NGO Profile of Sangat Development Society

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An Effort for Environmentally Sensitive Development which is Strengthening Communities for Disasters & Poverty, and increasing Sustainable Livelihood Options with Participatory Approach. SANGAT DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY

Name of NGO: Sangat Development Society Address: Main Secretariat Sangat Development Society, College Road Bela, Tehsil Bela, District Lasbella, Balochistan- Pakistan Tel: 0853204879 Cell: +923332948415- +923012021707 E-mail: Registration number: EDO-CD/LS/CBO/08 Date of Establishment: 20th APRIL 2003 Date of registration: 5th November 2003 Registration authority: EDO community development Lasbella Contact person: Abdul Haque Zoaq Baloch (Programme Manager) History & Introduction of Sangat Development Society Concern World Wide (Pakistan Programme) initiated emergency relief work during 2003, after flood hit Lasbella, for the most affected families and particularly for woman and children. Sangat Development Society was instituted as part of this plan to address the effects of flood by involving communities in a development process. Service delivery and semi-development work continued until 2003, when an external evaluation was commissioned, which recommended Sangat Lasbella to translate the experience in to an independent organization, supporting communities in forming village development organizations and build their capacities through disaster risk management training. Sangat Development Society (Sangat Lasbella) is an autonomous not-for-profit, Non-Governmental, Non-

Religious & Non-Political organization working in the rural areas of Lasbella & Awaran Districts of Balochistan. Initially it was funded by the Concern world wide (Pakistan Programme), IDSP & DTCE, PAIMAN in order to attain its envisaged goal of alleviation poverty in the rural areas of Balochistan. Sangat Lasbella has created by the efforts of a young Group of District Lasbella from Bela City, organization purely and actively working for improving and uplifting the people quality of life by developing a support mechanism that can ensure the provision of social guidance to the communities at the approachable level. Today the poverty poses most important development challenge in developing countries like in Pakistan and specific province of Balochistan, to address this pressing social, economical & political issue, the participatory development approaches (PAR & PRA) has been selected as effective tools for sustainable and long term development of Poorest and marginalized section of society. Sangat has taken the challenge to playing a proactive role in initiating the supplementing efforts for eradication poverty by increasing livelihood options. Sangat is unique organization established in Lasbella Balochistan solely for the eradication of poverty. Its innovative technique of social mobilization through PRA or PAR enables the poor to accesses, to control or utilize most efficiently the resources meant for them. It is represented by the people who are committed to social, political and economical change of the poor and believe that the strengthening and empowerment of the poor is critical to the poverty alleviation, because the powerlessness and poverty are almost synonymous. The pragmatic reality that the poor lack choice and control over the resources and right to influence their future from the basis of their powerlessness. Sangat development society has a wellexperienced implementation team and has at least 180 volunteers in working areas of district Lasbella & Awaran. It has done a worked in district Awaran on emergency relief response and shelter rehabilitation, it is successfully achieving aims and objectives of organization in collaboration/support of different partners such as concern world wide (Pakistan Programme), JSI, PAIMAN, US Aid , DTCE Pakistan, IDSP Pakistan, Abt Association Inc(US Aid Contractor). LEGAL STATUS . Sangat Lasbella has been incorporated in 2003 under the Social Welfare Registration Act 1961, and is governed by an executive committee (Board of Organization) consisting of professionals with 2

comprehensive knowledge and understanding about social development. The office of the society is situated at College Road Bela District Lasbella. OUR VISION A free world where no one feels any threat or fear. Positive and constructive thinking development and prosperity. Greenery is all around and peace every where. OUR MISSION Sangats mission is to facilitate the process of creating an enabling environment for the poor to discover their realities and the support system to be sensitive for poverty eradication. To promote cultural activities, local literature, indigenous skills and local knowledge. Sangat assist and encourages communities through policy & practice interventions in the field of water & sanitation, Mothers & Newborns Health Care, Emergency Relief with special focus on women and children, community mobilization, community physical infrastructures, rehabilitation, mitigation & Emergencies in order to bring lasting improvements in the quality of life of marginalized communities.


