 psi


With following information, calculate the new maximum allowable annular surface pressure ( MAASP ). Well Depth Casing Shoe Measured Depth Casing Shoe True Vertical Depth Casing Shoe leaked with 10 ppg mud at a. b. c. New MAASP with 11 ppg mud New MAASP with 12.5 ppg mud Casing shoe fracture strength = = = = MD 15,150 ft / TVD 13,900 ft 11, 100 ft 10, 100 ft 1800 psi ____________ psi ____________ psi _____________psi


13 3/8 surface casing is set and cemented at 3,126 ft. ( T.V.D. ). The cement is drilled out together with 15 ft. of new hole, using 10.2 ppg mud. A leak off pressure of 670 psi is determined. Find out the following: i. What is the formation fracture gradient ? a. b. c. d. ii. 0.619 0.837 0.785 0.530 psi/ft. psi/ft. psi/ft. psi/ft.

What is the MAASP for 11.4 ppg mud in use at 6,500 ft TVD ? -8-

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 a. b. c. d. 39. 865 psi 475 psi 449 psi 602 psi

Which of the following are considered to be good operating practices in Top Hole where there is a risk of shallow gas? ( Select two answers) a. b. c. d. e. Circulating while pulling out of the hole on trips. Use high density mud to create maximum overbalance. Drill a pilot hole. Maintain high rates of penetration to ensure mud viscosity level is high. Regularly pump fresh water pill to remove the cuttings from the hole.


Which of the following drilling practices would be considered when connection gas is noticed? ( Select two answers) a. b. c. d. e. Pulling out of the hole to change the bit. Raising the mud yield point. Minimizing the time during a connection when the pumps are switched off. Controlling drilling rate so only one slug of connection gas is in the hole at a time. Pumping a low viscosity pill around bit to reduce balling up of bit or stabilisers.


While drilling on a land rig, shallow gas was detected and flow was diverted by closing diverter. What action should be taken ? a. b. c. d. Increase the pump discharge. Decrease the pump discharge. Reduce pump speed. Maintain the pump discharge constant.


Which of the following practices should be followed to prevent total losses in top hole drilling, so as to avoid a shallow gas kick ? a. b. c. d. Use of high mud weight. Drilling with low circulating rate to reduce circulating pressure loss in the system. Drilling with controlled rate of penetration. Pump cement into the annulus.


For vent / bleed / straight through line in the choke manifold reply the following: i. What is the function of vent / bleed / straight through line? a. b. To bleed formation fluid bypassing the choke, if influx volume is large To facilitate easy handling of choke -9-

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 c. ii. To apply back pressure while controlling a kick

What is the diameter of vent / bleed / straight through line? a. b. c. 3 in diameter 5 in diameter At-least equal to the diameter of choke line


Which list below describes as to how the choke manifold will most likely be set up for hard shut-in while drilling ? Choke line Auto choke MGS Hydraulic Valve Valve List A. Open Closed Closed List B. Open Open Closed List C. Closed Open Open List D. Closed Closed Open Which list below describes as to how the choke manifold will most likely be set up for soft shut-in while drilling ? Choke line Auto choke MGS Hydraulic Valve Valve List A. Open Closed Closed List B. Open Open Closed List C. Closed Open Open List D. Closed Closed Open What action should be taken if the choke line parts between the HCR valve and the remote choke while circulating out a kick? a. b. c. Stop pump and close the choke. Stop pump and close HCR. Stop pump and close the shear rams.




Which one of the following be the first action to be taken, if the mud pump safety valve pops-off while circulating out a kick? a. b. c. Drop the drill string, close blind/shear rams, close the choke. Stop the pump, close the choke. Stop the pump, close kelly cock, close choke.


Listed below are the two shut-in procedures for handling a kick according to API RP 59 for surface BOP stack: a. With choke open, pick up off bottom, shut down pumps, open HCR, close BOP, close choke. b. With choke already closed, pick up off bottom, shut down pumps, close BOP open HCR. - 10 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 Match the two procedures. Titles 1. 2. 49. Soft shut in Hard shut in = = Procedures

Write the Line-Up of Valves & Choke (Open or Close) for given type of Shut - in. TYPE OF SHUT-IN Hard Shut - in Soft Shut - in HCR LINE - UP Choke MGS Valve


Which of the following most correctly describes the procedures to be followed for a hard shut in during tripping as per API RP 59? a. Stab full opening safety valve. Close safety valve. Close BOP. Open HCR. Stab full opening safety valve. Close safety valve. Open HCR. Close BOP. Make up kelly. Open HCR. Close BOP. Close choke.




While tripping into the hole the flow meter showed well flowing, which of the following shut in procedure should be followed for soft shut-in on a surface stack ? a. Stab a full opening safety valve. Close the safety valve. Open HCR. Close BOP. Close choke. Close the BOP. Stab full opening safety valve. - 11 -


WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 Close the safety valve. Open choke. Close choke. c. Stab full opening safety valve. Open HCR and choke. Close BOP. Close choke.


