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Tekla Structures 12

Release Notes

Product version 12 June 2006

Copyright 2006 Tekla Corporation

Copyright 1992-2006 Tekla Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved. This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced Software. Use of the Software, and use of this Software Manual are governed by a License Agreement. Among other provisions, the License Agreement sets certain warranties for the Software and this Manual, disclaims other warranties, limits recoverable damages, defines permitted uses of the Software, and determines whether you are an authorized user of the Software. Please refer to the License Agreement for important obligations and applicable limitations and restrictions on your rights. In addition, this Software Manual is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or distribution of this Manual, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent permitted by law. Tekla, Tekla Structures, Xcity, Xengineer, Xpipe, Xpower, Xsteel, and Xstreet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Tekla Corporation in the European Union, the United States, and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned in this Manual are or may be trademarks of their respective owners. By referring to a third-party product or brand, Tekla does not intend to suggest an affiliation with or endorsement by such third party and disclaims any such affiliation or endorsement, except where otherwise expressly stated. Portions of this software: 2D DCM 1989-2004 D-Cubed Limited. All rights reserved. EPM toolkit 1995-2004 EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights reserved. XML parser 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. DWGdirect, DGNdirect and OpenDWG Toolkit/Viewkit libraries 1998-2005 Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved. Analysis Engine included in Tekla Structures uses a program copyrighted by and is the property of Research Engineers International . All rights reserved. Elements of the software described in this Manual may be the subject of pending patent applications in the European Union and/or other countries.


Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing .................................................... 5

1.1 General .................................................................................................. 6 Improvements in installing Tekla Structures...................................... 6 Working with single-user and multi-user models................................ 7 Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models ..................... 7 Improvements in working with objects.inp file.................................. 10 Gradient background color in model views ..................................... 10 Icons in menus ............................................................................ 12 Templates and reports.................................................................. 12 Miscellaneous.............................................................................. 14 Modeling............................................................................................... 18 Nested assemblies....................................................................... 18 Grid line labels always visible........................................................ 23 Create, select, and modify single grid lines..................................... 24 Add surface treatment to the entire surface of a part ....................... 27 Selecting a profile ........................................................................ 28 Warping steel parts ...................................................................... 29 Points not created automatically at ends of parts ............................ 30 Object representation ................................................................... 33 Miscellaneous.............................................................................. 34 Drawings .............................................................................................. 35 Saving and freezing associative drawings ...................................... 35 Nested assemblies in drawings ..................................................... 36 Anchor bolt plan........................................................................... 38 Display large dimension values more clearly................................... 39 Improvements in level marks......................................................... 41
Release Notes



1.4 1.5


Define elevation level.................................................................... 42 Create plate side marks on dimension leader lines .......................... 42 Improvements in section symbols .................................................. 43 Group identical objects on the same dimension line......................... 46 Highlight changes in associative dimensions................................... 49 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 49 Import and export................................................................................... 53 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 53 Custom components .............................................................................. 54 Define and create connections for custom parts .............................. 54 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 55 Components.......................................................................................... 56 Miscellaneous .............................................................................. 56 Connections................................................................................. 57 Details......................................................................................... 59 Cold rolled ................................................................................... 62

Release Notes

Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing ............................. 63

2.1 General ................................................................................................ 64 Improvements in installing Tekla Structures................................... 64 Working with single-user and multi-user models.............................. 65 Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models ................... 66 Improvements in working with objects.inp file.................................. 68 Gradient background color in model views ..................................... 69 Icons in menus ............................................................................ 71 Templates and reports.................................................................. 71 Miscellaneous.............................................................................. 73 Modeling............................................................................................... 77 Nested assemblies...................................................................... 77 Grid line labels always visible........................................................ 83 Create, select, and modify single grid lines..................................... 84 Add surface treatment to the entire surface of a part ....................... 88 Selecting a profile ........................................................................ 89 Points not created automatically at ends of parts ............................ 90 Object representation ................................................................... 93 Miscellaneous.............................................................................. 94 Drawings .............................................................................................. 96 Saving and freezing associative drawings ...................................... 96 Nested assemblies in drawings ..................................................... 97 Anchor bolt plan........................................................................... 98 Display large dimension values more clearly................................... 99 Improvements in level marks....................................................... 101 Define elevation level ................................................................. 102 Create plate side marks on dimension leader lines........................ 102 Improvements in section symbols ................................................ 103 Group identical objects on the same dimension line ...................... 106 Highlight changes in associative dimensions ................................ 108 Miscellaneous............................................................................ 109 Import and export ................................................................................ 113 Miscellaneous............................................................................ 113 Custom components ............................................................................ 114
Release Notes



2.4 2.5



Define and create connections for custom parts ............................ 114 Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 114 Components........................................................................................ 116 New components........................................................................ 116 Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 117 Details....................................................................................... 118 Reinforcement ..................................................................................... 120 Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 120

3 4

Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design ...................................... 121

Analysis model interfaces............................................................ 121 Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 122

Tekla Structures 12.0 Project Management ...................................... 125

Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 125

Release Notes

Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Tekla Structures version 12.0 is a main release and contains many new features and fixes.


Tekla Structures 12.0 is compatible with all previous versions. You can open and work with existing models using Tekla Structures 12.0. Note the following issues: Updating drawings created with an older version of Tekla Structures in Tekla Structures 12.0 may cause problems. We recommend that you complete any drawings you have started using your current version or recreate the drawings using Tekla Structures 12.0. To avoid conversion problems, always open a model created with an older version of Tekla Structures as a single-user model first. We recommend that you always check that custom components created in older versions work correctly in the new version of Tekla Structures. When you open custom components made with an older version of Tekla Structures in the Custom component editor, Tekla Structures asks whether you want to update the component if the new version contains such improvements which require the update. If you do not update the component, it works in the same manner as in the version where it was originally made, but you do not gain the benefits of the new improvements. If you choose to update the component, you need to check and sometimes even recreate dimensions depending on the improvements. When you delete a dimension and create a new one (even with the same name), also the equations containing the dimension need to be edited because the dependency created by the equation is lost when a dimension is deleted. You can recreate the dimensions and edit the equations easily in the Custom component editor.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

We suggest that you complete any models you have started using your current version. Once you save a model in Tekla Structures 12.0, you can no longer open it in older versions of Tekla Structures.


Tekla Structures setup creates a new subfolder for Tekla Structures 12.0. You need Windows Administrator rights to install Tekla Structures 12.0. This ensures that all Windows system folder *.dll files are updated.


This chapter is divided into following sections: General (p. 6) Modeling (p. 18) Drawings (p. 35) Import and export (p. 53) Custom components (p. 54) Components (p. 56)



Improvements in installing Tekla Structures

Your password file is installed automatically. When you install Tekla Structures from CD, the online help is automatically installed. You can now install additional environments without having to reinstall Tekla Structures. Download the environment installation files from the Extranet at Tekla Structures 12.0 installation includes new SafeNet Sentinel driver 7.22, which allows both USB and LPT hardware locks to work. Sometimes you may need to install the harware lock driver manually. In Tekla Structures 12.0, the manual installation is no longer located in the ...\nt\dongle folder. You can now start the up-to-date hardware lock driver installation manually from the C:\TeklaStructures\License\Sentinel_setup folder. Double-click the file C:\TeklaStructures\License\Sentinel_setup\setup.exe to start the manual installation.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Working with single-user and multi-user models

You no longer have to choose single or multi-user mode when starting Tekla Structures. When you create a model, use the the Model Type option in New dialog box to create the model as a multi-user model or as a single-user model.

It is now possible to open a any model in either single or multi-user mode. Select the mode by selecting an option on the right-click popup menu in the Open dialog box:

You no longer need to use the variable XS_SERVER identify the server that contains the multi-user database.

See also

Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models (p. 7)

Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models

It is now easier to create and open a model, and to save a model with a different name.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Creating a new model

Enter the location for the model in the Save in field, or accept the default location, which is the location entered when Tekla Structures was installed. (The default location in the installation is C:\TeklaStructuresModels). Click the Browse button to open the Browse For Folder dialog box, where you can browse for a folder or create a new folder. Use the Model Type field to define whether the model is a single-user or a multiuser model. For a multi-user model, enter the name of the server in the Server name field.

Opening a model

To open a model, click File > Open. To browse for a model, click the Browse button to open the Browse For Folder dialog box. The information in the Designer and Description columns comes from the Project properties dialog box.

To open a single-user model as a multi-user model: 1. 2. Select the model in the Open dialog box and right-click. Select the Open as multi-user model option.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Enter the name of the server in the Server name field. Click OK.

To open a multi-user model as a single-user model: 1. Select the model in the Open dialog box and right-click.


Select the Open as single-user model option.

When you open or create a model, the Open and New dialog boxes now include a list of the most recently used models.
Saving a model with a different name

To save a model with a different name, click File > Save as and enter a name in the Model name field. Click OK.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Improvements in working with objects.inp file

The Tekla Structures installation automatically merges any user-defined attributes you have previously defined into the objects.inp file. It searches for the objects.inp file in the following folders, in this order: Folder Model Project Firm System inp XS_PROJECT XS_FIRM XS_SYSTEM XS_INP Defined by variable

The user-defined attributes it finds are added to the user interface. If the same attribute name exists in more than one objects.inp files, Tekla Structures uses the attribute from the first read file, according to the search order defined above. For more information on how to use the objects.inp file, see Adding properties.