To have access to basic community physical infrastructure in order to support poor communities through participatory processes

To focus Mothers & Newborns Health Care To assist people to live in hygienic and healthy atmosphere through launching awareness campaigns, training sessions and sanitation -promotion activities

Capacity Building of Stakeholders

To conduct Trainings of School Teachers regarding Health & Hygiene practices To develop and activate human resources in CPI, Education, I.T and Emergency Relief sectors To support communities to bring improvements in sectors: CPI, Education and Emergency Relief To advocate for generation of more and more resources to continue with support programs To improve organizational capacity and efficiency To collaborate with other stakeholders on issues of program development To efforts for Conservation of nature & create environment friendly atmosphere at all level

GOAL Enlarging To help marginalized people to benefit from the development process through participatory gender balanced approaches in order to achieve sustainable livelihood and to strive to eliminate poverty in arid zones of Balochistan.

OUR MANDATE Sangat is mandated to bring lasting improvements in the quality of life of marginalized communities specially women & children through increasing access to services for mothers & newborns, safe drinking water and sanitation, Community empowerment, focus interventions in child & Women rights, education opportunities, hygiene education & responding appropriately in time of emergencies. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES/ THEMATIC AREAS

Social Mobilization

o o o o o o o o o o o

Mother & Newborn Health Care Livelihood Security Responding emergencies Rehabilitation & Mitigation Safe drinking water & Hygiene promotion Programme School Hygiene Capacity Building Trainings Poverty Reduction Social Sector Development Disaster Preparedness and Management Quality Education

STRATEGY Strength organization and capacity building of members and communities Convincing the actual message to the people Awareness raising on basic rights, self reliance for the solution of economic problems To develop critical thinking in communities To utilize idle resources, local knowledge and skills To control surplus leakages To understand mode of exploitation To promote social & cultural activities Strengthen productive relation ships Participation of women in political, economical and social development To promote traditional agriculture (collective, mixed & cooperative framing Respect of environment (culture, language, views, religious and personal ) Focusing environmentally sensitive development People first Involvement , participation and contribution of communities in development efforts Strong commitment with communities Gender sensitization


Equipped Office at Bela City District Lasbella A vehicle to Support the Programme

Team of Subject specialists ( Programme Coordinators, volunteer LHWs, Volunteer Engineer, Sociologists, accounts staff, Master Trainers)


Social Mobilization (men, women, ad Children) Mothers & Newborn Health Care Safe Drinking Water & Hygiene practices Relief and Rehabilitation in emergency situations Sustainable Livelihood options Health, education and women rights

ASSETS IN SANGAT: 04 07 15 01 02 01 01 03 03 02 01 03 04 01 02 01 01 02 Almaria tables chairs sofa set table ranks file rank generator wall clock carpets systems of computer Printer Maps sealing fans kitchen set gas cylinder emergency Box Tent Water coolers


Sangat Development Society's organizational structure comprises of Volunteers and paid staff. The volunteers consists of members of General Body (include gender balanced representatives of the community) and board members (also include community representatives), whereas paid staff comprises Sangat management, professionals, subject specialists, support staff, and skill labor. Sangat is entirely a non-political, non-partisan, non-religious, not for profit development organization working on humanitarian grounds for improving the quality of life. It has got set principles and values according to the local culture and wisdom of the area. Its management is completely participatory and the level of decision-making is decentralized. Sangat now consists of 02 (2) Regional Offices covering four (2) districts of Balochistan. These Regional Offices are located in Bela City District Lasbella. The Head Office in Bela City consists of professionals in the fields of emergency relief operations, Mother and newborn health care, safe drinking water, school hygiene, health and education, advocacy and networking, Social mobilization, CPI etc. They visit the field and when required and carry out research, development of packages of advice, and training in their respective fields. In addition, the Head Office also has sections on Monitoring, IT Section, Finance and Administration (F&A). The work of the field is coordinated by Projects Managers.