What is inside BOP? a. b. c. An equipment that can be installed in drill string to act as non return valve A ball valve installed immediately above the bit Small element inserted in to annular preventer to reduce inside diameter


Which equipment is used before stripping in to the well ? a. b. c. FOSV open after installation of inside BOP on top FOSV installed above the inside BOP FOSV in close position


If a non return valve or inside BOP is installed in the drill string following a kick whilst tripping, which one of the following statements is false? a. b. c. d. The drill string can be stripped back to bottom. Wire line tools can be run to the bit. Kill mud can be pumped in the well. SICP can be recorded.


A flowing well has been shut in. The drill pipe pressure is `0 because there is a nonreturn valve in the string. To determine the SIDPP, what action should be taken ? a. b. c. Bring the pump up to kill rate holding the casing pressure constant by opening the choke. The pressure shown when the pump is at kill rate is SIDPP Pump very slowly into the drill pipe with the well shut in. When the pumping pressure stabilises the float has opened. This pumping pressure is the SIDPP Shearing the pipe and reading the SIDPP directly off the casing gauge


You have taken a kick with a float in the drill string. After shutting - in the well properly to know the SIDPP, it is best to: a. b. c. Drop float opening bar Start raising the mud weight 1 ppg per circulation until the well is dead Use either the rig pump or cementing unit pump to increase pressure on the drill pipe gauge slowly until a change is seen on the casing gauge


A inside BOP is installed in the drill string following a kick while tripping. Write - 12 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 A for advantage & D for disadvantage against each statement. a. b. c. d. Stripping drill string back to bottom Lowering of wire line tools Reverse circulation In recording of SIDPP


Which of the situation require recording of a slow circulating rate pressure? (Select two answers) a. b. c. Only after drilling out casing shoe. At beginning of each shift. Every time mud density is changed.


When slow circulating rate pressure should be recorded? (Select three answers) a. b. c. d. With bit near the bottom. When bit nozzle size is changed. After installation of BOP. After liner size of pump is changed.


Which of the following should be considered while selecting kill rate SPM? (Select two answers) a. b. c. Formation pressure. Volume handling capacity of the choke. Capacity of kill mud preparation.


Which of the following should be considered for selecting slow circulating rate ? (Select three answers) a. b. c. d. e. Rated working pressure of mud pump Rated working pressure of BOP Casing capacity Barite mixing capability Gas handling capacity of mud gas separator


The influx is usually circulated out at a pump rate considerably slower than that used while drilling. Select the correct reasons for this from the list below: ( Select four answers) a. b. c. To enable the choke operator to make the necessary choke adjustment. To reduce the pressure being exerted on the open hole. To get adequate time to dispose off the kick fluid at surface. - 13 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 d. e. f. 62. To allow tool pusher to contact town. To reduce the chances of washing-out of the choke. To reduce the chance of gas migration.

While starting pump for killing, which pressure should be kept constant? a. b. c. Shut- in casing pressure Shut- in drill pipe pressure None of the above


What would happen if while bringing the pump up to kill speed the casing pressure was allowed to fall below shut in casing pressure ? a. b. c. Formation would most probably break down. More influx could be let into the well bore. It would have no effect on anything.


What would happen to down hole pressure on a surface stack, if the casing pressure was allowed to increase above the SICP while bringing the pump up to kill speed? a. b. c. Down hole pressure would increase and possibly exceed fracture gradient. Down hole pressure would decrease and possibly cause more influx to enter. Would have no effect.


A gas kick is easier to detect in water based mud than in oil based mud. True Or False


Hydrocarbon gas is more soluble in water based mud than in oil based mud. True Or False


Which of the following statements are true for oil base mud ? (Select two answers ) a. d. c. d. Initial pit gain will be less Flow check should be made for 15 - 30 minutes Initial pit gain will be more Flow check should be made for only 2 - 3 minutes


Which of the following statements are true? ( Select three answers) a. b. c. d. SICP will be more in water based mud than oil based mud SICP will be less in water based mud than oil based mud Gas will reduce less hydrostatic pressure in oil base mud than water base mud Gas will reduce more hydrostatic pressure in oil base mud than water base mud - 14 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 e. f. 69. Gas expansion will be at the same rate in oil base mud and water base mud It is easy to detect gas kick in water based mud than oil based mud

Why shut in casing pressure is usually higher than the shut-in drill pipe pressure ? a. b. c. d. The cuttings in the annulus are lighter . The influx is usually less dense than the existing mud weight. SICP is not necessarily higher, it depends on offshore or land operation. The only difference is in the gauges used.


