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On the 14 of June some 5/6s went to camp to Anglesea. But only 20 of about 35 kids went.

Day one The day started with the bus being late. The bus arrived about 10mins late, we loaded our luggage on to the bus and hopped on the bus the time said 9:00 so the driver had thought he was on time. The long trip to Anglesea took 2hours to entertain myself I write in my camp dairy. Half way we stopped at a park and had break. When we got to camp we went to our rooms. I was in in a room with Misha, Miranda and Maddison. Then we went to a lake were we would go canoeing and a questionset. We had to walk across the GreatOceanRoad. Canoeing was fun we I got a bit wet. Then we went home to diner. Day two After breakfest we went to Point Road Knight. The walk took 1 WHOLE HOUR. By the time we got to the beach we were all tired. The 5/6s played in the water and played games on the that time we were all wet. I went with Madison to the toilet. At the toilet I took off my pants and made my jacket in to skirt. On the way back we stop at a different beach to have beach carnivel. A beach carnival is a series of games. There are two teams pink and yellow. I was on the pink team. Sadly the yellow was the winner .after that we

went back to camp and had dinner. After dinner we had a camp fire and told scarystories. Day three Day three was the best day SO FAR we went on the giant swing and the vertical challenge. Thegiant swing was a bit scary but not very scary so I went all the way to the top twice.The vertical challenge was a lot scary I thought I was about to faint I thought about stopping but I did not stop.that night we had a talent show and trivia. Misha Miranda and I sang Ke$ha tic toc .THE NEW SPICE GIRLS we won yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in a trivia group with madison , holly and piper. Our group was called happy monsters playing arcade games. Day four Today was the last day of camp I was a bit sad but excited because I was going to see my family. Then we went on the bus home. On the bus I was near misha and Miranda and next to James and Harrison. When we got to school we went to assembly then home. Camp was so fun.

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