General Body Members Executive Committee Members Executive Body Members


Vice President

General Secretary

Joint Secretary


ORGNAIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Sangat defines Programme cycles with a strategic plan covering a period of three years. This initial term plan is defining broad objectives of the phase and the year by the sectors of intervention. Yearly operational plans have been worked out. The Programme management has institutionalized monthly meetings at the field level; each meeting lasting approximately one day. These meetings serve the review of a previous month, the planning of the subsequent ones, the exchange of experience as well as the co-ordination of activities between the sections of Programme support and Programme operations as well as administration and finance (e.g. allocation of funds /use of vehicles). Monthly technical reports are prepared by the field teams and consolidated into monthly comprehensive Programme reports by the Monitoring of project Coordinators. These also prepare quarterly, half yearly and the annual reports on a routine basis, which summarize the monthly report for the respective period of time. Detailed analyses related to results/targets/objectives achievements are undertaken. Now system exists to assess effects and impact of activities. Though, such assessments are difficult to be applied with the short term planning and monitoring systems but here in Sangat they do provide monitoring indicators to qualify results and process. The general management of the Sangat is quite decentralized at the field level. For example, Sangat has 06 major components according to its approved Organogram: 1. Emergency Responses and rehabilitation interventions led by an Emergency response & Preparedness Coordinator based at Bela City and support all the projects and field activities. 2. Social Mobilization Component led by a Coordinator Social Mobilization Unit, based at Bela City and support all the projects and field activities. 3. Education Component, all School level and educational led by a Coordinator Education Unit, based at Bela City and support all the projects and field activities.

4. Water Sanitation & Community Hygiene Component led by a Project Coordinator, based at Bela City and support all the projects and field activities. 5. MNCH Programme of Sangat led by a Programme Coordinator based at Bela City and support all the projects and field activities. 6. Finance and Administration (F&A) based at Bela City led by a Finance Manager, deals with all personnel records, administrative concerns and finance of the Sangat; All above mentioned responsible led persons directly report to the Chief Executive Officer which is also Programme Manager of Sangat. Sangat has described the level of authority limit on the financial and management issues at each tear of the management. The decisions regarding Programme are generally taken through participatory approach and with consensus. Sangat uses computerized finance formats for its accounts, budgets, monitoring sheets, which indicate any variance in the budget and balance sheets. Sangat prepares consolidated monthly account sheets for each activity regularly. It intends to continue this process and share it with the donors regularly. It also intends to reflect its balance sheets in all quarterly reports, which will be shared with donors/partners along with the audited reports. Sangat maintains bank accounts in the name of the organization for different donors with National Bank of Pakistan Bela branch, which is being operated jointly by the Chief Executive Officer, Manager Finance and Administration, and one of the board members who lives in Bela. Sangat gets its accounts audited every project by an Audit firm by support of partner agencies. Sangat's Finance section has Manager Finance at Head Office in Bela City. ACHIVEMENTS SO FAR: Established first fellow ship English medium school in Bela city since2003 and still continue with the enrollment above from 200 kids construction of 12 water channels in Lasbella district construction of 09 flood protection structures in Lasbella District Land Raising for 25 flood affected house holds in Urki Lasbella Rehabilitation of 25 tube wells in U/C South Welpat Lasbella Installation of 50 Hand Pumps in different project areas of Lasbella Provided Shelters in 608 flood affected families in Lasbella Provided shelter materials in 41 flood affected families in district Awaran Distribution food supplements in 1300 flood affected families in Lasbella

Distributed 200 tents in flood affected families Conducted 05 medical camps in Lasbella for women health Conducted 08 cultural Melas on MNH issue Conducted 55 interactive theaters for Hygiene promotion Established 25 CCBs and 03 CBOs in target areas of Sangat Capacity Building trainings on operation & Maintenance of 05 filtration plants of Bela, Uthal & Gadani Tehsils TT Vaccination of 750 pregnant women 36 TBAs trained by Sangat 465 teachers trained for Hygiene promotion in 465 primary schools of Lasbella District distributed soaps and provided training in 12500 school kids in Lasbella for hygiene promotion 05 district level public forums conducted in Lasbella for democratic education Programme Completed rehabilitation (Agricultural Lands Reclamation) of 978 arcs Agricultural lands through 8600 tractor hours in U/C Kathore, union council North and union Council Welpat South Tehsil Bela. 75 Molvies trained for hygiene promotion 18 Community Health workers hired for MNH issue for 01 year in 2006 in PAIMAN project formation 30 village support groups in different villages for supporting MNH issues in Lasbella Construction of 09 mini dams in Welpat Gundacha Jageer with the support of Indus Earth (Sub Project of Sangat). Vaccination of 2000 live stock with the support of Livestock department Lasbella Conducted 05 Sports Tournaments