While drilling a horizontal section of a well, self flow was observed and well was shut-in. Influx is still in the horizontal section. Which of the following is true? a. b. c. SIDPP will be more than SICP. SICP & SIDPP will be approximately same. SICP will be more than SIDPP.


Which of the following parameters will affect the SICP? (Select three answers ) b. c. d. e. a. Formation pressure Drill string capacity Annulus capacity Bottom hole temperature Volume of influx


Calculate the shut-in casing pressure with the following data: SIDPP MW Height of the influx Influx weight a. b. c. 300 psi 368 psi 394 psi 300 12 365 8.4 psi ppg ft ppg


Calculate the height of influx with the following data: Hole Size Well depth Drill Collars Open Hole x D/C capacity Open Hole x D/P capacity Pit Gain : : : : : : 8 11460 ft 6 , 2 5/8 ID, 360 ft 0.0289 bbls/ft 0.0451 bbls/ft 28 bbls Height -



Calculate the influx gradient and find type of influx with the following data: - 15 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 Mud weight SIDPP SICP Influx height 12.3 350 700 963 ppg psi psi ft psi/ft

Influx Gradient Type of influx 75.

A well was shut in and the following reading were recorded : TIME 1000 hrs 1005 hrs 1010 hrs 1015 hrs 1020 hrs 1025 hrs 1030 hrs SIDPP 250 psi 300 psi 350 psi 400 psi 410 psi 420 psi 430 psi SICP 310 psi 370 psi 430 psi 500 psi 510 psi 520 psi 530 psi

What will be SIDPP a. 460 psi b. 400 psi c. Well is not yet stabilised wait for more time to know the exact SIDPP 76. A well was shut in after a kick and following pressures were recorded: TIME 0600 hrs 0605 hrs 0610 hrs 0620 hrs 0625 hrs 0630 hrs SIDPP 300 psi 350 psi 400 psi 350 psi 200 psi 100 psi SICP 480 psi 540 psi 600 psi 500 psi 350 psi 180 psi

What probably might have happened in the well ? a. b. c. d. 77. Influx is migrating up in the well Drill string has parted Hole is packed around drill collar Weak formation in the open hole got fractured

In an open well with gas cut mud when is bottom hole pressure reduced the most ? a. When the gas is at the surface - 16 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 b. d. 78. When the gas is at bottom When the gas is at the casing shoe

Which of the following pressures do not increase with gas migration in close well condition ? a. b. c. e. Bottom hole pressure Casing shoe pressure Shut-in casing pressure Gas bubble pressure


A well was shut in on a gas kick, SIDPP and SICP had stabilized. After sometime both start rising slowly by the same amount. What is the probable cause ? a. b. c. d. A further influx is entering the hole. The influx is migrating up the Well Bore. The gauges are faulty. The BOP stack is leaking.


After shut-in & stabilization of surface pressures in a well which pressure is to be maintained constant to keep Bottom Hole Pressure constant ? a. b. c. e. Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure. Shut-in Casing Pressure. Casing Shoe Pressure. Formation Pressure.


What would be the effect of open well gas migration on the following pressures at various locations? Tick the answer in appropriate box. LOCATIONS 1. 2. Gas Bubble Increase Decrease Stay the same

At any point above Gas Bubble 3. At any point below Gas Bubble 4. Bottom Hole 82. What would be the effect of closed well gas migration on the following pressures at various locations? Tick the answer in appropriate box. LOCATIONS 1. Gas Bubble - 17 Increase Decrease Stay the same

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 2. At any point above Gas Bubble 3. At any point below Gas Bubble 4. Bottom Hole 5. SICP 6. SIDPP


Well is shut in on a gas kick . After pressure stabilization, both the pressures are found to be rising 100 psi in every 10 min.. Calculate the gas migration rate. TVD Mud weight SIDPP Gas gradient a. b. c. 824 ft/ hr 137 ft/hr 600 ft/hr 11,000 ft 12.3 ppg 350 psi 0.115 psi/ft


Well is shut-in and following data are recorded: SIDPP SICP Mud in use 400 psi 550 psi 12.0 ppg

What will be SIDPP & SICP if influx has migrated 400 ft up in the hole? a. b. c. d. 85. SIDPP-650 psi SIDPP-650 psi SIDPP-400 psi SIDPP-400 psi & & & & SICP-550 psi SICP-800 psi SICP-800 psi SICP-550 psi

After observing self flow the well is shut in. Killing could not be resumed due to power failure. The following data have been recorded TVD Mud weight Kick size SIDPP Gas gradient 11,000 ft 12.3 ppg 25 bbls 350 psi 0.115 psi/ft

- 18 -

WELL CONTROL SURFACE ASSIGNMENT - 1 It is observed that after 1 hour the drill pipe pressure has risen to 550 psi due to closed well migration. Calculate volume to bleed to keep the BHP constant. bbls/hr

- 19 -

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