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Per visualizzare tabella arp della management TP600E# show arp Link Level ARP table Destination IP Destination

Mac Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:08:da:50:ba:b1 00:08:02:a1:30:8f 00:16:d3:e0:80:81 00:1e:c9:ad:64:39 00:09:0f:0b:c2:10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Per visualizzare info sullora TP600E# show clock Local Time: 2009-04-27 11:24:59 Timezone: CET DST: enabled Per visualizzare configurazione completa TP600E# show conf interface ethernet 3 3 negotiate duplex full linespeed 1000 no shutdown exit interface ethernet 3 4 negotiate duplex full linespeed 1000 no shutdown exit Per visualizzare info dns TP600E# show dns Domain Name: test.priv DNS Primary Server: DNS SecondaryServer: Per visualizzare salute sistema TP600E# show healt Temperature : Current: 25 degrees (C) Health: Normal Memory : Current: 49 percent in use

Health: Normal Power supply : Health: Normal Disk Partitions: Partition Total(Mbytes) Used(Mbytes) % Used Health ---------- --------------- --------------- ------ ---------/boot 201 89 44 Normal /opt 595 45 7 Normal /usr 102 31 30 Normal /log 97 1 1 Normal /ramLog 30 4 13 Normal /ramTmp 127 0 0 Normal /ramRO 14 12 85 Normal Per visualizzare info HA TP600E# show high-availability Intrinsic HA state: normal Transparent HA state: disabled Zero-power HA state: normal Per visualizzare info sullinterfaccia TP600E# sh interface Slot/Port 3/3 Type Ethernet MTU 1500 Link Up(1) Speed 100 Duplex Full(3) RX Unicast Pkts 46291643 RX Multicast Pkts 0 RX Broadcast Pkts 23545 RX Error Pkts 0 RX Discards 0 RX Unknown Protocols 0 RX Total Pkts 46315188 TX Unicast Pkts 35364522 TX Multicast Pkts 0 TX Broadcast Pkts 3 TX Total Pkts 35364525 Per visualizzare impostazioni di un protection profile TP600E# show profile "Default, 2.0" Name: Default, 2.0 Description: Initial profile In/out pairs: 3A-3B 3B-3A 4A-4B 4B-4A

Category settings: vulnerabilities Recommended exploits Recommended security-policy Recommended reconnaissance Recommended virus Recommended spyware Recommended identity-theft Recommended traffic-normal Recommended network-equipment Recommended p2p Recommended im Recommended streaming-media Recommended Application protection exceptions: None Application protection limits: None Performance protection limits: None Per visualizzare dei log TP600E# show log alert 2009-04-27 09:30:01 <INFO> [ALT] Alert v4 1 [8f489b09-244f-11de-14817276d83f854 2] 3 [00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000005874] http 0 87.248.2 12.20:80 1 4 0 2B-2A 1240817330 0789940954 1 pt0 0 0 Per visualizzare stato ramdisk TP600E# show ramdisk TP600E(show-ram)# files ------/ramLog filesystem: Size=32,119,808 Inuse=4,597,760 Free=27,522,048 Monitored files: 1659479 /ramLog/log/sys/message.log 198715 /log/sys/mess age.log.z 0 /ramLog/log/sys/message.log.1 0 /log/sys/mess age.log.1.z 93284 /ramLog/log/audit/audit.log 15799 /log/audit/au dit.log.z 0 /ramLog/log/audit/audit.log.1 0 /log/audit/au dit.log.1.z 2654976 /ramLog/log/block/block.log 226549 /log/block/bl ock.log.z 0 /ramLog/log/block/block.log.1 0 /log/block/bl ock.log.1.z 180754 /ramLog/log/alert/alert.log 10494 /log/alert/al ert.log.z 0 /ramLog/log/alert/alert.log.1 0 /log/alert/al ert.log.1.z -------

/ramTmp filesystem: Size=134,074,368 Inuse=65,536 Free=134,008,832 No monitored files - Read-only ------/ramRO filesystem: Size=15,113,216 Inuse=12,386,304 Free=2,726,912 No monitored files - Read-only Per visualizzare le routes dellinterfaccia di management TP600E# show routes Management port routes: Destination Mask Gateway Interface --------------------------- fxp0 fxp0 Per visualizzare i servizi abilitati sulla sonda TP600E# show server telnet: Disabled ssh: Running http: Disabled https: Running browser-check: Running Per visualizzare gli utenti presenti sulla sonda TP600E# show user Total Users: 1 User Name Access Role Last Password Update State -------------------------------- ------------- -------------------- -------SuperUser super-user 2009-03-31 12:18:02 Enabled Per info sullappliance TP600E# show version Serial: U600C-3009-1909 Software: Build Date: "Jul 2 2008, 14:16:16" Production Digital Vaccine: Model: 600E Host Board: t8 Rev: E System Boot Time: 2009-03-31 12:32:30 CET Uptime is 3 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, 54 seconds Per info sulla memoria TP600E# debug information memory max system bytes = 2115164812 in use bytes = 886732772 ver DEBUG Per visualizzare impostazioni complete di uninterfaccia di rete TP600E# debug np port diags 3 4

Port 4 PHY: copper interface Energy Detected MDI MODE: MDI (DTE) AUTO-NEGOTIATION: Enabled Completed HCD 100BASE-TX Full-Duplex Advertised Capabilities: 100Base-TX Full-Duplex 100Base-TX Half-Duplex 10Base-T Full-Duplex 10Base-T Half-Duplex 1000BASE-T Full-Duplex 1000BASE-T Half-Duplex Link partner advertising... Auto-negotiation ACK Link Code Word TX Pause 100Base-TX Full-Duplex 100Base-TX Half-Duplex 10Base-T Full-Duplex 10Base-T Half-Duplex LINK STATUS: UP Speed: 100Base-T Duplex: Full Quality: Good MAC STATUS: MII Link State: UP MII Auto-Negotiation: Passed Per abilitare ed esportare sniffing del traffico (da usare con ESTREMA cautela) TP600E# traffic-capture export Export a captured data stream list List all the packet capture files remove Remove a packet trace start Start capturing packets stop Stop the current packet capture Per abilitare interfaccia LSM in https TP600E# conf t server browser-check Enable IE 6.x browser check http Enable HTTP https Enable HTTPS ssh Enable SSH telnet Enable telnet TP600E# conf t server https

Per disabilitare il controllo del browser nllLSM TP600E# conf t server no browser-check

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