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The Alumni Perspective

By Pat Wylie


DAY 3- Travel to Glacier Basin National Park

I think we were all happy to leave mosquito infested Johnson Lake. A highlight of the morning was seeing the Pony Express Station. There was a lot of history in that building and it was cool to experience. It was a great way to top off a morning of running and cocoa krispies. It was hot today. The Sterling Prediction Run was about 100 degrees but the traditional Push Me Pull Me train showed up at its normal time. Lunch was a lot of fun because I had a perfect nectarine. Despite the long drive to the Rockies the first look over the hill of the mountains was amazing. This doesnt mean much coming from someone who lives in the flattest state in the country, Illinois. It reminded me of the Paavo adventure and how crucial it is to finding key experiences. Just one run in the mountains made the difficulty of altitude worth it. Theres no other running camp where you can get these same kinds of experiences. Its part of a Paavo legacy of excellence and the Spartan Spirit. Cold nights, hot afternoons, high altitude, and mountain climbs; all ways of developing goal character that can only be found on your own! I cant wait to see what will come next during these next 11 days.

Gothenberg AM Run 1. Pony Express Station 2. Breakfast at the Park Sterling Prediction Run 1. A train always passes (Push Me Pull Me) 2. 5 headed giraffe (Skygrazers) Drive to the Mountains 1. First view of the mountains at Greely 2. Pop stop at Conoco Station (Last stop before Glacier Basin)

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