Gradient background color in model views

Use the new option to create a gradient color background in a model view to ensure parts drawn in a single color are visible in the view.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

To set the colors for a gradient background, set the following variables in Tools >
Advanced options > Model view:

XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR1: left-top corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR2: right-top corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR3: left-bottom corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR4: right-bottom corner.

Enter the colors as RGB (Red Green Blue) values. The scale is from 0 to 1. For example, 1.0 1.0 1.0 is white and 0.0 0.0 0.0 is black. To use the traditional single-color background, use the same value for all four variables. Close and reopen the view to activate the changes. To restore default values, clear the values in all four variables.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Icons in menus
Menus now include the command icons, which makes it easier to locate icons on toolbars:

Templates and reports

Listing the main part first
The variables XS_PRIMARY_PART_FIRST and XS_PRIMARY_PART_FIRST_PART have been removed from the Advanced options dialog box. The variables are no longer needed in Template Editor 3.20 or 3.30 as you can define the template so that main part is listed first in part lists. To do this:


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

1. 2. 3.

In Template Editor 3.20 or 3.30, add the value field MAIN_PART to PART row. Drag the MAIN_PART field to the top of the search order in the Content browser. Select descending sort order by: Double-clicking the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to open the Value Field Properties dialog box, and selecting Descending in the in the Order field.


If desired, select the Hide in output field.

If the assembly contains more parts which are similar to the assembly main part, use the template attribute SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART: 1. 2. 3. In the Template Editor, add value field SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART to PART row. Drag the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to the top of the sort order in the Content browser. Select descending sort order by: 4. 5. Double-clicking the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to open the Value Field Properties dialog box, and selecting Descending in the in the Order field.

If desired, select the Hide in output field. The attribute returns 1 if the position number of the given part is the same as the position number of the main part in the assembly.

Miscellaneous fixes
You can now use the attribute MODEL_PATH in all content types to find the path to the current model, for example C:\TeklaStructuresModels\New Model 1\. You can now also use the attributes TITLE1, TITLE2 and TITLE3 in template rows.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


New Features Tutorial
Tekla Structures 12.0 includes a New Features Tutorial, which presents features released in Tekla Structures 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 12.0. Each feature contains a description with pictures. Some features also include interactive video lessons that show you how to use the new feature. To access the New Features Tutorial, click Help > Learning Center > New Features

Performance improvements
The following now work faster and use less memory:
Array of objects (29) component Associative drawings containing objects created with Array of objects (29).

Rollover highlight
The rollover highlight makes it easier to select objects, by highlighting each part in yellow as the pointer moves over it. To switch this feature on, click Setup > Rollover highlight.

To switch off the rollover highlight, click Setup and deselect Rollover highlight..You can also use the keyboard shortcut H to turn the rollover highlight on or off.

Log file


The message panel now displays also the time.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

When you use the Tools > Show log file command to display the log file, Tekla Structures now scrolls to the end of the file automatically.

Managing views
Selecting views

Selecting visible and named views is now easier in Tekla Structures 12.0. The arrow buttons you use to open and close views in the Views dialog box are now only active when you have selected a view.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Creating views

When you create a view using Views > Create view > Grid views, the grid is now selected automatically if there is only one grid in the view. If there are several grids, Tekla Structures prompts you to select a view:


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Bringing a view on top

Now when you select a view in the Visible views list in the Views dialog box, the selected view moves to the top. If you have selected multiple views, all selected views will be moved up, with the first one on the list on top. Also, when you select a view in the model, it is automatically selected in the Visible views list.

Navigating in the model

Navigating in the model is smoother when you are for example rotating a large model, because Tekla Structures now draws the model first in wire frame as you are moving the model.

Re-displaying warning messages

Tekla Structures displays warning messages when necessary, for example when you are about to copy or move objects outside the work area. To prevent Tekla Structures from displaying the warning messages again, select the Do not show this message again checkbox.

To re-display the warning messages, press Shift when the warning message should appear, for example when you are copying or moving objects outside the work area, and Tekla Structures displays the warning message again.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing




Nested assemblies

You can now add sub-assemblies and parts to already existing assemblies. A sub-assembly is an assembly that is added to another assembly to form a hierarchical assembly. We use the term nested assemblies to describe this type of assembly. Using nested assemblies is useful when you are modeling split trusses, brackets, railings or pipe racks, for example. A sub-assembly is treated in the same way as an assembly in Tekla Structures: It gets its own assembly mark It appears in lists of materials in templates and reports.

You can create a separate assembly drawing of a sub-assembly. For more information, see Nested assemblies in drawings (p. 36).


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Example of a nested assembly:

Selecting assemblies

Activate the Select assemblies switch on the Select toolbar so that you can select any level of a nested assembly, from the highest, through the subassemblies, down to single parts and bolts. The level of the assembly you have selected is displayed on the status bar. With this switch active, each assembly is highlighted as you move the pointer over it. To move to a specific level in the assembly, with it highlighted, press Shift and scroll the mouse wheel.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


To be able to select objects in assemblies, activate the Select objects in assemblies

switch on the Select toolbar.

For more information on how to select assemblies, see How to select objects in the Modeling manual.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Assembly properties

To view the properties of an assembly, select it, right click and select Properties... from the pop-up menu.

You can also define user-defined attribute values for assemblies in the same dialog box.
Modifying assemblies

The right-click pop-up menu also includes several new options, which you can use to modify assemblies:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


These options are also on the main menu, under Detailing > Assembly. You can modify assemblies by: Adding objects to assemblies Removing objects from assemblies Exploding assemblies Changing the assembly part

You can combine assemblies in the following ways: Add and connect parts as secondary parts to an existing assembly Add and connect assemblies as sub-assemblies to an existing assembly Join existing assemblies together without adding any loose parts

For more information on the different commands to use when working with assemblies and cast-units, see Cast units and assemblies.
Numbering of nested assemblies

Sub-assemblies are numbered in same way as assemblies. Define the prefix, start number and name for the assembly in the assembly properties dialog box.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


In Tekla Structures 12.0 it is not yet possible to view or select filter by assembly user-defined attributes or by nested assemblies.
User-defined attributes

For information about defining user-defined attributes for assemblies, see Userdefined attributes.

Grid line labels always visible

Grid labels are now always visible when the grid lines are visible. This allows you to zoom in and still know where you are in the model.

To modify the font used in grid labels, use the variables XS_DEFAULT_FONT and XS_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE in Tools > Advanced options > Model view. You can now use special characters, such as umlauts, accents, and circumflexes, as well as combined characters, such as e acute, in grid labels.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Create, select, and modify single grid lines

In addition to creating entire grids, you can now create single grid lines, and select, modify, copy, and move individual gridlines. Gridlines now also have handles.
Creating single grid lines

To create a single grid line: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Points > Grid line or click the Create grid line Select the grid. Pick the first position for the grid line. Pick the second position for the grid line. icon.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Grid and grid line properties

Define the properties of the grid line in the Grid line properties dialog box. For more information, see Grid properties in the Modeling manual. If there are skewed grid lines in the model, setting the grid properties back to the original settings is not possible. To revert to the original settings, delete the skewed grid line first and then modify the settings.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Selecting grids and grid lines Working with grid lines

Use the Select grid grids and grid lines.

and Select grid line

select switches to select

For more information on creating, modifying and deleting single grid lines, see Working with grids in the Modeling manual.

Magnetic grid planes

The Magnetic grid plane and Extension for magnetic area options have been added to the Grid dialog box.

Save the model before editing magnetic grids and grid planes. Rotating a magnetic grid may not yet function correctly in Tekla Structures 12.0. Avoid overlapping of magnetic grid planes. When needed, modify the grid planes in several steps to prevent the overlapping.

Checking the location of grid planes

You may sometimes need to check the location of grid planes for example to see if parts are close enough to a magnetic grid plane that you have moved. To do this: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Tools > Advanced options > Model view and set the variable XS_GRID_PLANES_VISIBLE_WITH_USERPLANES to TRUE. Go to Properties > View... Click Display... In the Display dialog box,select the Construction planes checkbox in Visibility.

Improvements in grids

Edit > Undo works on grids and grid lines.

You can use copy and move commands on grids. For example, copy an entire grid by selecting the grid and using the Edit > Copy > Translate... command.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Add surface treatment to the entire surface of a part

You can now add a surface treatment to the entire surface of a part by using the command. For more information, see Create part surface treatment in the online help.
Create part surface treatment

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Selecting surface treatment

To select the entire surface treatment of a part:

1. 2.

Click the Select component

icon in the Select switches toolbar.

Pick the surface treatment to select it.

To select surface treatment on a face of a part:

1. 2.
Remove surface treatment

Click the Select objects in components toolbar. Pick the surface treatment.

icon in the Select switches

To remove surface treatment from faces of a part:

1. 2. 3.

Click the Select objects in components toolbar.

icon in the Select switches

Pick the surface treatment on the face of a part. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

Selecting a profile
The Select profile dialog box has been improved to make it easier to select a profile for a part or a component object. Library and parametric profiles are not in separate lists any more, but they are displayed in the same tree structure. Only the relevant profiles for a steel object are displayed on the Select profile dialog box.