PARTNERS & PROJECT OF SANGAT DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY 1. Concern World Wide (Pakistan Programme) Support Theme: 1. Emergency Relief Response Lasbella Flood 2003 2. Rehabilitation & Mitigation in response of Lasbella Flood 2003 3. Emergency Relief Response Lasbella Flood 2005 4. Rehabilitation Lasbella Flood and


agricultural lands reclamation 2005 5. Emergency Relief Response Lasbella Flood 2007 Early Recovery Lasbella Flood 20072008 Financial and Technical (More than PKR 12 million and technical back up in Disaster Risk Management Balochistan Programme Manager CWW e-mail: Baluchistan Office: 98-Chaman Housing Scheme Airport Road. Quetta Pakistan

Support Type: Contact Person: E-mail: Address:


IDSP Pakistan Democratic Education Programme 2003-2004 Technical and financial support in PKR@ 30,000 Rahim Kasi Component In-charge Yearly basis Technical and Financial e-mail: C-32 Railway Housing Society Joint Road Quetta- Pakistan GPO Box # 85 GPO Quetta

Support Theme: Support Type: Contact Person: Nature of Partnership: Nature of Support: E-mail: Address:

3. Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE Pakistan) Support Theme: Contact Person: Nature of Partnership: Nature of Support: IME CSO for monitoring CCB mobilization in 11 union councils of Lasbella District 2004 Masood Aslam Chief Executive officer One Year project Technical and Financial in PKR @ 11

Address: 4. PAIMAN/ JSI / US AID Support Theme:

52,000 H.NO.18 ST NO.18, SECTOR 1-C2 Islamabad Pakistan

1. Awareness Raising on Mother and Newborn Health Care 2006-2007 2. TT Vaccination & Social Mobilization on MNH 20072008 Dr. Nabeela Ali Chief of Party Long Term 02 Years Partnership Technical and Financial support in PKR @ 4.65 million JSI Research & training Institute , Inc House 6, Street 5, F-8/3, Islamabad Pakistan

Contact Person: Nature of Partnership: Nature of Support: Address:

5.Abt Associate Inc / USAID (Pakistan Safe Drinking Water & Hygiene Promotion Programme) Support Theme: 1. Community Hygiene promotion Programme 2. School Hygiene promotion Programme 3. Capacity Building TMA/PHED Contact Person: Nature of Partnership: Nature of Support: Address: From 2007 to 2009 Mohammad Raees Programme & Grants Manager 18 Months long term Project Technical and Financial Support in PKR @ 9.3 Million House#299, St.19,E-7 Islamabad Pakistan

Self initiatives of Sangat Development Society 12

Education Live stock : CCB Formation

Kausar Fellowship School running with self initiative of Sangat Lasbella in Bela City 2000 livestock vaccination with the efforts of Sangat 25 CCBs and 03 CBO established with technical support of Sangat


Member of Baluchistan Development Consortium Focal Organization for Disaster Risk Management in Lasbella Focal Organization for Fresh Water Network in Lasbella Partner in WE CAN Campaign Member Party of Convention UNCCD CWS Pakistan Civil Society Network Awaran Mahigeer Network Lasbella CAP Kalat PIDS SPO MERCY CORPS Wess Balochistan WWF Pakistan CIDA International Indus earth CIET international Distt Govt Lasbella TVO Karachi SCOPE Pakistan SSDCN DAM SOHB HUB SWARD BELA WANG BELA 25 local CCBs CAWST CANEDA Social Aid Green star Save the children Mahekan welfare society PAIMAN consortium Ismailani welfare Association Bela Pakistan kisan Ithad Anjuman-e-Zameendaran Lasbela 13

