Food Poisoning

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Food Poisoning

A Research Paper submitted to: Mrs. Imelda A. Jolo

Batangas Eastern Colleges San Juan Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in CA English IV

By: Nikko A. Reyta December 16, 2010

Acknowledgement Dedication Thesis Statement Chapter1. The problem and Its Setting A. Introduction B. Background of the Study C. Purpose of the Study D. Statement of the Problem E. Significance of the Study Chapter II: Definition of Terms Chapter III: History of Food Poisoning Chapter IV: Causes of Food Poisoning Chapter V: Types of Food Poisoning Chapter VI: Medical Treatment of Food Poisoning Chapter VII: Bacteria of Food Poisoning Chapter VIII: Preventing Bacterial of Food Poisoning Chapter IX: Symptoms and Mortality Chapter X: Food Poisoning Signs Conclusion Recommendation Final Bibliography Personal Data Sheet

Acknowledgement A lot of students like me have put time in to this requirement. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the following that have been part of my life and part of this success. To our Dear Lord who guides me and open my mind to do this term paper and for giving me strength in my everyday living for keeping I awake on those nights that I have to copy all those research. To my parents for helping me to finish my project for the financial support they gave to me. Without them I couldnt to this project. To my Dear teachers especially to my loving English teacher Mrs. Imelda Jolo who gave us knowledge and moral support for us that knowledge helps me a lot to do this term paper. To Ms Carandang our school librarian who gave time and allowing us to use the library To Gloria Reyta my mother for lending and helping me to do this requirement and for giving me a moral support.

Dedication First thing and foremost I would like to thank God for giving me the knowledge, health, capacity and ability to finish this term paper. I would like also to dedicate this term paper to my family specially to my parents, my mom Gloria Reyta and my dad Alberto Reyta for the understanding because there are times that I cant to my home chores because I have to focus attention in doing my projects and research. To my classmates the librarian and my best friend John Joel and Arvin Paul Ilagan for helping me in my research work. And lastly my beloved teacher Mrs. Imelda Jolo for correcting my grammar and the construction of phrases and sentences in my research To all thank you very much! You are one of the key to my success.

Thesis Statement Food poisoning is a food borne illnesses are very common and are most commonly due to bacteria or other microbes in food.

Chapter 1 Problems and its setting A. Introduction Food poisoning is a general term for a wide variety of diseases that are caused by ingesting food or beverages that are contaminated with harmful microorganism, such as certain bacteria, viruses or parasites. Food poisoning is also known as food borne illness. The most common form of food poisoning is salmonellosis , a type of food poisoning caused by salmonella bacteria other common types of food poisoning include botulism, shigellosis, mushroom poisoning, cryptosporidiosis food poisoning campy locater food poisoning ,Escherichia coli food poisoning, and staphylococcus food poisoning. Many types of food poisoning are spread from the feces of people or animals through food or beverages that have been contaminated with feces that contain infectious microorganisms includes under cooked eggs, chicken and poultry or any undercooked or raw food that comes from animals, such as sea food meat, milk and dairy products. Other foods that can cause food poisoning include toxic mushrooms, contaminated home-canned food, contaminated water, vegetables and fruits, im pasturized apple and contaminated honey. Any food can become contaminated with infection. Microorganism that cause food poisoning if it is handled by infected person with un washed hands or if it comes in constancies with contaminated food.

B. Background of the Study

Food poisoning is defined as an illness caused by consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria and /or with parasites, viruses or chemicals. The symptoms, varying in degree and combination, include abdominal pain, vomiting diarrhea, and headache; more serious cases can result in life threatening neurologic hepatic and renal syndromes leading to permanent disability or death. Most of the illnesses are mild and improve without any specific treatment. Some patients have severe diseases and require hospitality, aggressive hydration, and antibiotic treatment.

C. Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to know the meaning and how to process food properly to avoid food poisoning. We should be very careful to handle our food and maintain cleanliness at home. We hear plenty of talk these days about sustainable eating and living, when it comes to the food we buy cook feed our families.

D. Statement of the problem

1. What is food poisoning? 2. How do we prevent food poisoning? 3. How do we know that our fruits and vegetables are safe to eat? 4. What are the symptoms of food poisoning? 5. How can food poisoning be avoided at home?

E. Significance of the study

We are all aware of are importance of food poisoning. Salmonella is the most common type of food animals constitutes the main source of infection. As human beings handle the meat from the diseased animals, transmit the bacteria to other meats and foods. Authorities recognize the basic problem is with the nature of the product itself. Reluctantly we are forced to recognize the infeasibility of eradity salmonella at this time.