For more information on selecting a profile and defining the material of profiles, see Profile in the Modeling manual.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Warping steel parts

You can now use the warping functionality also in Steel Detailing configuration. To warp a steel beam: 1. 2. 3. Double-click the beam to open the Beam properties dialog box and go to the
Deforming tab.

In the Start field, enter the angle of the beam at its start point, relative to the part reference line. In the End field, enter the angle of the beam at its end point, relative to the part reference line. For example, to warp the beam 40 degrees at the start point, enter 40 in the
Start angle field and 0 in the End angle field.

4. 5.

Click Modify to warp the beam. Click OK to close the Beam properties dialog box.

Rotating by entering numeric values in the fields that define rotation in system components still works in the same manner as before.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Points not created automatically at ends of parts

Tekla Structures no longer automatically creates points at the ends of parts. This uses less memory and reduces processing time. It also means that you do not have to redraw the view as often. If you need a point at the end of a part, you can still create it manually. For more information, see Creating points in the Online help.

You can use part handles and snapping to create and move parts. See the following examples.
Select handles

To select the handles of a part: 1. 2. Select the part. Hold down the Alt key and drag the pointer from left to right to select the part. Tekla Structures displays the handles of the part. The handle at the end that was the first point picked to create the part is yellow and the handle at the other end is magenta.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Move objects

By selecting handles you are able to, for example, move objects more easily. 1. Select both of the objects by pressing the Ctrl key and picking the objects.


Hold down the Alt key and drag the pointer from left to right to select both parts again.

3. 4. 5.

Select the handle in the middle of the two objects and right-click. Select Move > Translate from the pop-up menu and enter coordinates to move the two objects. Click Move. Tekla Structures moves the two objects.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Snap to reference points

To make it possible to pick part handles, activate the Snap to reference points switch on the Snap toolbar. As you move the pointer over a part handle, the snap symbols appears. Left click to select the part handle.

Part reference lines

When you pick two points to position a part, these points form the part reference line, and handles appear at the line ends. You can snap to and pick these handles.

You can define the visibility of the part reference line in the Display dialog box. To show the part reference line: 1. 2. 3. Go to Properties > View... Click the Display... button to open the Display dialog box. In the Advanced tab, check the box in Part reference line field.

See also 32

Click Modify and OK.

Handles in the online help.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

How to select objects in the online help. Snapping in the online help.

Object representation
To create customized presentation of objects in Tekla Structures 12.0, use object representation settings. You can use the object representation settings in the following ways: Modify the color of objects in the model view. The Object representation dialog box replaces the Colors dialog box, which was available in previous versions. Modify the visibility of objects in the model view. Create customized presentation of defined object groups.

To open the Object representation dialog box, click Setup > Object representation...:

For more information on how to use the object representation settings, see Object representation settings and Object representation example in the online help.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Object groups are set of rules with which you group objects by selected properties and conditions. Use the object groups: In Object representation dialog box to control the visibility and coloring of objects in all views. In 4D tool, in the Project Manager configuration.

For more information on object groups, see Object groups and Object group rules in the online help.

When you use the Clear numbers command, Tekla Structures now displays a message after numbers have been cleared.

If you try to open more than nine views, Tekla Structures now displays a warning message.

Curved parts with profiles that had small values for size were displayed as straight lines in rendered views. This has been fixed.

Surface treatment
The Select button next to the Material option in Surface treatment properties dialog box is now grayed out when it is not possible to select a material.

When you used the Lotting dialog box to create lots, Tekla Structures displayed weight in kilograms, regardless of the unit set in Tools > Units and decimals dialog box. This has been fixed.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Opening and closing the sketch editor sometimes took a long time in large models. This has been fixed.

Numeric snapping
You can now start entering the coordinates in the Enter a numeric location dialog box by pressing the decimal key on the numeric pad first.



Saving and freezing associative drawings

When you have frozen a drawing in Tekla Structures 12.0, the changes that you make to associative objects afterwards in the model are will no longer appear in the drawing. When you change a drawing and then save it, Tekla Structures asks you whether you want to keep the changes. To prevent the drawing from being updated automatically, select the Disable automatic updating checkbox:

You can still open a general arrangement drawing, unfreeze it, and then re-open it to automatically update the drawing with recent changes.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


To re-enable automatic updating in a frozen drawing: 1. 2. 3. Go to Drawing > List... to open the drawing list. Select the drawing. Right-click and select Freeze > Off from the popup menu.

Previously when you updated an assembly, single-part or cast unit drawing without freezing the drawing, the drawing was re-created. Now the drawing is no longer re-created. This means that you must know whether the changes should be shown when you are updating the drawing. To recreate the drawing: 1. 2. 3.
See also

Go to Drawing > List... to open the drawing list. Select the drawing you want to recreate. Right-click and select Recreate from the popup menu.

Highlight changes in associative dimensions (p. 49) in the Release notes.

Nested assemblies in drawings

You can create assembly drawings of sub-assemblies. Creating sub-assemblies in the model allows you to produce less complicated drawings, which are easier to read and to understand. This reduces the risk of errors in the shop.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

This assembly drawing of a truss is complicated and hard to read.

This assembly drawing of part of the same truss was created using a subassembly. It is much easier to read.


You can define the visibility, content, and appearance of marks for sub-assemblies in assembly drawings. You can also use part marks to display the assembly hierarchy in general arrangement drawings. For more information, see Mark content in the Drawing manual. You can define the visiblity of bolts and welds separately for sub-assemblies in the Bolt properties and Weld properties dialog box. You can also define the dimensioning properties for sub-assemblies in assembly drawings. For more information, see Dimensioning nested assemblies in the Drawing manual. With Tekla Structures you can produce templates and reports that show the hierarchical structure of nested assemblies. For more information, see Producing reports on nested assemblies.

Bolts and welds Dimensioning

Sub-assemblies in templates and reports

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Anchor bolt plan

An anchor bolt plan is a type of general arrangement drawing that displays the the layout of anchor bolts for a structure.

You can automatically create anchor bolt plans in Tekla Structures 12.0. For more information, see Creating anchor bolt plans in the Drawing manual. You can create both enlarged views and detail views in anchor bolt plans. Tekla Structures groups together identical detail views, so that they only appear once in a drawing. If detail views are not included in a drawing, Tekla Structures displays bolt sizes in the enlarged view.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Display large dimension values more clearly

You can now use different number formats for dimensions to make large dimensions easier to read in shop and erection drawings. For example you could format 15432 to appear as 15,432 or 15 432. To do this, select the Use grouping checkbox in the Dimension properties dialog box and select a format.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Use the variables XS_DIMENSION_DIGIT_GROUPING_CHARACTER to define the separator and XS_DIMENSION_DIGIT_GROUPING_COUNT to define the number format (in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general).


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Improvements in level marks

The General tab in the Level mark properties dialog box now includes fields that enable you to define the appearance of level marks:

For information, see Create > Level mark in the online help.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Define elevation level

You now have the option to define the elevation level in general arrangement drawings and in drawing views also according to the view plane. The datum point for general arrangement drawings is set automatically when creating floor plan views. This saves your time and avoids errors during drawing creation. To define the datum level: 1. 2. 3. Go to Properties > Drawing... Click View... to display the view properties dialog box. In the Attributes tab, do one of the following: To set a specified datum level, select Specified in the Datum point for elevations field. Then enter a specific value in the Datum level field. To set the datum level according to the view plane, select View plane in the Datum point for elevations field.

Create plate side marks on dimension leader lines

You can now create plate side marks on dimension leader lines. Plate side marks indicate whether the dimension point is to the face or center of, for example, a plate, web or flange. This is particularly useful: In complex drawings In large-scale drawings, where it can be difficult to see which part a leader line is pointing to.

To create plate side marks: 1. 2. 3. Click Properties > Dimension... to open the Dimension properties dialog box. In the Plate side marks section of the Marks tab, set Type to Specified. Define the properties of the plate side marks if required.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

For more information, see Marks in the Drawing manual.

Improvements in section symbols

New options in the Section symbol properties dialog box allow you to define arrow head size, arrow length, and the distance between the symbol and the section:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Define the appearance of the arrow head symbol

You can now also define the appearance of the arrow head symbol in the Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties dialog box using the following variables: XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_LEFT_ARROW_SYMBOL Modify the value for a different appearance, for example sections@0. XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_RIGHT_ARROW_SYMBOL Modify the value for a different appearance, for example sections@1. If you do not set these variables, Tekla Structures uses the traditional style arrow head symbol in the drawings.

In the example above, the variables XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_LEFT_ARROW_SYMBOL and XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_RIGHT_ARROW_SYMBOL have been set to sections@2. This section view symbol includes the location of the section view. If the arrow length is equal to zero, Tekla Structures places the text in the middle of the arrow symbol. Otherwise Tekla Structures places the text along the cut line.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Aligning section symbols

The variable XS_ALIGN_CUT_SYMBOL_BY_VERTICAL_LINE in the Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties dialog box only works on when you open drawings created with Tekla Structures 11.3 or older in Tekla Structures 12.0. Set the variable to TRUE, to position the cut symbol on the vertical line. Leave the variable blank to offset the symbol from the vertical line by the size of the arrow multiplied by 1.25.