Local Bodies of District Lasbela Health Department Lasbella Irrigation Department Lasbella Education Department Lasbella Duroon Social Development Organization Jahoo Awaran Beej Baluchistan

CAPACITY OF ORGNAIZATION: The NGO has its office at Bela; Lasbella Implementation team consists of 37 members both male and female .The NGO has so far worked in above from 130 villages of District Lasbella and 04 villages of District Awaran. Total population of 200000 (approximate) has been covered through Sangat development society operations in both districts (Lasbella and Awaran). SDS has a political will and 120 volunteers in target areas of District Lasbella. Services of the NGO are recognized by the community and it enjoys good repute and linkages in whole District. TECHNICAL / PROFESIONAL STAFF IN SANGAT: DESIGNATIONS Chief Executive officer/ Programme Manager Project Coordinators Finance Manager Admin & Finance Assistant Logistic officer IT officer Field Manager Male Social Mobilizers Female Social Mobilizers Principle Female Instructors Supporting Staff ( watch man & Drivers) Total Strength in Sangat Staff NUMBERS OF STAFF MEMBERS 01 03 01 01 01 01 01 06 06 01 10 05 37


ADVANTAGES OF SANGAT DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY: Technical and regular staff consist on 37 members 120 volunteers in different villages of district Lasbella Sangat is Unique local organization which is working on emergency, rehabilitation, mitigation and livelihood Experience of work and partnerships with international Agencies Political will in district Lasbela and district Awaran Committed, punctual, and hard workers in the team of Sangat Flexibility and easy mixing with communities and stack holders Documented records Expertise in emergency and distribution Linkages with national and international donor agencies Organizational intervention has in above from 100 villages of district lasbela and 04 villages of Distt Awaran. Best relations in target villages with communities and other stakeholders Strong Trust of communities Transparency in the projects Community involvement and participation in the projects Gender equity on all level Strong sprit of volunteerism knowledge about local norms, culture and environment Sangat is local initiative of district Lasbella which is working for area development Unique local organization which is focusing poverty eradication and focusing specific marginalized class of society Conceptual clarity with in organization Sangat team aware and can talk in all the local languages of district Lasbella & Awaran.

TRAININGS AND CAPACITY BUILDING SESSIONS OF SANGAT TEAM S.N O 01 02 03 KIND OF TRAINING Water and sanitation Social Audit Monitoring and evaluation Quanti CONDUCTED BY ty 08 PIDS, Unicef, Sangat 03 CIET International 04 Venue of Training Quetta, Bela Hub, Uthal ,Bela


04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

CCB/Local Bodies Environment Development Approach DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) DPM HIV Aids Distribution (emergency relief) Bio sand filtration Women rights Labor rights Child rights Devolution of Powers Food Security CCBs mobilization Focus Group Discussion House Hold Survey Preventive Health Proposal Writing PCM ( project cycle management)Training Water Rights DEP (Democratic Education Programme) Livelihood Security Musaliat-e-Anjuman Logistics Conservation of Nature Education reforms Public Forums DCC Training

02 01 02 03 01 04 02 05 02 01 03 04 08 02 02 01 03 04 03 01 02 01 02 01 01 02 02

DTCE, Sangat Concern world wide Concern world wide Concern worldwide SPO, Sangat Concern worldwide CAWST CANADA and SCOPE Aurat Foundation PIOLER PIOLER Asia Foundation, Sangi Foundation Action Aid Pakistan SPO, DTCE, Sangat CIET International CIET International, Sangat Lasbella CIET International JSI, US Aid

Bela, Uthal, Hub Bela Bela Islamabad, Quetta Hub, Bela Bela Bela , Quetta Karachi , Bela Lahore, Karachi, Bela Hub, Karachi Bela Islamabad , Quetta Islamabad, Quetta, Bela Islamabad , Hub, Bela Uthal Uthal, Bela