Chapter2. Definition of Terms

Food poisoning-is one of the most widespread ailments of human history. The cause behind these attacks could be chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, virus and bacteria. Contaminated food- they infect the individual following consumption of contaminated food. Toxin- they produce a toxin in food before it is consumed. Gastrointestinal tract- they produce toxin in the gastrointestinal tract individual consumes the contaminated food. Bacterial- these organism must be ingested for poisoning to occur, and in many instances only a few cells need be consumed to initiate a gastrointestinal infection.

Chapter3. History of food poisoning Food poisoning one invariably has to examine the life and early childhood of the good Dr. Alfred Gregory. At young age Dr. Gregory suffered a traumatic experience at the hands of food. The nature of this experience is unknown, although he has stated on one occasion that it involved horrific things with teeth and tongues, suggesting that are point, he was forced to engage in consumption and digestion with food possibly for erotic purposes. Regard less, the subsequent

physiological scarring was so powerful that, to this day, Dr. Gregory has an intense dislike for food, and seeks to kill and eat food whenever he finds the time to. The young Alfred, after being force to comment acts an innocent child should never have to let alone with food, immediately lapsed into solitude and depression. Statements by his mother describe him as a complete loner, almost as though he learned the world and its startlingly by the other children of his age, as doing the lucky chewy with food was considered an in thing in his isolation.


Cody M.M and Keith , Mary Food Safety for Professionals. (California: Wilshire Book co. , 1991), p. 20.

Chapter4. Causes of food poisoning Food illness usually arises from handling, preparation, or food storage. Good hygiene practices before during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness. The action of monitoring food to insure that it will not cause food borne illness is known as food safety. Food borne disease can also be cause by a large variety of toxins that affect the environmental. For food borne caused by chemicals sea food contaminants. Food borne illness can also be caused by pesticides or medicines in food and naturally toxic substances like poisonous mushrooms of reef fish. Some could even come lead to death.


Gene Loysdan , At Natures Pace. (New York:

Chapter5. Types of food poisoning Typhoid fever- a gastro intestinal condition mainly in the developing world it is caused by a bacterial infection, usually as form of food poisoning. Typhoid fever is related to the similarity named typhus. Ptomaine food poisoning- a rarely used medical term for food poisoning caused by bacteria and their toxic by the products ptomaine food poisoning is actually incorrectly used to label food poisoning as the ptomaines formed when bacteria de compose proteins themselves are not actually harmful but the bacteria and other by products of their activity are. Infant botulism food poisoning is very dangerous food. Food poisoning needs medical attention. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of infant botulism food poisoning is available below.

Chapter5. Types of food poisoning Typhoid fever- a gastro intestinal condition mainly in the developing world it is caused by a bacterial infection, usually as form of food poisoning. Typhoid fever is related to the similarity named typhus. Ptomaine food poisoning- a rarely used medical term for food poisoning caused by bacteria and their toxic by the products ptomaine food poisoning is actually incorrectly used to label food poisoning as the ptomaines formed when bacteria de compose proteins themselves are not actually harmful but the bacteria and other by products of their activity are.

Infant botulism food poisoning is very dangerous food. Food poisoning needs medical attention. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of infant botulism food poisoning is available below. Botulism food poisoning- extremely dangerous food poisoning requiring medical attention, but not always recognized because of its non- abdominal symptoms. More details information about the symptoms, causes and treatments of botulism food poisoning is available below.

Chapter6. Medical treatment of food poisoning

The main treatment for food poisoning is putting fluids back in the body. The process of rehydration through an intravenous line or by drinking you may need to be admitted to the hospital. This depends on the security of the dehydration your response to therapy, and your ability to drink fluids without vomiting. Children in particular, may need close observation.

Anti vomiting and diarrhea medication may be given. The doctor may also treat any fever to make you more comfortable. Anti biotic would worsen the condition. Only a few specific causes of food poisoning are improved by using these medications. The lengths of illness with travelers diarrhea (shigelloses) can be decreased with antibiotics, but this specific illness usually run its courses and improves without treatment.

With mushrooms pesticides, hospital.

poisoning or

or eating

foods contaminated as antidotes.

with These




poisoning are very serious and may require intensive care in the

Chapter7. Bacteria of food poisoning Bacteria are common cause of food borne illness. In the United Kingdom during 2000 the individual bacteria involved were as follows. Campylobacter jejune 77.3%, salmonella 20.9% Escherichia coli 0157: H7 1.4% and all others less than 0.1% [3].In the past, bacterial infections were thought to be more prevalent because few places had the capability to test for non virus and no active surveillance was being done for this particular organism. Symptoms for bacterial infections are delayed because the bacteria need time to multiply. They are usually not seen until 12-72 hours or more after eating contaminated food.