Here the variable is set to TRUE. Use this option to indicate the exact location of the section view.

Here the variable has been left blank. This is useful when the direction is more important than the location.

The variable XS_ALIGN_CUT_SYMBOL_BY_VERTICAL_LINE is effective now only when you are converting a drawing created with Tekla Structures 11.3 or older into Tekla Structures 12.0 (or greater). You no longer have to restart Tekla Structures to activate changes to this variable.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Group identical objects on the same dimension line

You can now group identical parts, bolts, components, and cuts or shapes on the same dimension line. You can choose to automatically create dimension line tags, or to define the contents of tags manually. To group identical objects on one dimension line: 1. 2. In the drawing, right-click and select Properties... from the pop-up menu to open the drawing properties dialog box. Click Dimensioning... to open the dimensioning properties dialog box. Go to the Dimension grouping tab. You have the following options:
Activate dimension grouping: Select which objects you want to

Grouping properties: Indicate the elements that must be identical. Automatic tagging: Indicate the information to include in dimen-

sion line tags that are created automatically.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

The dimension line tag indicates the quantity of objects included in the dimension line. To define the symbol that is displayed between the quantity and the automatic tag text, use the variable XS_DIMENSION_GROUPING_COUNT_SEPARATOR in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general. The default value is x. To define what information to include in a dimension line tag: 1. 2. 3. 4. Double-click the dimension line whose tag you want to modify. In the Dimension properties dialog box, go to the Marks tab. In Tags, replace the << Automatic >> value with the required text. Click Modify.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Highlight changes in associative dimensions

To have Tekla Structures highlight the dimension text that has been changed and dimension points that have been moved when you update associative drawings, set the variable XS_HIGHLIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_DIMENSION_CHANGES to TRUE in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general.

For more information, see Highlight changes in associative dimensions in the Drawing manual.

New part mark leader line type
There is a new part mark leader line type, which allows you to align a part mark in the center of the face of a part.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Occasionally adding or removing dimension points removed the whole dimension. This has been fixed. The RD symbol was sometimes omitted from running dimensions. This has been fixed. When you create a dimension with three or more points using the Create > Dimension > Free command and end the command on the same point as the previous dimension, the dimensions are now on the same line.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Drawing views
Drawing views no longer overlap templates in assembly drawings. To rollback the Copy > Translate and Move > Translate command to work as it did in Tekla Structures 11.1 and earlier, set the variable XS_DRAWING_NO_SCALING_FOR_COPIED_OR_MOVED_OBJECTS to TRUE. With this variable set, when you copy or move drawing objects from one drawing view to another, they change size according to the scale of the view.

Now associative symbols are also created correctly for level marks. When you changed the profile of a part, the hatch pattern did not always adjust to fit the shape of the new profile. This has been fixed. The y coordinate for assembly overall dimension was sometimes calculated incorrectly which caused associativity not to work. This has been fixed. Associativity works now correctly also when the start and end point
of a reference line are in the same location.

Intelligent cloning
Sometimes part marks in single-part drawings were incorrect when you cloned single-part drawings and the variable XS_INTELLIGENT_CLONING_ALLOWED was set to TRUE in Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties. This has been fixed.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Plotting and printing

You can now define plot origin offset separately for each plotter in the Plotter catalog dialog box.

The new options replace the variables XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_X and XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_Y. However, setting the variables in Tools > Advanced options > Plotting will override the settings in the Plotter catalog dialog box. Using the variables XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_X and XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_Y also affected the scale of the plot. This has been fixed.

Part marks
Merged part marks are now placed correctly when you change the part mark

leader line type.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Import and export

Location of the origin in DXF and DWG drawings
In Tekla Structures 12.0, when a view on a Tekla Structures drawing is moved the origin for the Xref is calculated differently than before. This makes sharing Tekla Structures drawings much easier: you no longer need to adjust the origin when you export to DWG or DXF. In previous versions you sometimes had to adjust the origin when the view had been moved during the modeling process.

Exporting round tubes to NC files

Bolt holes in unwrapped round tubes are now ignored when you export to an NC file. When the variable XS_DISABLE_NC_FACET_FIX was not set, the xy coordinates of skew edges were calculated wrong in some cases, for example when the end of the tube was cut with a perpendicular round tube.

Tekla Structures 12.0 supports the IFC 2X3 schema in IFC exports.
Arc-shaped walls are now displayed correctly in IFC reference


Web Viewer
If you try to publish a model as a web page with Web Viewer using the Selected parts option in Publish as Web page dialog box without selecting any parts, Tekla Structures displays a warning message does not publish the model.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


The DSTV file header was not correct when you used the variable XS_USE_NEW_PLATE_DESIGNATION. This has been fixed.

CHS profiles with cuts

The variable XS_TUBE_UNWRAP_WITH_CUT_HOLES is now set to FALSE by default. Set the variable to TRUE to include cut holes in workshop drawings or NC files of unwrapped CHS (circular hollow section) profiles.


Custom components

Define and create connections for custom parts

You can now define a custom connection, seam or detail so that when you use component in a model, you can pick custom parts as the main and/or secondary parts. You do not have to pick each part within the component. This is useful when modeling window details in a multi-layer panel when the panel is a custom part, for example. To define a custom connection, detail or seam for custom parts, use the custom component wizard and pick the custom parts as main or secondary parts. For more information on defining custom components, see Defining custom components in the online help. When you are using the custom connection, Tekla Structures accepts only custom parts as input parts if you have defined the connection with a custom part as an input part. Use the Custom component editor to edit the properties of custom parts. For more information, see Editing custom components in the online help.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Improvements in the usability of custom components
Now you only have to click the Modify button once in any custom component dialog box to apply changes. In previous versions, you sometimes had to click Modify repeatedly if a component had many dependencies. To define how many loops Tekla Structures makes to solve dependencies in custom components, use the variable XS_CYCLIC_SOLVER_MAX_LOOPS in Tools > Advanced options > Modeling properties. The default is 2. When a custom component is not working correctly and the problem is with the equations, Tekla Structures now displays error messages in the log file that help you recognize the problem source. To see the log file, click Tools > Display log file > Log file...

When you selected a custom seam, its handles were not displayed. This has been fixed. When you selected a nested custom detail, the handles of the custom detail were not displayed. This has been fixed. The Variables dialog box in the Custom component editor includes a new value type, Factor. This is a decimal value without type. You can set the number of decimals for the value type in Setup > Units and decimals dialog box. Now when you create custom components, the custom component objects get the current phase number.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Occasionally, adding a custom component in a skewed position generated an application error. This has been fixed. You can now automatically import a set of custom components and sketches when you create a model. To do this, edit the variable XS_UEL_IMPORT_FOLDER in the Tekla Structures batch file to point to the folder that contains the custom components and sketches. Now when you reopen the Variables dialog box, all the equations are shown even if the result of the equation cannot be calculated. If the reference points you picked for a custom part were not at the center of the bounding box, the custom part was not positioned correctly. Now when you define a custom part, its coordinate system is in the center of the bounding box. Offsets are calculated from the center of the bounding box. When you edit a custom part created in an earlier version of Tekla Structures, Tekla Structures asks if you want to use this new method of positioning custom parts. If you do, you will also need to open any nested custom components in the custom part and select to use the new method.



Component catalog
It was not possible to use the Paste command on the right-click popup menu in the thumbnail view of the component catalog. This has been fixed.

Error flags in connection lists

Connection lists now also list connection flags correctly for Excel design also when the result is 4.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Gusset plate connections
In gusset plate connections you can now define the distance of the first bolt for brace2 and brace3.

This new option is available in:

Bolted gusset (11) Tube gusset (20) Corner tube gusset (56) and (57) Wraparound gusset (58) Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59) Wraparound gusset cross (60) Gusseted cross (62) Corner wrapped gusset (63)

Tapered Column-Beam Stub (150)

You can now create a splice connection for a haunched built-up stub. The lower flange is now aligned properly at the splice also when you are not using a haunch. The lower flange backing bar occasionally clashed with the diaphragm, column or panel part. This has been fixed.

US Splice connection (77)

The connection now also works with beams that are over 2000 mm high. When you do not specify a part mark series for the non-welded splice plates, the default options are now taken from the Pos3: Loose parts option in the Options dialog box. The splice is now also created correctly when the primary beam is haunched at the opposite end from the splice.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


There is a new option for the location of the splice gap: to fit the primary part.

Column with shear plate (131)

When a two-sided shear plate connection was created, the length of the two plates differed by the length of the taper extension entered on the Picture tab. This has been fixed. When you use double shears with a hollow tube, the gap is now correctly offset to the outside.

Weld preparation (44)

Weld preparation angles are now read from the correct fields and cre-

ated correctly.

Welded shear plate (43) and Stiffened shear plate (17)

If the stiffener was thicker than the flange of the connecting beam, there was a gap between the plate and the flange. This has been fixed.

Shaped valley cleat (8)

The connection now works correctly regardless of the profile of the secondary part.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Winbrace connection (110)

You now have the option to enlarge the slot made in the tube bracing.

Portal bracing (105)

The connection now takes the correct part prefixes from the Setup > Options dialog box.

Apex haunch (106)

The default profile name is now haunch.

Stiffened shear plate (17)

Tekla Structures now creates the slots in the correct locations.