Uthal Islamabad, Quetta, Uthal DTCE, SPO, SANGAT Hub, Uthal , Bela Action Aid , Seher IDSP Concern worldwide Seher Concern worldwide SSDCN Common wealth, Save the children SANGI, Asia Foundation and IDSP Aurat Foundation Islamabad, Quetta, Bela Quetta Quetta , Islamabad Bela Quetta , Bela Dam Quetta Islamabad, Quetta Karachi, Bela


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

LFA (logical frame work) Chartered account and finances Base Line Survey Advocacy Social Mobilization Social conflict Earthen House Technology Technical Assessment Mothers & New Born Health Care

02 02 02 02 02 01 01 04 12

JSI, US Aid JSI, US Aid , Concern world wide Concern worldwide, CIET International Concern worldwide, SPO Concern worldwide Concern worldwide and Sangat Concern worldwide Irrigation Department Bela Lasbela JSI/ PAIMAN/ US AID

Karachi Quetta , Karachi Uthal , Bela Hub , Bela Bela Bela Bela Bela Islamabad, Karachi, Multan

Duties and Nature of work in Sangat Development society Lasbella. Social mobilization Emergency relief response Distribution Mobilization on mother and neo-born health (PAIMAN) TBAs Trainings Coordination & Networking Advocacy Street walks Seminars Need assessment PRA/PAR Base line survey Education (Fellowship school) Mass meetings Public forums Street walks Inter active theater Seminars Cultural show and local Melas Sports tournament


Community meeting Committee formation Advocacy Reporting Coordination and linkages Trainings and capacity building of communities Technical assessment Formation of CCBs Formation of village organizations Installation of Hand Pumps Care taker trainings for hand pumps Construction of embankments (water channels) Rehabilitation of shelters Rehabilitation of Agricultural lands Mitigation

CORE VALUES OF SANGAT DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY 1. Respect for people comes first. 2. Cultural and religious values must be respected. 3. Gender equality is one of the core components of development. 4. Poverty must be targeted. 5. People have the potential to create positive change in their lives. 6. Government and all others stakeholders have a responsibility to work towards poverty elimination. 7. Greater participation and ownership leads to greater commitment. 8. Development is both a right and conversed. 9. Democracy accelerates development. 10. The environment must be respected and conversed. 11. Emergencies required timely and appropriate measures with the coordination and collaboration of relevant partners and other donor agencies.


12. Effective interventions require simple and transparent procedures. 13. Institutional leanings improve future interventions. 14. Experience is the best teacher. 15. Honesty 16. Transparency 17. Punctuality 18. Caring and sharing 19. interdependency 20. taking responsibility 21. Mutual respect Our work entails values such as respect for people, gender equality, and good governance, which lead toward greater ownership by supporting democracy aligned with rights, bearing in mind the importance of environmentally friendly interventions conducted in a transparent and accountable way.

Conclusion of Sangat Lasbella Lasbella one of the backward District of Balochistan which is facing a lot of basic issues regarding development, due to natural disaster (flood and drought). And livelihood of the area has been captured in disaster 2003 and 2005 & mostly in 2007.angat has take some efforts with the technical assistance of Concern worldwide (Pakistan Programme) and JSI/ US Aid and with the support of some other Partners, but still existing a lot of community needs in the ground for rehabilitation of Agricultural Lands, Rehabilitation of Water Channels, Drinking Water, Health Facilities like Birthing Stations, and other basic


issues which are necessary for up-lifting life of standard of communities. Sangat Development Society believe on empowering of people, and any efforts of disaster risk reduction will be appreciated and well come development practices in target areas of Sangat development society, and Sangat would be like to opportunities which want focusing livelihood option in target areas of Sangat development society and Sangat also believe on networking, coordination and linkages among the communities, donors, partners, stack holders, local bodies and line department. For further contact: Abdul Haque Zoaq Baloch (Chief Executive Officer) Address: Sangat Development Society Main Secretariat College Road Bela, Tehsil Bela District Lasbella, Baluchistan Pakistan Office Tel: 0853204879 Cells: 03332948415-03012021707


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