Chapter8. Preventing bacterial of food poisoning Prevention is mainly the role of the state, through the definition of strict rules of hygiene and public surveying of animal products in the food chain from forming to the transformation industry and delivery (shops and restaurants). This regulation includes Traceability in a final product, it must be possible to know the origin of the ingredients (originating from identification of the harvesting or of the animal) and where and when it was processed; the origin of the illness can thus be tracked and be removed from the sale if a problem is detected. Enforcement of hygiene procedures like HACCP and the need chain. Power of control and law enforcement of veterinarians. In August 2006, the United States Food and Drug administration approved phage therapy which involves spraying meat with viruses that infect bacteria, and thus preventing infection. This has raised concerns because without mandatory labeling consumers wouldnt be aware that meat and poultry products have been treated with the spray. At home prevention mainly consists of good food safety practices. Many contaminated by cooking it sufficiently, and eating it quickly or refrigerating it effectively diagnosis may also include a complete blood count, which can help to determine if an infection process, such food poisoning is present. A chemistry panel is a blood test that can evaluate if the symptoms of food poisoning have lead to the complication of dehydration.

Chapter9. Food poisoning sign Food poisoning mainly occurs due to bacterial like staphylococcus,

clostridium porringers, E-coil, salmonella and wisteria that infest the food. It can also be caused due to toxoplasmosis or shigellosis. It occurs if a person consumes old dairy products, foods kept in a refrigerator for a long period of time, back unwashed salads and under cooked meat, etc The food poisoning signs and symptoms vary according to kind of bacteria that affected the food you consume. The severity of food poisoning also depends on your age, are roll health and immune systems .Most of the times the symptoms of food poisoning appear after few days of the consumption of poisonous food. But sometimes the start appearing within hours after the consumptions, food poisoning outbreak can occur if a number of people consume the contaminated food like people consuming poisonous food in cafeteria or in a party. If a person consumes food containing mayonnaise refrigerator for a long time, then it can cause food poisoning. Some of the severe signs and symptoms of food poisoning are in pain in the chest, or rapid pulse rate, shallow breathing, clammy, cold and pole skin, sunken eyes, low blood pressure and increased heart and breathing

Chapter10. Symptoms and Mortality Symptoms typically begin several hours to several days after consumption and depending on the agent involved can include one or more of the following: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, fever headache or fatigue.

In most causes the body is able to permanently recover after a short period of acute discomfort and illness. However, food borne illness can result in permanent health.

Conclusion As a student I therefore conclude that food poisoning is a very important in our life style. It helps a lot it a big contribution in the community as a whole in life I also conclude organic natural forming is kinder to our environment. Ti keeps toxic chemicals that linger in the environment for many years out of the air, water and soil.

Recommendation I would like to re commend this term paper to that entire person who is very conscious about their health. We must learn to plans our own back ground by using the organic farming. The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about ecofriendly eating is still organic food and rightly so. Choosing organic food is an easy way to make a step towards healthier and greener eating. Organic natural forming is a means of form production based on the philosophy of working in harmony with nature and using only sustainable forming methods.

Final Bibliography Cody, M.M. and Keith Mary, Food Safety for Professional. (California: Wilshire Book co. , 1991), p.20. Gene Loysdan , At Natures Pace.(New York: Patheon Books, 1994),p.155. Nicols Fox, It Was Probably Spoiled. (New York: Basic Book, 1997),p.108. Nicols Fox, It Was Probably Something to Ate. (Penguin Books, 1999),p.46. Mullichap Gordon, Environmental Poisons in our Food. (New York: PNB Publishers, 1993),p.69. Ray Tannhile, Food in History. (Crown Publishers, 1993),p.76. Richard Lacey, Hard to Swallow. (New York: Cambridge Press, 1994),p.54. Robin Mother, A Garden of Rose. (New Jersey: Penguin Books, 1995),p.113.

Personal Data Sheet Name: Nikko A. Reyta N-name: nicz Birthday: Febreuary, 10. 1995 Birthplace: P. Naval Cavite City Hobbies: Playing Basketball, Texting Ambition: To be a successful Computer Programmer Email address: Favorite color: Green Favorite sport: Basketball Favorite pet: Dog Favorite song: Aking Pagmamahal Favorite food: Chicken Adobo Mothers name: Gloria Reyta

Fathers name: Alberto Reyta

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