Handrailing (1024)
The toe plate created could not be included in an assembly. This has been fixed.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Stiffeners (1003) and Multiple stiffeners (1064)

Previously, when you re-ran these details without making any changes to them, you had to update the single-part drawing of the stiffener. Now if nothing has been changed, the update is not needed.

Box column base plate (1066)

Various issues concerning weld preparation, height of ribs, hole type and size and column fittings have been fixed in the Japanese environment. One side of the column was weld prepped at 45 degrees regardless of what angle you specified. This has been fixed.

Inner diaphragm (1059)

Double bevel cut weld preparation is now created correctly for each side of the primary column and the angle of the lower bevel cut is now taken from the correct field.

U.S. Base plate (1047)

When you change bolts to anchor rods or anchor rods to bolts, the bolts are now created and rotated correctly. When you use the option Square cut corners (1-4) Tekla Structures now cuts the correct corner of the base plate. You can now create oversized holes in the cast plate. In the details, plate washers are now part of the anchor rods assembly.

Stiffened base plate (1014)

Welds are now created in the correct position.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Stair base detail (1043)

The detail includes new options to define the distance between the beam and the plate for top, left, and right sides.

Stairs (S71)
We suggest that you always use the Stairs (S71) detail instead of Stairs (S82) to create stairs in Tekla Structures. The Stairs (S71) detail includes all the options available in Stairs (S82) and also some additional options. It also includes fixes for deficiencies found in Stairs (S82). You can now create steps using custom parts or seams with Stairs (S71). This will enable you to model accurate stairs with grating, end plates and bolts.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing


Cold rolled
The Cold Rolled Overlap (1) component now also works correctly when used with columns with a profile of WB900 or larger. The Ayrshire Diagonal Tie - Column (81) component has been renamed Ayrshire Diagonal Tie - Column/Rafter (81). The component now also works correctly with rafters. Now when you use the Metsec panel connection rail (31) component, you no longer receive unnecessary file transfer warnings.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Steel Detailing

Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Tekla Structures version 12.0 is a main release and contains many new features and fixes. Tekla Structures 12.0 is compatible with all previous versions. You can open and work with existing models using Tekla Structures 12.0. Note the following issues: Updating drawings created with an older version of Tekla Structures in Tekla Structures 12.0 may cause problems. We recommend that you complete any drawings you have started using your current version or recreate the drawings using Tekla Structures 12.0. To avoid conversion problems, always open a model created with an older version of Tekla Structures as a single-user model first. We recommend that you always check that custom components created in older versions work correctly in the new version of Tekla Structures. When you open custom components made with an older version of Tekla Structures in the Custom component editor, Tekla Structures asks whether you want to update the component if the new version contains such improvements which require the update. If you do not update the component, it works in the same manner as in the version where it was originally made, but you do not gain the benefits of the new improvements. If you choose to update the component, you need to check and sometimes even recreate dimensions depending on the improvements. When you delete a dimension and create a new one (even with the same name), also the equations containing the dimension need to be edited because the dependency created by the equation is lost when a dimension is deleted. You can recreate the dimensions and edit the equations easily in the Custom component editor.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing



We suggest that you complete any models you have started using your current version. Once you save a model in Tekla Structures 12.0, you can no longer open it in older versions of Tekla Structures.


Tekla Structures setup creates a new subfolder for Tekla Structures 12.0. You need Windows Administrator rights to install Tekla Structures 12.0. This ensures that all Windows system folder *.dll files are updated.


This chapter is divided into following sections: General (p. 64) Modeling (p. 77) Drawings (p. 96) Import and export (p. 113) Custom components (p. 114) Components (p. 116) Reinforcement (p. 120)


This section describes the following new features and fixes:

Improvements in installing Tekla Structures

Your password file is installed automatically. When you install Tekla Structures from CD, the online help is automatically installed. You can now install additional environments without having to reinstall Tekla Structures. Download the environment installation files from the Extranet at


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Tekla Structures 12.0 installation includes new SafeNet Sentinel driver 7.22, which allows both USB and LPT hardware locks to work. Sometimes you may need to install the harware lock driver manually. In Tekla Structures 12.0, the manual installation is no longer located in the ...\nt\dongle folder. You can now start the up-to-date hardware lock driver installation manually from the C:\TeklaStructures\License\Sentinel_setup folder. Double-click the file C:\TeklaStructures\License\Sentinel_setup\setup.exe to start the manual installation.

Working with single-user and multi-user models

You no longer have to choose single or multi-user mode when starting Tekla Structures. When you create a model, use the the Model Type option in New dialog box to create the model as a multi-user model or as a single-user model.

It is now possible to open a any model in either single or multi-user mode. Select the mode by selecting an option on the right-click popup menu in the Open dialog box:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


You no longer need to use the variable XS_SERVER identify the server that contains the multi-user database.

See also

Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models (p. 66)

Improvements in creating, opening, and saving models

It is now easier to create and open a model, and to save a model with a different name.
Creating a new model

Enter the location for the model in the Save in field, or accept the default location, which is the location entered when Tekla Structures was installed. (The default location in the installation is C:\TeklaStructuresModels). Click the Browse button to open the Browse For Folder dialog box, where you can browse for a folder or create a new folder. Use the Model Type field to define whether the model is a single-user or a multiuser model. For a multi-user model, enter the name of the server in the Server name field.

Opening a model

To open a model, click File > Open. To browse for a model, click the Browse button to open the Browse For Folder dialog box. The information in the Designer and Description columns comes from the Project properties dialog box.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

To open a single-user model as a multi-user model: 1. 2. Select the model in the Open dialog box and right-click. Select the Open as multi-user model option.


Enter the name of the server in the Server name field. Click OK.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


To open a multi-user model as a single-user model: 1. Select the model in the Open dialog box and right-click.


Select the Open as single-user model option.

When you open or create a model, the Open and New dialog boxes now include a list of the most recently used models.
Saving a model with a different name

To save a model with a different name, click File > Save as and enter a name in the Model name field. Click OK.

Improvements in working with objects.inp file

The Tekla Structures installation automatically merges any user-defined attributes you have previously defined into the objects.inp file. It searches for the objects.inp file in the following folders, in this order:


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Folder Model Project Firm System inp


The user-defined attributes it finds are added to the user interface. If the same attribute name exists in more than one objects.inp files, Tekla Structures uses the attribute from the first read file, according to the search order defined above. For more information on how to use the objects.inp file, see Adding properties.

Gradient background color in model views

Use the new option to create a gradient color background in a model view to ensure parts drawn in a single color are visible in the view.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


To set the colors for a gradient background, set the following variables in Tools >
Advanced options > Model view:

XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR1: left-top corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR2: right-top corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR3: left-bottom corner. XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR4: right-bottom corner.

Enter the colors as RGB (Red Green Blue) values. The scale is from 0 to 1. For example, 1.0 1.0 1.0 is white and 0.0 0.0 0.0 is black. To use the traditional single-color background, use the same value for all four variables. Close and reopen the view to activate the changes. To restore default values, clear the values in all four variables.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Icons in menus
Menus now include the command icons, which makes it easier to locate icons on toolbars:

Templates and reports

Listing the main part first
The variables XS_PRIMARY_PART_FIRST and XS_PRIMARY_PART_FIRST_PART have been removed from the Advanced options dialog box. The variables are no longer needed in Template Editor 3.20 or 3.30 as you can define the template so that main part is listed first in part lists. To do this:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


1. 2. 3.

In Template Editor 3.20 or 3.30, add the value field MAIN_PART to PART row. Drag the MAIN_PART field to the top of the search order in the Content

Select descending sort order by: Double-clicking the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to open the Value Field Properties dialog box, and selecting Descending in the in the Order field.


If desired, select the Hide in output field.

If the assembly contains more parts which are similar to the assembly main part, use the template attribute SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART: 1. 2. 3. In the Template Editor, add value field SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART to PART row. Drag the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to the top of the sort order in the
Content browser.

Select descending sort order by: Double-clicking the SIMILAR_TO_MAIN_PART field to open the Value Field Properties dialog box, and selecting Descending in the in the Order field.

4. 5.

If desired, select the Hide in output field. The attribute returns 1 if the position number of the given part is the same as the position number of the main part in the assembly.

Miscellaneous fixes
The attributes PREFIX and SERIAL_NUMBER have been added for REBAR content type. You can now use the attribute MODEL_PATH in all content types to find the path to the current model, for example C:\TeklaStructuresModels\New Model 1\. You can now also use the attributes TITLE1, TITLE2 and TITLE3 in template rows.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

New Features Tutorial
Tekla Structures 12.0 includes a New Features Tutorial, which presents features released in Tekla Structures 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 12.0. Each feature contains a description with pictures. Some features also include interactive video lessons that show you how to use the new feature. To access the New Features Tutorial, click Help > Learning Center > New Features

Performance improvements
The following now work faster and use less memory:
Array of objects (29) component Associative drawings containing objects created with Array of objects (29).

Rollover highlight
The rollover highlight makes it easier to select objects, by highlighting each part in yellow as the pointer moves over it. To switch this feature on, click Setup > Rollover highlight.

To switch off the rollover highlight, click Setup and deselect Rollover highlight..You can also use the keyboard shortcut H to turn the rollover highlight on or off.

Log file
The message panel now displays also the time.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


When you use the Tools > Show log file command to display the log file, Tekla Structures now scrolls to the end of the file automatically.

Managing views
Selecting views

Selecting visible and named views is now easier in Tekla Structures 12.0. The arrow buttons you use to open and close views in the Views dialog box are now only active when you have selected a view.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Creating views

When you create a view using Views > Create view > Grid views, the grid is now selected automatically if there is only one grid in the view. If there are several grids, Tekla Structures prompts you to select a view:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Bringing a view on top

Now when you select a view in the Visible views list in the Views dialog box, the selected view moves to the top. If you have selected multiple views, all selected views will be moved up, with the first one on the list on top. Also, when you select a view in the model, it is automatically selected in the Visible views list.

Navigating in the model

Navigating in the model is smoother when you are for example rotating a large model, because Tekla Structures now draws the model first in wire frame as you are moving the model.

Re-displaying warning messages

Tekla Structures displays warning messages when necessary, for example when you are about to copy or move objects outside the work area. To prevent Tekla Structures from displaying the warning messages again, select the Do not show this message again checkbox.

To re-display the warning messages, press Shift when the warning message should appear, for example when you are copying or moving objects outside the work area, and Tekla Structures displays the warning message again.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing



Nested assemblies

You can now add sub-assemblies and parts to already existing assemblies. A sub-assembly is an assembly that is added to another assembly to form a hierarchical assembly. We use the term nested assemblies to describe this type of assembly. Using nested assemblies is useful when you are modeling split trusses, brackets, railings or pipe racks, for example. A sub-assembly is treated in the same way as an assembly in Tekla Structures: It gets its own assembly mark It appears in lists of materials in templates and reports.

You can create a separate assembly drawing of a sub-assembly. For more information, see Nested assemblies in drawings (p. 97).

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Example of a nested assembly:

Selecting assemblies

Activate the Select assemblies switch on the Select toolbar so that you can select any level of a nested assembly, from the highest, through the subassemblies, down to single parts and bolts. The level of the assembly you have selected is displayed on the status bar. With this switch active, each assembly is highlighted as you move the pointer over it. To move to a specific level in the assembly, with it highlighted, press Shift and scroll the mouse wheel.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

To be able to select objects in assemblies, activate the Select objects in assemblies

switch on the Select toolbar.

For more information on how to select assemblies and cast-units, see How to select objects in the Modeling manual.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Assembly or cast unit properties

To view the properties of an assembly or cast-unit, select it, right click and select Properties... from the pop-up menu.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

You can also define user-defined attribute values for assemblies and cast units in the same dialog box.
Modifying assemblies

The right-click pop-up menu also includes several new options, which you can use to modify assemblies:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


These options are also on the main menu, under Detailing > Assembly or Cast unit. You can modify assemblies by: Adding objects to assemblies Removing objects from assemblies Exploding assemblies Changing the assembly or cast-unit main part

You can combine assemblies in the following ways: Add and connect parts as secondary parts to an existing assembly Add and connect assemblies as sub-assemblies to an existing assembly Join existing assemblies together without adding any loose parts

For more information on the different commands to use when working with assemblies and cast-units, see Cast units and assemblies.
Numbering of nested assemblies

Sub-assemblies are numbered in same way as assemblies. Define the prefix, start number and name for the cast unit or assembly in the cast unit or assembly properties dialog box.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


In Tekla Structures 12.0 it is not yet possible to view or select filter by assembly user-defined attributes or by nested assemblies.
User-defined attributes

For information about defining user-defined attributes for assemblies, see Userdefined attributes.

Grid line labels always visible

Grid labels are now always visible when the grid lines are visible. This allows you to zoom in and still know where you are in the model.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


To modify the font used in grid labels, use the variables XS_DEFAULT_FONT and XS_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE in Tools > Advanced options > Model view. You can now use special characters, such as umlauts, accents, and circumflexes, as well as combined characters, such as e acute, in grid labels.

Create, select, and modify single grid lines

In addition to creating entire grids, you can now create single grid lines, and select, modify, copy, and move individual gridlines. Gridlines now also have handles.
Creating single grid lines

To create a single grid line: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Points > Grid line or click the Create grid line Select the grid. Pick the first position for the grid line. Pick the second position for the grid line. icon.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Grid and grid line properties

Define the properties of the grid line in the Grid line properties dialog box. For more information, see Grid properties in the Modeling manual. If there are skewed grid lines in the model, setting the grid properties back to the original settings is not possible. To revert to the original settings, delete the skewed grid line first and then modify the settings.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Selecting grids and grid lines Working with grid lines

Use the Select grid grids and grid lines.

and Select grid line

select switches to select

For more information on creating, modifying and deleting single grid lines, see Working with grids in the Modeling manual.

Magnetic grid planes

The Magnetic grid plane and Extension for magnetic area options have been added to the Grid dialog box.

Save the model before editing magnetic grids and grid planes. Rotating a magnetic grid may not yet function correctly in Tekla Structures 12.0. Avoid overlapping of magnetic grid planes. When needed, modify the grid planes in several steps to prevent the overlapping.

Checking the location of grid planes

You may sometimes need to check the location of grid planes for example to see if parts are close enough to a magnetic grid plane that you have moved. To do this: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Tools > Advanced options > Model view and set the variable XS_GRID_PLANES_VISIBLE_WITH_USERPLANES to TRUE. Go to Properties > View... Click Display... In the Display dialog box,select the Construction planes checkbox in Visibility.

Improvements in grids

Edit > Undo works on grids and grid lines.

You can use copy and move commands on grids. For example, copy an entire grid by selecting the grid and using the Edit > Copy > Translate... command.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Add surface treatment to the entire surface of a part

You can now add a surface treatment to the entire surface of a part by using the
Create part surface treatment command. For more information, see Create part surface treatment in the online help.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Selecting surface treatment

To select the entire surface treatment of a part:

1. 2.

Click the Select component

icon in the Select switches toolbar.

Pick the surface treatment to select it.

To select surface treatment on a face of a part:

1. 2.
Remove surface treatment

Click the Select objects in components toolbar. Pick the surface treatment.

icon in the Select switches

To remove surface treatment from faces of a part:

1. 2. 3.

Click the Select objects in components toolbar.

icon in the Select switches

Pick the surface treatment on the face of a part. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

Selecting a profile
The Select profile dialog box has been improved to make it easier to select a profile for a part or a component object. Library and parametric profiles are not in separate lists any more, but they are displayed in the same tree structure. Only the relevant profiles for a concrete object are displayed on the Select profile dialog box.

For more information on selecting a profile and defining the material of profiles, see Profile in the Modeling manual.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Points not created automatically at ends of parts

Tekla Structures no longer automatically creates points at the ends of parts. This uses less memory and reduces processing time. It also means that you do not have to redraw the view as often. If you need a point at the end of a part, you can still create it manually. For more information, see Creating points in the Online help.

You can use part handles and snapping to create and move parts. See the following examples.
Select handles

To select the handles of a part: 1. 2. Select the part. Hold down the Alt key and drag the pointer from left to right to select the part. Tekla Structures displays the handles of the part. The handle at the end that was the first point picked to create the part is yellow and the handle at the other end is magenta.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Move objects

By selecting handles you are able to, for example, move objects more easily. 1. Select both of the objects by pressing the Ctrl key and picking the objects.


Hold down the Alt key and drag the pointer from left to right to select both parts again.

3. 4. 5.

Select the handle in the middle of the two objects and right-click. Select Move > Translate from the pop-up menu and enter coordinates to move the two objects. Click Move. Tekla Structures moves the two objects.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Snap to reference points

To make it possible to pick part handles, activate the Snap to reference points switch on the Snap toolbar. As you move the pointer over a part handle, the snap symbols appears. Left click to select the part handle.

Part reference lines

When you pick two points to position a part, these points form the part reference line, and handles appear at the line ends. You can snap to and pick these handles.

You can define the visibility of the part reference line in the Display dialog box. To show the part reference line: 1. 2. Go to Properties > View... Click the Display... button to open the Display dialog box.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


In the Advanced tab, check the box in Part reference line field.

See also

Click Modify and OK.

Handles in the online help. How to select objects in the online help. Snapping in the online help.

Object representation
To create customized presentation of objects in Tekla Structures 12.0, use object representation settings. You can use the object representation settings in the following ways: Modify the color of objects in the model view. The Object representation dialog box replaces the Colors dialog box, which was available in previous versions. Modify the visibility of objects in the model view. Create customized presentation of defined object groups.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


To open the Object representation dialog box, click Setup > Object representation...:

For more information on how to use the object representation settings, see Object representation settings and Object representation example in the online help. Object groups are set of rules with which you group objects by selected properties and conditions. Use the object groups: In Object representation dialog box to control the visibility and coloring of objects in all views. In 4D tool, in the Project Manager configuration.

For more information on object groups, see Object groups and Object group rules in the online help.

When you use the Clear numbers command, Tekla Structures now displays a message after numbers have been cleared.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

If you try to open more than nine views, Tekla Structures now displays a warning message.

Curved parts with profiles that had small values for size were displayed as straight lines in rendered views. This has been fixed.

Surface treatment
The Select button next to the Material option in Surface treatment properties dialog box is now grayed out when it is not possible to select a material.

When you used the Lotting dialog box to create lots, Tekla Structures displayed weight in kilograms, regardless of the unit set in Tools > Units and decimals dialog box. This has been fixed.

Opening and closing the sketch editor sometimes took a long time in large models. This has been fixed.

Numeric snapping
You can now start entering the coordinates in the Enter a numeric location dialog box by pressing the decimal key on the numeric pad first.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing




Saving and freezing associative drawings

When you have frozen a drawing in Tekla Structures 12.0, the changes that you make to associative objects afterwards in the model are will no longer appear in the drawing. When you change a drawing and then save it, Tekla Structures asks you whether you want to keep the changes. To prevent the drawing from being updated automatically, select the Disable automatic updating checkbox:

You can still open a general arrangement drawing, unfreeze it, and then re-open it to automatically update the drawing with recent changes. To re-enable automatic updating in a frozen drawing: 1. 2. 3. Go to Drawing > List... to open the drawing list. Select the drawing. Right-click and select Freeze > Off from the popup menu.

Previously when you updated an assembly, single-part or cast unit drawing without freezing the drawing, the drawing was re-created. Now the drawing is no longer re-created. This means that you must know whether the changes should be shown when you are updating the drawing. To recreate the drawing: 1. 2. 3.
See also

Go to Drawing > List... to open the drawing list. Select the drawing you want to recreate. Right-click and select Recreate from the popup menu.

Highlight changes in associative dimensions (p. 108) in the Release notes.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Nested assemblies in drawings

You can create assembly drawings of sub-assemblies. Creating sub-assemblies in the model allows you to produce less complicated drawings, which are easier to read and to understand. This reduces the risk of errors in the shop.

This assembly drawing of a truss is complicated and hard to read.

This assembly drawing of part of the same truss was created using a subassembly. It is much easier to read.


You can define the visibility, content, and appearance of marks for sub-assemblies in assembly drawings. You can also use part marks to display the assembly hierarchy in general arrangement drawings. For more information, see Mark content in the Drawing manual. You can now specify the part mark properties for the main and secondary parts of sub-assemblies in cast unit drawings. To do this: 1. 2. In the Drawing Editor, go to Properties > Drawing... Click Part mark...
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


3. 4. 5.

On the Content tab, select Sub-assembly main part or Sub-assembly secondary part depending on the part mark properties you want to define. Select the elements to be contained in the part mark. Click Modify and OK.

Bolts and welds Dimensioning

You can define the visiblity of bolts and welds separately for sub-assemblies in the Bolt properties and Weld properties dialog box. You can also define the dimensioning properties for sub-assemblies in assembly drawings. For more information, see Dimensioning nested assemblies in the Drawing manual. With Tekla Structures you can produce templates and reports that show the hierarchical structure of nested assemblies. For more information, see Producing reports on nested assemblies.

Sub-assemblies in templates and reports

Anchor bolt plan

An anchor bolt plan is a type of general arrangement drawing that displays the the layout of anchor bolts for a structure.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

You can automatically create anchor bolt plans in Tekla Structures 12.0. For more information, see Creating anchor bolt plans in the Drawing manual. You can create both enlarged views and detail views in anchor bolt plans. Tekla Structures groups together identical detail views, so that they only appear once in a drawing. If detail views are not included in a drawing, Tekla Structures displays bolt sizes in the enlarged view.

Display large dimension values more clearly

You can now use different number formats for dimensions to make large dimensions easier to read in shop and erection drawings. For example you could format 15432 to appear as 15,432 or 15 432. To do this, select the Use grouping checkbox in the Dimension properties dialog box and select a format.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Use the variables XS_DIMENSION_DIGIT_GROUPING_CHARACTER to define the separator and XS_DIMENSION_DIGIT_GROUPING_COUNT to define the number format (in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general).


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Improvements in level marks

The General tab in the Level mark properties dialog box now includes fields that enable you to define the appearance of level marks:

For information, see Create > Level mark in the online help.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Define elevation level

You now have the option to define the elevation level in general arrangement drawings and in drawing views also according to the view plane. The datum point for general arrangement drawings is set automatically when creating floor plan views. This saves your time and avoids errors during drawing creation. To define the datum level: 1. 2. 3. Go to Properties > Drawing... Click View... to display the view properties dialog box. In the Attributes tab, do one of the following: To set a specified datum level, select Specified in the Datum point for elevations field. Then enter a specific value in the Datum level field. To set the datum level according to the view plane, select View plane in the Datum point for elevations field.

Create plate side marks on dimension leader lines

You can now create plate side marks on dimension leader lines. Plate side marks indicate whether the dimension point is to the face or center of, for example, a plate, web or flange. This is particularly useful: In complex drawings In large-scale drawings, where it can be difficult to see which part a leader line is pointing to.

To create plate side marks: 1. 2. 3. Click Properties > Dimension... to open the Dimension properties dialog box. In the Plate side marks section of the Marks tab, set Type to Specified. Define the properties of the plate side marks if required.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

For more information, see Marks in the Drawing manual.

Improvements in section symbols

New options in the Section symbol properties dialog box allow you to define arrow head size, arrow length, and the distance between the symbol and the section:

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Define the appearance of the arrow head symbol

You can now also define the appearance of the arrow head symbol in the Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties dialog box using the following variables: XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_LEFT_ARROW_SYMBOL Modify the value for a different appearance, for example sections@0. XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_RIGHT_ARROW_SYMBOL Modify the value for a different appearance, for example sections@1. If you do not set these variables, Tekla Structures uses the traditional style arrow head symbol in the drawings.

In the example above, the variables XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_LEFT_ARROW_SYMBOL and XS_SECTION_SYMBOL_RIGHT_ARROW_SYMBOL have been set to sections@2. This section view symbol includes the location of the section view. If the arrow length is equal to zero, Tekla Structures places the text in the middle of the arrow symbol. Otherwise Tekla Structures places the text along the cut line.
Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Aligning section symbols

The variable XS_ALIGN_CUT_SYMBOL_BY_VERTICAL_LINE in the Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties dialog box only works on when you open drawings created with Tekla Structures 11.3 or older in Tekla Structures 12.0. Set the variable to TRUE, to position the cut symbol on the vertical line. Leave the variable blank to offset the symbol from the vertical line by the size of the arrow multiplied by 1.25.

Here the variable is set to TRUE. Use this option to indicate the exact location of the section view.

Here the variable has been left blank. This is useful when the direction is more important than the location.

The variable XS_ALIGN_CUT_SYMBOL_BY_VERTICAL_LINE is effective now only when you are converting a drawing created with Tekla Structures 11.3 or older into Tekla Structures 12.0 (or greater). You no longer have to restart Tekla Structures to activate changes to this variable.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Group identical objects on the same dimension line

You can now group identical parts, bolts, components, and cuts or shapes on the same dimension line. You can choose to automatically create dimension line tags, or to define the contents of tags manually. To group identical objects on one dimension line: 1. 2. In the drawing, right-click and select Properties... from the pop-up menu to open the drawing properties dialog box. Click Dimensioning... to open the dimensioning properties dialog box. Go to the Dimension grouping tab. You have the following options:
Activate dimension grouping: Select which objects you want to

Grouping properties: Indicate the elements that must be identical. Automatic tagging: Indicate the information to include in dimen-

sion line tags that are created automatically.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

The dimension line tag indicates the quantity of objects included in the dimension line. To define the symbol that is displayed between the quantity and the automatic tag text, use the variable XS_DIMENSION_GROUPING_COUNT_SEPARATOR in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general. The default value is x. To define what information to include in a dimension line tag: 1. 2. 3. 4. Double-click the dimension line whose tag you want to modify. In the Dimension properties dialog box, go to the Marks tab. In Tags, replace the << Automatic >> value with the required text. Click Modify.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Highlight changes in associative dimensions

To have Tekla Structures highlight the dimension text that has been changed and dimension points that have been moved when you update associative drawings, set the variable XS_HIGHLIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE_DIMENSION_CHANGES to TRUE in Tools > Advanced options > Dimensioning: general.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

For more information, see Highlight changes in associative dimensions in the Drawing manual. This feature is not yet available for reinforcing bar marks in Tekla Structures 12.0.

New part mark leader line type
There is a new part mark leader line type, which allows you to align a part mark in the center of the face of a part.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing



Embedded objects are now dimensioned correctly by the reference points of the object.

When you use the By reference point option in the Dimensioning properties dialog box, dimensions are now also associative to the middle points of objects.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Occasionally adding or removing dimension points removed the whole dimension. This has been fixed. The RD symbol was sometimes omitted from running dimensions. This has been fixed. When you create a dimension with three or more points using the Create > Dimension > Free command and end the command on the same point as the previous dimension, the dimensions are now on the same line.

Reinforcing bar marks

Merged reinforcing bar marks no longer move when you update a


Drawing views
Drawing views no longer overlap templates in assembly drawings. To rollback the Copy > Translate and Move > Translate command to work as it did in Tekla Structures 11.1 and earlier, set the variable XS_DRAWING_NO_SCALING_FOR_COPIED_OR_MOVED_OBJECTS to TRUE. With this variable set, when you copy or move drawing objects from one drawing view to another, they change size according to the scale of the view.

Updating drawings
In some occasions Tekla Structures did not add the P flag to a drawing in the drawing list when a cast unit had been changed. (The P flag indicated that parts have been changed.) This has been fixed.

Now associative symbols are also created correctly for level marks. When you changed the profile of a part, the hatch pattern did not always adjust to fit the shape of the new profile. This has been fixed. The y coordinate for assembly overall dimension was sometimes calculated incorrectly which caused associativity not to work. This has been fixed. Associativity works now correctly also when the start and end point
of a reference line are in the same location.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Intelligent cloning
Sometimes part marks in single-part drawings were incorrect when you cloned single-part drawings and the variable XS_INTELLIGENT_CLONING_ALLOWED was set to TRUE in Tools > Advanced options > Drawing properties. This has been fixed.

Plotting and printing

You can now define plot origin offset separately for each plotter in the Plotter catalog dialog box.

The new options replace the variables XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_X and XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_Y. However, setting the variables in Tools > Advanced options > Plotting will override the settings in the Plotter catalog dialog box. Using the variables XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_X and XS_PLOT_ORIGIN_MOVE_Y also affected the scale of the plot. This has been fixed.

Part marks
Merged part marks are now placed correctly when you change the part mark

leader line type.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Import and export

Location of the origin in DXF and DWG drawings
In Tekla Structures 12.0, when a view on a Tekla Structures drawing is moved the origin for the Xref is calculated differently than before. This makes sharing Tekla Structures drawings much easier: you no longer need to adjust the origin when you export to DWG or DXF. In previous versions you sometimes had to adjust the origin when the view had been moved during the modeling process.

Web Viewer
If you try to publish a model as a web page with Web Viewer using the Selected parts option in Publish as Web page dialog box without selecting any parts, Tekla Structures displays a warning message does not publish the model.

The DSTV file header was not correct when you used the variable XS_USE_NEW_PLATE_DESIGNATION. This has been fixed.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing



Custom components

Define and create connections for custom parts

You can now define a custom connection, seam or detail so that when you use component in a model, you can pick custom parts as the main and/or secondary parts. You do not have to pick each part within the component. This is useful when modeling window details in a multi-layer panel when the panel is a custom part, for example. To define a custom connection, detail or seam for custom parts, use the custom component wizard and pick the custom parts as main or secondary parts. For more information on defining custom components, see Defining custom components in the online help. When you are using the custom connection, Tekla Structures accepts only custom parts as input parts if you have defined the connection with a custom part as an input part. Use the Custom component editor to edit the properties of custom parts. For more information, see Editing custom components in the online help.

Improvements in the usability of custom components
Now you only have to click the Modify button once in any custom component dialog box to apply changes. In previous versions, you sometimes had to click Modify repeatedly if a component had many dependencies. To define how many loops Tekla Structures makes to solve dependencies in custom components, use the variable XS_CYCLIC_SOLVER_MAX_LOOPS in Tools > Advanced options > Modeling properties. The default is 2. When a custom component is not working correctly and the problem is with the equations, Tekla Structures now displays error messages in the log file that help you recognize the problem source. To see the log file, click Tools > Display log file > Log file...


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

When you selected a custom seam, its handles were not displayed. This has been fixed. When you selected a nested custom detail, the handles of the custom detail were not displayed. This has been fixed. The Variables dialog box in the Custom component editor includes a new value type, Factor. This is a decimal value without type. You can set the number of decimals for the value type in Setup > Units and decimals dialog box. Now when you create custom components, the custom component objects get the current phase number. Occasionally, adding a custom component in a skewed position generated an application error. This has been fixed. You can now automatically import a set of custom components and sketches when you create a model. To do this, edit the variable XS_UEL_IMPORT_FOLDER in the Tekla Structures batch file to point to the folder that contains the custom components and sketches. Now when you reopen the Variables dialog box, all the equations are shown even if the result of the equation cannot be calculated.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


If the reference points you picked for a custom part were not at the center of the bounding box, the custom part was not positioned correctly. Now when you define a custom part, its coordinate system is in the center of the bounding box. Offsets are calculated from the center of the bounding box. When you edit a custom part created in an earlier version of Tekla Structures, Tekla Structures asks if you want to use this new method of positioning custom parts. If you do, you will also need to open any nested custom components in the custom part and select to use the new method.



New components
Tekla Structures 12.0 includes the following new components: Component
3D cut (10)


Description Creates a 3D cut to a concrete part.

Anchor (10)

Connects two concrete parts, for example two walls or a column to a wall. Adds reinforcing bars to panel or slab edges. Adds reinforcing bars to an edge of panel or slab. Creates a connection between a concrete column and a concrete wall or panel. Creates a connection between a main concrete beam and one or two secondary beams.

Border rebar (92)

Border rebar (93)

Column - beam (14)

Concrete beam-beam (112)


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Concrete console (110)


Description Creates a connection between a concrete column and a concrete beam. Creates a connection between a concrete column and one or two concrete beams. Creates a pad footing, piles and anchor bars and/or grouting tubes. Creates embeds in concrete parts.

Concrete console (111)

Concrete foundation (1030) Inbedded (1008)

Opening in wall (40)

Creates an opening in a concrete wall or panel. Adds concrete profiles or cuts to a beam. Creates a concrete foundation block.

Parts at beam (82)

Precast found block (1028) Rebar in beam (90)

Adds reinforcing bars to concrete beams. Connects two perpendicular concrete panels with a teeth connection.

Wall teeth (12)

Component catalog
It was not possible to use the Paste command on the right-click popup menu in the thumbnail view of the component catalog. This has been fixed.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing


Handrailing (1024)
The toe plate created could not be included in an assembly. This has been fixed.

Stiffeners (1003) and Multiple stiffeners (1064)

Previously, when you re-ran these details without making any changes to them, you had to update the single-part drawing of the stiffener. Now if nothing has been changed, the update is not needed.

Box column base plate (1066)

Various issues concerning weld preparation, height of ribs, hole type and size and column fittings have been fixed in the Japanese environment. One side of the column was weld prepped at 45 degrees regardless of what angle you specified. This has been fixed.

Inner diaphragm (1059)

Double bevel cut weld preparation is now created correctly for each side of the primary column and the angle of the lower bevel cut is now taken from the correct field.

U.S. Base plate (1047)

When you change bolts to anchor rods or anchor rods to bolts, the bolts are now created and rotated correctly. When you use the option Square cut corners (1-4) Tekla Structures now cuts the correct corner of the base plate. You can now create oversized holes in the cast plate. In the details, plate washers are now part of the anchor rods assembly.

Stiffened base plate (1014)

Welds are now created in the correct position.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Stair base detail (1043)

The detail includes new options to define the distance between the beam and the plate for top, left, and right sides.

Stairs (S71)
We suggest that you always use the Stairs (S71) detail instead of Stairs (S82) to create stairs in Tekla Structures. The Stairs (S71) detail includes all the options available in Stairs (S82) and also some additional options. It also includes fixes for deficiencies found in Stairs (S82). You can now create steps using custom parts or seams with Stairs (S71). This will enable you to model accurate stairs with grating, end plates and bolts.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing




Slab bars (18)
You can now add reinforcing bars outside the slab by entering negative values in Cover thickness on sides options.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Precast Concrete Detailing

Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design

Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design module contains the following new features and fixes:

Analysis model interfaces

Tekla Structures 12.0 contains an Analysis & Design interface, which allows Analysis & Design vendors or in-house application developers to integrate their software to Tekla Structures. The integration is similar to the existing STAAD.Pro integration. You can now use also an IFC analysis model format as an analysis engine. This utilizes the new Analysis & Design interface. The analysis engine installations are now separate from the full installation of Tekla Structures, including the STAAD.Pro installation. You must run the analysis engine installations separately. When the analysis engine installation is complete, select the interface to the analysis engine you want to use.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design


When you are using the Analysis tab in the dialog box of a component to define the analysis profile settings, you can now access the different options even when you have selected No in Use analysis restraints. You can now use multiplication in the values for Buckling length or Length factor for Buckling options in the Design tab of the part properties dialog box.

Area load was not distributed correctly for beams also with varying pressure and in some geometric circumstances. This has been fixed. If the model changes after you use the Optimize command, Tekla Structures now marks the analysis results correctly as not up to date. You can now create a simpler analysis model of slabs and panels, where cuts and holes are not considered. To do this, select Yes in the option Simple plate on the Analysis tab of the attributes dialog box.


Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design

When you create an analysis model of slabs and panels, you can now define offsets for individual vertices of the slabs and panels. The offsets are defined as user-defined attributes on the Analysis offsets tab in the attributes dialog box.

After you have run the analysis or created an analysis model, use the Inquire > Object command to query the vertices. The vertex indices and their coordinates are listed in the Inquire object dialog box. To define the offset for an individual vertex, enter the offset distances as X Y Z (in current length units, values separated by spaces) in the appropriate field, according to the index of the vertex.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design



Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Analysis and Design

Tekla Structures 12.0 Project Management

Tekla Structures 12.0 Project Management configuration contains the following new features:

The status of an object is automatically updated in the model when you: Modify the user-defined attributes of an object Modify the user-defined attributes of assemblies.

Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Project Management



Release Notes Tekla Structures 12.0 Project Management

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